Kategoriarkiv: Seminar og konferanser

Social media for researchers

This workshop will show you how to use social media to extend your own impact, network with your peers, and get access to opportunities in both academia and industry.

25.05.2023 – 09.00–12.00

Seminar room A+B, basement of Muséplass 1. Use entrance from Professor Keysersgate.

Signe Knappskog

Registration deadline

19.05.2023 – 12.00

Register here


Healthy Working Habits: Time Management and Writing Motivation

This course will cover topics that deeply affect all researchers in and outside academia, and also transfer to other careers: time management and writing motivation. All disciplines and career stages are welcome. The course will be delivered by Zoom – you will get the link the day before.

27.04.2023 – 09.00–11.30


Ellen Hagen

Registration deadline

25.04.2023 – 23.55



How to write a competitive CV for the Industry?

The Industry is everything that is not academia. The course will teach you how to develop customized resumes and how to tailor the cv for a position.

05.05.2023 – 09.00–11.00

UiB Ferd Career Center for early-stage Researchers, Museplass 2, 2. etg

Registration deadline

03.05.2023 – 23.55



The 24th Broegelmann Lecture 15th of May

The 24th Broegelmann Lecture is taking place on the 15th of May at 3pm with speaker Dr Peder Olofsson from the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet.

The talk focuses on Dr Olofssons’ work in the exciting field of Bioelectronic medicine: the convergence of molecular medicine; neuroscience and biology; and electronics and computing to develop cures — which may change the future of therapies for a wide variety of diseases. This groundbreaking discipline is aimed at interfacing electronics with nerves to specifically target the biological processes underlying disease.

Everyone is welcome!

More information and a link to register can be found at The 24th Broegelmann Lecture- Peder Olofsson | The Research Group of Immunology and Rheumatology | UiB .

This seminar has been arranged by the Broegelmann Research Laboratory, NSI Bergen and the Bergen Research School in Inflammation.

How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants

The competition for ERC Grants can be daunting, but UiB has many examples of researchers who have won and enjoy the academic freedom of an ERC grant. Find out how to best prepare your application with this digital workshop. The Starting Grant is for early stage researchers (up to 7 years after their PhD has been defended). The next deadline is expected to be 23.10.23 (date tbc in June 2023). Consolidator Grant stipend is for mid-career researchers (7-12 years after their PhD is defended) who would like to propose a groundbreaking and risky project that they could not finance anywhere else.

Digital workshop 12-13 June 2023


Felles undervisningsdag 2023

Det skjer for tiden mange endringer som på studiefeltet. Dermed passer det fint at Klinisk institutt 1 og 2 forsetter sitt gode samarbeid, og også i år arrangerer en felles undervisningsdag.

Undervisningen utvikler seg stadig i form og innhold. For at vi skal opprettholde det gode nivået, er det viktig at vi som underviser utvikler oss utdanningsfaglig. På undervisningsdagen får vi mulighet til å lære av undervisningsgruppen for geriatri. De har utviklet engasjerende og nyskapende undervisning, som de nylig ble tildelt Helse Vests utdanningspris for. Vi vil også diskutere hvordan vi kan samarbeide enda bedre om undervisningen vår, slik at vi både sikrer at studentene på tvers av studiested får det beste faglige tilbudet og samstemt læringsutbytte, og samtidig reduserer unødvendig dobbeltarbeid.

Hva, hvor og når

K1 og K2s felles undervisningsdag
Auditoriet i Armauer Hansens Hus
3. mai klokken 12:00-15:30

Meld deg på

Meld deg på, få gratis lunsj og møt hyggelige kolleger for inspirerende innlegg og diskusjoner om endringer og god undervisning.
For at vi skal ha nok lunsj til alle, er det fint om du gir beskjed om du kommer. Du gi beskjed ved å følge denne lenken: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=14686489

Vel møtt!

Heldagsseminar for ph.d.-veiledere 21. april

Det medisinske fakultet har gleden av å invitere til fysisk heldagsseminar for ph.d.-veiledere 21.april.

Det medisinske fakultet har om lag 100 disputaser hvert år. Mange disputaser er av høy internasjonal standard, men ca. 10-13 % må gjennom omarbeiding. Kappen er det svakeste leddet. «Manglende stringens» og «for lav akademisk kvalitet for å kunne publiseres som et helhetlig akademiske litteratur på feltet» er ofte begrunnelsen for avslag.

Rune Krumsvik er professor i pedagogikk og merittert underviser. Han har skrevet flere bøker om artikkelbaserte doktoravhandlinger og holder kurs i kappeskriving.

Meld deg på veilederseminaret for faglig påfyll om din rolle i å veilede og hvordan gi tilbakemelding på kappeskriving slik at kandidaten slipper potensiell forsinkelse pga. mindre omarbeiding.


09:00-09:10 Åpning og introduksjon
Visedekan for forskerutdanning professor Martha C. Enger

09:10-10:00 Kvalitet i avhandlingen versus artiklene
Professor Rune Krumsvik

10:00-11:00 Kvalitet i avhandlingen – utdeling av case
Førsteamanuensis Monica Kvernenes

11:00-11:15 Pause

11:15-12:00 Forskningsetikk
Professor Kristine Bærøe
Diskusjon i grupper og i plenum

12:00-13:00 Lunsj

13:00-14:00 Hva kan man som veileder gjøre når det er vanskelig å veilede?
Professor Hans-Peter Marti
Diskusjon i grupper og i plenum

14:00-15:00 Hva er en god veileder fra kandidaten sitt perspektiv?
Ph.d.-kandidat Julie Solberg Knudsen
Diskusjon i grupper og i plenum

Vel møtt!

Se også fakultetets egen side om veilederopplæring:

PhD grant writing workshop

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD candidates to a workshop on «How to write a successful grant proposal».

The workshop will enable PhD candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal.

Target audience: PhD candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.


  • The literary genre of a project proposal
  • Evaluation criteria: excellence, impact, implementation
  • Curriculum vitae and track record
  • The funding landscape in Norway and Europe

Speakers: Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine

Time: The workshop will go over to half-days, with obligatory homework to be submitted on the second day.

Monday 22 May, 10-12
Wednesday 24 May, 10-13

Place: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen

Course fee: free

The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease

150 Years Since the Discovery of the Leprosy Bacillus

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the leprosy-causing bacteria, Mycobacterium leprae, by Dr. Gerhard Armauer Hansen. To mark this historic anniversary, Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative and the University of Bergen in Norway are organizing The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease:150 Years Since the Discovery of the Leprosy Bacillus on June 21-22, 2023.

Although leprosy can now be treated with multidrug therapy, delayed treatment can lead to lifelong disability and discrimination against those affected. The World Health Organization and other international organizations aim to eliminate leprosy by 2030, and the Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease will bring together stakeholders from around the world to discuss medical, social, and historical aspects of leprosy. This conference is part of the “Don’t Forget Leprosy” campaign.

Good deals on accommodation in Bergen can be found in the registration form.

We look forward to seeing you!

Date: June 21-22, 2023
Place: Grieg Hall (Address: Edvard Griegs Plass 1, 5015 Bergen, Norway)
Organizers: Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative & The University of Bergen
Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation is being coordinated)

For more information and program overview, please visit the conference website.:


MRCRM-konferansen 2023

Hva: MRCRM internasjonale konferanse om regenerativ medisin
Når: 24.-25. april 2023
Hvor: Scandic Ørnen

Foredrag med internasjonale forskere, nettverking, lightning talks, god lunsj og middag!

Pris til beste studentbidrag på lightning talks!

For mer informasjon + påmelding se lenke under.
Påmeldingsfrist 17. april:
