Week 05/2014.
Increased microvascular proliferation is negatively correlated to tumour blood flow and is associated with unfavourable outcome in endometrial carcinomas.
Haldorsen IS, Stefansson I, Grüner R, Husby JA, Magnussen IJ, Werner HM, Salvesen OO, Bjørge L, Trovik J, Taxt T, Akslen LA, Salvesen HB.
Br J Cancer. 2014 Jan 7;110(1):107-14. PMID: 24178757
Blood eosinophil counts during bronchiolitis are related to bronchial hyper-responsiveness and lung function in early adolescence.
Mikalsen IB, Halvorsen T, Oymar K.
Acta Paediatr. 2014 Jan;103(1):86-92. PMID: 24117779
Landscape of genomic alterations in cervical carcinomas.
Ojesina AI, Lichtenstein L, Freeman SS, Pedamallu CS, Imaz-Rosshandler I, Pugh TJ, Cherniack AD, Ambrogio L, Cibulskis K, Bertelsen B, Romero-Cordoba S, Treviño V, Vazquez-Santillan K, Guadarrama AS, Wright AA, Rosenberg MW, Duke F, Kaplan B, Wang R, Nickerson E, Walline HM, Lawrence MS, Stewart C, Carter SL, McKenna A, Rodriguez-Sanchez IP, Espinosa-Castilla M, Woie K, Bjorge L, Wik E, Halle MK, Hoivik EA, Krakstad C, Gabiño NB, Gómez-Macías GS, Valdez-Chapa LD, Garza-Rodríguez ML, Maytorena G, Vazquez J, Rodea C, Cravioto A, Cortes ML, Greulich H, Crum CP, Neuberg DS, Hidalgo-Miranda A, Escareno CR, Akslen LA, Carey TE, Vintermyr OK, Gabriel SB, Barrera-Saldaña HA, Melendez-Zajgla J, Getz G, Salvesen HB, Meyerson M.
Nature. 2013 Dec 25. PMID: 24390348
Gender differences in orthostatic tolerance in the elderly.
Mellingsæter MR, Wyller VB, Wyller TB, Ranhoff AH.
Aging Clin Exp Res. 2013 Dec;25(6):659-65. PMID: 23990455
Meta-analysis of symptomatic response attributable to the pacing component of cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Sohaib SM, Chen Z, Whinnett ZI, Bouri S, Dickstein K, Linde C, Hayes DL, Manisty CH, Francis DP.
Eur J Heart Fail. 2013 Dec;15(12):1419-28. PMID: 24259043
Pulmonary gas transfer in children and adolescents born extremely preterm.
Satrell E, Røksund O, Thorsen E, Halvorsen T.
Eur Respir J. 2013 Dec;42(6):1536-44. PMID: 23180590
The relationship between markers of extracellular cardiac matrix turnover: infarct healing and left ventricular remodelling following primary PCI in patients with first-time STEMI.
Manhenke C, Ueland T, Jugdutt BI, Godang K, Aukrust P, Dickstein K, Orn S.
Eur Heart J. 2013 Nov 18. PMID: 24255130
Exhaled nitric oxide is related to atopy, but not asthma in adolescents with bronchiolitis in infancy.
Mikalsen IB, Halvorsen T, Oymar K.
BMC Pulm Med. 2013 Nov 17;13(1):66. PMID: 24237793
Genome-wide association study of subtype-specific epithelial ovarian cancer risk alleles using pooled DNA.
Earp MA, Kelemen LE, Magliocco AM, Swenerton KD, Chenevix-Trench G; Australian Cancer Study; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Lu Y, Hein A, Ekici AB, Beckmann MW, Fasching PA, Lambrechts D, Despierre E, Vergote I, Lambrechts S, Doherty JA, Rossing MA, Chang-Claude J, Rudolph A, Friel G, Moysich KB, Odunsi K, Sucheston-Campbell L, Lurie G, Goodman MT, Carney ME, Thompson PJ, Runnebaum IB, Dürst M, Hillemanns P, Dörk T, Antonenkova N, Bogdanova N, Leminen A, Nevanlinna H, Pelttari LM, Butzow R, Bunker CH, Modugno F, Edwards RP, Ness RB, du Bois A, Heitz F, Schwaab I, Harter P, Karlan BY, Walsh C, Lester J, Jensen A, Kjær SK, Høgdall CK, Høgdall E, Lundvall L, Sellers TA, Fridley BL, Goode EL, Cunningham JM, Vierkant RA, Giles GG, Baglietto L, Severi G, Southey MC, Liang D, Wu X, Lu K, Hildebrandt MA, Levine DA, Bisogna M, Schildkraut JM, Iversen ES, Weber RP, Berchuck A, Cramer DW, Terry KL, Poole EM, Tworoger SS, Bandera EV, Chandran U, Orlow I, Olson SH, Wik E, Salvesen HB, Bjorge L, Halle MK, van Altena AM, Aben KK, Kiemeney LA, Massuger LF, Pejovic T, Bean YT, Cybulski C, Gronwald J, Lubinski J, Wentzensen N, Brinton LA, Lissowska J, Garcia-Closas M, Dicks E, Dennis J, Easton DF, Song H, Tyrer JP, Pharoah PD, Eccles D, Campbell IG, Whittemore AS, McGuire V, Sieh W, Rothstein JH, Flanagan JM, Paul J, Brown R, Phelan CM, Risch HA, McLaughlin JR, Narod SA, Ziogas A, Anton-Culver H, Gentry-Maharaj A, Menon U, Gayther SA, Ramus SJ, Wu AH, Pearce CL, Pike MC, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Rzepecka IK, Szafron LM, Kupryjanczyk J, Cook LS, Le ND, Brooks-Wilson A; On behalf of the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium.
