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(Norsk) Disputas – Håkon Skogrand Eliassen – 13. Juni
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This week, the Bioinformatics in Bergen conference organized by the Computational Biology Unit gathered more than 60 researchers interested in bioinformatics as well as renown international speakers. The conference was a tremendous success. A Master’s student and a PhD candidate were awarded with prizes for poster and talk… and both are from K2! Please join us in congratulating Lorensha Naidoo and Kira Hoeffler!
We look forward to welcoming you in 2024, for an iteration that will be held together with the Norwegian Bioinformatics Days.
Heart disease in women – Meeting with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation
Place: Meeting room 8.1 Laboratory building, 8th floor
Time: 08.06.23 kl. 10-11 CEST
Chair: Professor Bente Moen
Nancy Zions, Jewish Healthcare Foundation: Introduction about the Foundation and motivation for the visit to Norway (10 min)
Postdoctoral researcher Hilde Halland: Hypertension in women: Lots of knowledge but lack of implementation (15 min)
Associate professor Dana Cramariuc: Sex and gender disparities in heart valve disease (15 min)
Tea and coffee will be served
Agenda General Assembly
Tuesday 13 June 2023 at 13:00-14:00 on Zoom
Welcome by the Forum Chair
End of meeting
Minutes from last years GA here.
Course 6 June 9.00-12.00 Alrek Helseklynge
Most funding schemes incorporate innovation perspectives into their application templates. These are especially visible in the chapters on impact but go beyond and should be found as a red line throughout a good research project – or rather, research and innovation project.
Increasing your literacy on the innovation topic will not only increase your abilities to succeed with grants, but also help you make your research more relevant to society. In this course, we will discuss what “innovation” in academia actually means, get inspiration from good examples, learn about ways to increase your innovation potential, talk about innovation management in practice and about ways to collaborate with partners outside of academia; oftentimes a prerequisite for successful innovation.
• Topic 1: Innovation in academia – examples and concepts
• Topic 2: How to boost your innovation potential
• Topic 3: Innovation management in collaborative research projects
• Topic 4: Collaboration with partners outside of academia
Target group
Suitable for researchers who want to boost their innovation potential to increase the impact of their research.
Invitation from Open DIPS and Haukeland University Hospital
We’re excited to extend an invitation to you to participate in an event that promises not just to be intriguing, but also carries the potential to transform the way health services are delivered.
Open DIPS in collaboration with Haukeland University Hospital is hosting a two-day Hackathon on Tuesday 6th June from 08:00 to 15:30, and Wednesday 7th June from 08:00 to 13:30. The event is to be held at Eitri, Haukelandsbakken 31, 5009 Bergen.
Why should you participate? We’re glad you asked!
We hope that through this Hackathon, we can bring together a diverse set of minds and ideas to innovate and create solutions that revolutionize health services.
Registration closes on 31st May 2023. We encourage you to register early and secure your place in this pivotal event.
Let’s join hands in this exciting venture, paving the way towards a healthier, brighter future.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best, Eitri
The Public Consultation on the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda of the future European Rare Diseases Partnership is now open. You can share your voice here by the 09/06/2023.
Under Horizon Europe, the European Commission together with Member States and Associated Countries decided to implement the Rare Diseases Partnership which brings a unique vision that aims at leaving no one behind by supporting robust patient need-led research, by utilising and maximizing the power of health and research data, by engaging and coordinating regional, national, EU and international alignment in order to accelerate the development of new treatments and diagnostic pathways.
To build its strategy on the voice and input of all stakeholders and as part of the preparatory process of this future Rare Diseases Partnership (foreseen start in 2024) the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the RD Partnership is now open for public consultation.
We hope to gather the inputs of all types of stakeholders to make sure that the actions of the partnership will fit the needs and expectations of rare diseases community.
Both organisations and individuals can participate in this hearing.