The deadline for Helse Vest research funding is 15 September, and new for this year is that it is no longer possible to apply for short term funding to complete the doctoral project.
On this page (under headline “Application categories and guidelines”), you can find guidelines for all the application categories. Please note that the postdoctoral period can be extended from 2.5 years until 3 years if you include a research stay abroad.
The applications are evaluated for scientific quality and the project’s benefit to patients and impact on patient care. These two criteria are equal. You can read more about the evaluation criteria here.
On this page, you can find more information, among other a link to the application form and a template for the project description.
We would be happy to assist you in the application process, so come by our office in 8th floor in the Laboratory building, or send an email to Itana Sloper-Krivopapic and Amra Grudic-Feta.
Itana and Amra