Monthly Archives: April 2016

Candidates for The Research and Innovation Award for the Health and Care services, City of Bergen 2016

BergenAt the opening conference for enhanced collaboration in research, innovation and education 14 June, a research & innovation prize will be awarded to an environment or a person who has given an outstanding contribution to research and innovation in health and care in Bergen.

The Department of Health and Care Services, the City of Bergen, invites employees in the City of Bergen, the University of Bergen, Bergen University College, Helse Bergen and Uni Research Health to propose candidates. Continue reading

Announcement: The Blix Family Endowment

The Blix Family Endowment for the promotion of medical research was established on 1 December 1983. The purpose of the fund is to support medical research, particularly in the fields of cardiovascular disease and cancer, including medical diagnostics in these fields. Research projects combining basal and clinical research are preferred, with special emphasis on applications from young researchers. Applications for grants should be submitted to the Fund’s Board by Attorney Erik Keiserud, Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA, PO Box 471 Sentrum, 0105 Oslo. Applications must be sent no later than 25 June 2016 and should be written on a standard application form which will be sent by request to e-mail:

The Research Council of Norway warns against research magazines with paid content

Norwegian researchers are regularly requested to give interviews to magazines such as International Innovation and Science and Technology (Pan European Network).
Note that these magazines bill researchers from NOK 20 000, – and up for publication.

Several employees of UiB have also been contacted by these magazines, and it is easy to be tempted into giving an interview. Continue reading

Open meeting: New guidelines for the use of genetic testing in medical and health research

Thursday 21 April, we organize an open meeting on new guidelines for the use of genetic testing in medical and health research.

Open meeting: How should we conduct genetic research in Norway?
Genetic information has become central to a lot of research. Rapid development in the field in combination with the data’s sensitive nature has created much debate and also uncertainty surrounding the management and proper implementation of such projects.
For more information, please see attachment (in Norwegian).

Overview of contact persons for each floor, K2.

In the first quarter of 2016 K2 has established contact persons at each work site / floor at the department.The K2 contact persons will answer questions concerning the operation and use of our facilities, but decisions will still be made by the Head of Department. Below you will find a list of who’s contact person for each floor and enclosed you will find a mandate for the contact persons (in Norwegian).

The following employees are contact persons:
Work site                                                             Name
9. floor Laboratory Building                             Torunn Eide
8. and 7. floors Laboratory Building                Kari Mortensen
6. floor Laboratory Building                              Jorunn Skeie Bringsli
6. floor Oncology Lab Laboratory Building    Beryl Leirvaag
5. floor Laboratory Building                              Kjerstin Jakobsen
3. floor Laboratory Building                              Kristin Paulsen Rye
Floor 1M Laboratory Building                           Beryl Leirvaag
The Childrens Clinic                                            Anne Hammer Knudsen
The Womens Clinic                                             Britt Edvardsen

Locking of doors to the laboratories as of Monday 11 April

Following the recommendation of the Estate and Facilities Management Division at the UoB the department management has decided that the doors of the laboratories will be locked. You will need a key card and code to get in. The purpose is to make it more difficult for unauthorized persons to gain access to our premises.The doors currently require card and code in the period 4 pm- 8 am on weekdays. From now on an access card is always needed to gain access to the laboratories. The contact person for each floor have been asked to lock the doors as of Monday 11 April. Thank you for your understanding.

Julie Stavnes
Head of Administration, Department of Clinical Science

Public PhD Defence, Week 15

Inger Marie Løes

Inger Marie Løes will defend her PhD thesis on Tuesday, April 12th, 2016
Trial lecture: Tuesday, April 12th, 2016, 09:15
Topic: “Is there a role for immunotherapy in colorectal cancer treatment?”
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Tuesday, April 12th, 2016, 11:15
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Genetic heterogeneity in liver metastases from colorectal cancer”
1st opponent: Professor Bengt Gustavsson, Universitetet i Gøteborg, Sverige
2nd opponent: Førsteamanuensis Karen-Lise Gram Spindler, Universitetet i Århus, Danmark

Press release (in Norwegian)

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Respiratory Rate During the First 24 Hours of Life in Healthy Term Infants.
Tveiten L, Diep LM, Halvorsen T, Markestad T.
Pediatrics. 2016 Mar 30.

