Monthly Archives: April 2016

Free Internet Courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics

Uppsala universitetI would like to inform that our September 2016 introductory course on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (7.5 ECTS credits) given by Uppsala University is now open for application.

The course, which is free of charge for EU/EAA-citizens, is suited for researchers, post docs, teachers and students who are interested to learn how complex chemical and biomedical processes can be investigated even down to their finest chemical details using informatics, and how this can be used for the development of novel drugs. Continue reading

Announcement of Grants from Gades Legat

Grant announcements from Gades Legat Bergen 3/31/2016
Gades Legat announces grants for use in research in pathology, microbiology and immunology. Anyone who is academically affiliated research at UiB or Haukeland University Hospital in pathology, immunology or microbiology can apply for funding.
Applications must be concise and contain:

  • Name of the applicant and workplace
  • Name and brief description of the project applying for funding
  • Budget
  • Applications must total not exceed 2 pages

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Invitation to nominate candidated for Eric K Fernströms Nordiska Pris 2016

Professors at all the medical faculties in Norden are invited to nominate candidates.  For more information, see attachments.

Attachments (in Norwegian and Swedish):
Letter of information from UiB
Letter of information from Fernströmska priskommittén i Lund (3 pages)
Eric K Fernströms Stiftelse 2016 – Dekaner och expeditioner i Norden
Nomination Form