Week 10/2014.
Stathmin protein level, a potential predictive marker for taxane treatment response in endometrial cancer.
Werner HM, Trovik J, Halle MK, Wik E, Akslen LA, Birkeland E, Bredholt T, Tangen IL, Krakstad C, Salvesen HB.
PLoS One. 2014 Feb 25;9(2):e90141. PMID: 24587245
Deficient phosphorylation of stat1 in leukocytes identifies neutralizing antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-Beta.
Gavasso S, Mosleth EF, Marøy T, Jørgensen K, Nakkestad HL, Gjertsen BT, Myhr KM, Vedeler C.
PLoS One. 2014 Feb 19;9(2):e88632. PMID: 24586361
Loss-of-function mutations in SLC30A8 protect against type 2 diabetes.
Flannick J, Thorleifsson G, Beer NL, Jacobs SB, Grarup N, Burtt NP, Mahajan A, Fuchsberger C, Atzmon G, Benediktsson R, Blangero J, Bowden DW, Brandslund I, Brosnan J, Burslem F, Chambers J, Cho YS, Christensen C, Douglas DA, Duggirala R, Dymek Z, Farjoun Y, Fennell T, Fontanillas P, Forsén T, Gabriel S, Glaser B, Gudbjartsson DF, Hanis C, Hansen T, Hreidarsson AB, Hveem K, Ingelsson E, Isomaa B, Johansson S, Jørgensen T, Jørgensen ME, Kathiresan S, Kong A, Kooner J, Kravic J, Laakso M, Lee JY, Lind L, Lindgren CM, Linneberg A, Masson G, Meitinger T, Mohlke KL, Molven A, Morris AP, Potluri S, Rauramaa R, Ribel-Madsen R, Richard AM, Rolph T, Salomaa V, Segrè AV, Skärstrand H, Steinthorsdottir V, Stringham HM, Sulem P, Tai ES, Teo YY, Teslovich T, Thorsteinsdottir U, Trimmer JK, Tuomi T, Tuomilehto J, Vaziri-Sani F, Voight BF, Wilson JG, Boehnke M, McCarthy MI, Njølstad PR, Pedersen O, Groop L, Cox DR, Stefansson K, Altshuler D.
Nat Genet. 2014 Mar 2. PMID: 24584071
The emergence of targeted drugs in breast cancer to prevent resistance to endocrine treatment and chemotherapy.
Austreid E, Lonning PE, Eikesdal HP.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2014 Feb 28. PMID: 24579888
Impact of isolated systolic hypertension on normalization of left ventricular structure during antihypertensive treatment (the LIFE study).
Mancusi C, Gerdts E, De Simone G, Abdelhai YM, Lønnebakken MT, Boman K, Wachtell K, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB.
Blood Press. 2014 Feb 24. PMID: 24564262
Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to olivera.bozickovic@k2.uib.no.