A restrictive policy for red blood cell transfusion in older hip fracture patient: experiences from a patient register.
Martinsen MI, Valland H, Solheim LF, Holvik K, Ranhoff A.
BMC Res Notes. 2016 Feb 9;9(1):75.

Nutritional screening of patients at a memory clinic -association between patients’ and their relatives’ self-reports.
Lyngroth AL, Hernes SM, Madsen BO, Söderhamn U, Grov EK.
J Clin Nurs. 2016 Mar;25(5-6):760-8.

Changes in selfreported health and quality of life in octogenarian patients
one month after transcatheter aortic valveimplantation.
Olsen SJ, Fridlund B, Eide LS, Hufthammer KO, Kuiper KK, Nordrehaug JE, Skaar E, Norekvål TM; CARDELIR Investigators.
Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2016 Apr 1

Better health-related quality of life (mental component summary), having a higher level of education, and being less than 75years of age are predictors of hospital admission among cognitively intact nursing home residents: a 5-year follow-up study.
Drageset J, Eide GE, Ranhoff AH.
Patient Prefer Adherence. 2016 Mar 7;10:275-82.

New horizons in the implementation and research of comprehensive geriatric assessment: knowing, doing and the ‘know-do’ gap.
Gladman JR, Conroy SP, Ranhoff AH, Gordon AL.
Age Ageing. 2016 Mar;45(2):194-200

Wants To Make K2 International

Eystein 2The Department Management and Administration will take new paths to get research funding. In June the management lead by Per Bakke will embark on a 3-week trip to the world’s highest ranked universities, including Harvard, NIH, the Mayo Clinic and an elite university in Hawaii. The institute’s research will be presented and the management will learn more about how to apply for funding from the United States, including from the NIH and the industry.

The trip, including stay, board and travel (5 star hotels and business class due to tight itinerary) comes to about 500 000 NOK. This may seem expensive, but the potential is huge and we choose to use our leeway like this instead of hiring a research consultant .

The management wants 1-2 persons from the permanent academic staff to join the trip. For more information, or to register your interest, follow this link.



The HSE Corner

Cycle to Work campaign 2016

Get fit together with good colleagues! You and your team count minutes exercised every day. Despite the name of the campaign, you can run, bike, swim or walk. The Cycle to work campaign runs from April 19 through June 17 2016. Now is the time for enrollment.

For everyone who lives or works in Bergen municipality it is free to attend. You can participate alone or with colleagues (2-5 in a team).

More information and registration

Free Internet Courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics

Uppsala universitetI would like to inform that our September 2016 introductory course on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (7.5 ECTS credits) given by Uppsala University is now open for application.

The course, which is free of charge for EU/EAA-citizens, is suited for researchers, post docs, teachers and students who are interested to learn how complex chemical and biomedical processes can be investigated even down to their finest chemical details using informatics, and how this can be used for the development of novel drugs. Continue reading

Announcement of Grants from Gades Legat

Grant announcements from Gades Legat Bergen 3/31/2016
Gades Legat announces grants for use in research in pathology, microbiology and immunology. Anyone who is academically affiliated research at UiB or Haukeland University Hospital in pathology, immunology or microbiology can apply for funding.
Applications must be concise and contain:

  • Name of the applicant and workplace
  • Name and brief description of the project applying for funding
  • Budget
  • Applications must total not exceed 2 pages

Continue reading

Invitation to nominate candidated for Eric K Fernströms Nordiska Pris 2016

Professors at all the medical faculties in Norden are invited to nominate candidates.  For more information, see attachments.

Attachments (in Norwegian and Swedish):
Letter of information from UiB
Letter of information from Fernströmska priskommittén i Lund (3 pages)
Eric K Fernströms Stiftelse 2016 – Dekaner och expeditioner i Norden
Nomination Form