Hum Genet. 2013 Nov 5. PMID: 24190013
Trends in pediatric imaging: ultrasound.
Berg A, Greve G.
Acta Radiol. 2013 Nov;54(9):1096-105. Review. PMID: 23982321
Losing ALTITUDE? How should ASTRONAUT launch into ATMOSPHERE.
Krum H, Massie B, Abraham WT, Dickstein K, Kober L, McMurray JJ; ATMOSPHERE Investigators.
Eur J Heart Fail. 2013 Nov;15(11):1205-7. PMID: 23989432 No abstract available.
Role of DNA methylation and epigenetic silencing of HAND2 in endometrial cancer development.
Jones A, Teschendorff AE, Li Q, Hayward JD, Kannan A, Mould T, West J, Zikan M, Cibula D, Fiegl H, Lee SH, Wik E, Hadwin R, Arora R, Lemech C, Turunen H, Pakarinen P, Jacobs IJ, Salvesen HB, Bagchi MK, Bagchi IC, Widschwendter M.
PLoS Med. 2013 Nov;10(11):e1001551. PMID: 24265601
Effect of overweight and obesity on cardiovascular events in asymptomatic aortic stenosis: a SEAS substudy (Simvastatin Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis).
Rogge BP, Cramariuc D, Lønnebakken MT, Gohlke-Bärwolf C, Chambers JB, Boman K, Gerdts E.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Oct 29;62(18):1683-90. PMID: 23770175
Quantitative DNA methylation analyses reveal stage dependent DNA methylation and association to clinico-pathological factors in breast tumors.
Klajic J, Fleischer T, Dejeux E, Edvardsen H, Warnberg F, Bukholm I, Lønning PE, Solvang H, Børresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Kristensen VN.
BMC Cancer. 2013 Oct 5;13:456. PMID: 24093668
Left ventricular geometry in obesity: is it what we expect?
de Simone G, Izzo R, De Luca N, Gerdts E.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Oct;23(10):905-12. PMID: 24095148
Intravenous immunoglobulin does not reduce left ventricular remodeling in patients with myocardial dysfunction during hospitalization after acute myocardial infarction.
Gullestad L, Orn S, Dickstein K, Eek C, Edvardsen T, Aakhus S, Askevold ET, Michelsen A, Bendz B, Skårdal R, Smith HJ, Yndestad A, Ueland T, Aukrust P.
Int J Cardiol. 2013 Sep 20;168(1):212-8. PMID: 23046599
The nutritional strategy: Four questions predict morbidity, mortality and health care costs.
Tangvik RJ, Tell GS, Eisman JA, Guttormsen AB, Henriksen A, Nilsen RM, Oyen J, Ranhoff AH.
Clin Nutr. 2013 Sep 18. PMID: 24094814
GALR1 methylation in vaginal swabs is highly accurate in identifying women with endometrial cancer.
Doufekas K, Hadwin R, Kandimalla R, Jones A, Mould T, Crowe S, Olaitan A, Macdonald N, Fiegl H, Wik E, Salvesen HB, Widschwendter M.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2013 Jul;23(6):1050-5. PMID: 23727823
[STOPP inappropriate drug use in elderly].
Bjørnestad EØ, Ranhoff AH.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2013 Jun 11;133(11):1175. Norwegian. No abstract available. PMID: 23759776
PI3K Pathway in Gynecologic Malignancies.
Salvesen HB, Werner HM, Krakstad C.
Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2013:218-21. PMID: 23714506
Differential inhibition of ex-vivo tumor kinase activity by vemurafenib in BRAF(V600E) and BRAF wild-type metastatic malignant melanoma.
Tahiri A, Røe K, Ree AH, de Wijn R, Risberg K, Busch C, Lønning PE, Kristensen V, Geisler J.
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 30;8(8):e72692. PMID: 24023633
Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to olivera.bozickovic@k2.uib.no.