Daily Archives: Thursday August 25th, 2016

Innovation adds value

helgeIt is common to think that the end product of a research project are the publications that come out of the project. Many would add that the popular scientific dissemination of the project results is also part the end product: dissemination provides added value of the project results by demonstrating their utility to the society.

Innovation may also contribute to added value and increased society benefit. Commercialization of a research project is to move from possibility to reality: to offer new diagnostics and therapies to the society, not only lay the their foundation. Innovation is like research a creative process, but with a slightly different focus more geared towards market-oriented application. Both the Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest) and the ERC funding institutions evaluate the innovation potential of a project in the funding application processes, and the Western Norway Regional Health Authority also awards an Innovation Prize.

kineThe Department of Clinical Science (K2) wants to strengthen innovation at the Department by setting goals for innovation in the strategic plan, but also through an established partnership with Bergen Technology Transfer Office (BTO) where a counselor from BTO, Kine Gregersen, will be available in the K2 expedition in the 8th floor every 2. and 4th Tuesday of the month. We hope you find an opportunity to reach out to her. Conversely, she will actively try to find an opportunity to consult with someone in your research group. Please embrace such an initiative if you do not take action yourself, it can pay off!

Helge Ræder

PhD course: Course in clinical studies including ICH-GCP

forskerskolen_i_klinisk_medisinCourse in clinical studies including ICH-GCP (GCP901) is a very relevant course for PhD students doing clinical Research
At this course you will be given a thorough introduction to:

  • ICH-GCP and laws relevant to clinical research including the Health Research Act and related regulations ICH-GCP
  • on the design and conduct of clinical trials and development of some applications that are relevant to clinical research
  • Different units inform what they can assist with in the implementation of clinical trials
  • The importance of ethical considerations in clinical trialsThe PhD course GCP901 is a 1 ECTS course part of the Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research. It is led by Professor Eyvind Rødahl and Professor Thomas Halvorsen. NB! This is same course which was previously called “Good clinical practice (ICH-GCP) for PhD candidates”.

Day 1: 26th of September (half day)
Day 2: 29th of September (whole day)
Day 3: 7th of October (half day)

Registration: at the Studentweb by 1st of September
If you have any questions regarding the course please feel free to contact:

Course content: Eyvind Rødahl – Eyvind.Rodahl@uib.no , Thomas Halvorsen-   thomas.halvorsen@helse-bergen.no or Stefan Johansson – Stefan.Johansson@uib.no Administrative matters: Solveig Lund Witsø Solveig.Witso@uib.no

NGS application seminar Thursday September 8th

Regarding our new Illumina HiSeq4000 next-generation sequencing system the Genomics Core Facility is happy announce a NGS application seminar Thursday September 8th.

Time: September 8th, 13.00 – 16.00.
Place: Meeting room 5.1/5.2, 5th floor Laboratory building.

Please see the invitation here for more information on the program and for registration to the seminar.