Daily Archives: Friday September 26th, 2014

K2’s annual HSE-Day

Scandic ørnenThis is a reminder that everyone must reserve November 5th for K2’s annual HSE-day, where the focus will be K2’s inner life.
The location will be the new Hotell Ørnen vis a vis the Bus station. The day starts at 08:15 with a session specifically directed at practical work in the lab, risk assessment and contingency planning. From 12:00 the program will be aimed at motivation, with Marco Elsafadi. The day ends at 16:00. Final program and registration will come, but reserve the date.

Opening conference for National Centre for Food, Health and Physical Activity

National Centre for Food, Health and Physical Activity is a newly established resource centre, and is inviting to an opening conference. The conference will take place at Bergen University College, in their new grounds at Kronstad, October 28-29, 2014. The programme for the opening conference features a range of exciting and practically oriented talks within the topics of mastering and physical activity, and food for, and education of, children and youths. The conference presentations will cover new research within the field, various relevant projects, and examples of good practices in kindergartens and in schools. Deadline for signing up: 01.10.14.  For more information (in Norwegian).


Eystein 2Department of Clinical Science encourage our PhD students, postdocs and permanent academic staff to travel abroad for shorter or longer research stays. Equally important, we want to welcome foreign researchers for similar visits to K2. UiB has a number of opportunities for internationalization that may not be as well known to everyone. At UiB’s website, under the tab International, there is a lot of relevant information. In addition, you can contact The Research Department for further inquiries. Some of the opportunities are:
Exchange agreements – UiB has agreements with the University of Washington and University of New Foundland. Funds for exchange visits for PhD candidates may be applied for.
Networks – UiB participates in several international university networks, including the World Universities Network and the University of the Arctic. These networks support research exchange and there are also research funding opportunities.
Funds for research exchange and international research – There are numerous programs within the EU’s H2020 program, including Marie Curie Actions, that are specifically aimed at research exchange. Furthermore, The Research Council of Norway has bilateral agreements with several countries (e.g. The Leif Ericsson Mobility Program). At UiB it is also possible to apply for SPIRE funds.
Norwegian centers abroad – UiB employees have access to Norwegian centers in several cities abroad, including Athens, Rome and Dubrovnik. These may for instance be used for meetings with international partners.

Explore the webpage International at UiB. Moreover, the Vice Principal Anne Christine Johannessen can assist with advice in international issues.

Good luck and good hunting

Eystein Husebye
Acting Head of Department