Author Archives: kre025

Library courses spring 2015

The library offers courses in literature searching and handling of references.
The courses are meant for employees and students at the University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital.  The courses are free of charge.

The following courses are offered spring 2015:

– PubMed & EMBASE
– Introduction to databases in knowledge-based practice
– Cochrane and systematic overviews
– EndNote – introductory course and refresher course

If you wish other types of seminars or courses at your department, please contact the library.  See course program for more information, dates and deadlines for signing up: (in Norwegian)

Course in the Chemical Register (ECOonline)

The course will give an introduction on how to use ECOonline, the electronic chemical register for UiB.

Target group

Employees responsible for registering chemicals in the chemical register ECOonline.

Course contents

At UiB, the use and storage of all chemical- and biological agents should be risk assessed in the chemical register ECOonline, UiB’s electronical material database.

The course “The Chemical Register (ECOonline)” will give an introduction on how to use ECOonline.  Participants will become familiar with the database, as well as learn how to create a user and location, in addition to registering data sheets in the database. The training will take place in a computer lab.

Time: Wednesday January 28, at 09:00-11:00

Place: Stein Rokkans hus

Sign up electronically  by no later than December 15 via this link:

NB: The course is given in Norwegian


Exam time and pre-Christmas activities

Eva Gerdts

So we are in advent again, and many courses will have exams before the autumn semester comes to an end on 12.12.14. This is a busy time for both students, lecturers, censors and the academic administration.  In addition, detailed planning of new curriculum for the school of medicine is ongoing.  This issue was once again on the agenda at the Faculty Board meeting on 26.11.14.  The framework for teaching and exams was approved.  In the future curriculum there will be at most 19 hours of scheduled teaching activities every week, and there will be exams at the end of each semester covering the multi-disciplinary learning goals.  In addition, at the end of 3rd and 6th year, a practical station exam (OSCE-exam) will take place.  Each semester, a semester council responsible for teaching and exam activities will be established, and K2 will be responsible for three of these semester councils, as well as for final exams on the 6th study year.  In order for the semester councils to have as strong a foundation as possible for its important work, it is now time for the heads of the academic sections, in coordination with people in charge of courses and topics, to gather lecturers and plan when and how teaching will be done of the individual topics in the new curriculum.  A detailed plan for distribution of study credits between courses in different semesters is the starting point for this important work.  The new curriculum will be implemented for first-year students from autumn 2015 and onwards, and in autumn 2016 a new curriculum will also be implemented for fourth-year students.  Thus there will be a 4-year period where teaching will follow both the new and the old curriculum.  I know that several academic sections are already well underway with this work, and it is important to finish our part of the teaching planning as soon as possible.  I kindly ask this to be sent to head of academic affairs within January 31, 2015.  Updated information on the new curriculum is available at (in Norwegian)

Good luck with this important work!


Follow-up of the HSE-seminar

As a follow-up to the HSE-seminar we had this autumn, we would like to remind everyone about performance appraisals for 2014. Performance appraisals should be conducted with nearest leader.  Everyone employed in principal employment should be offered a performance appraisal.  Technicians and PhD-Candidates will conduct their performance appraisals with their research group leader.  Those who have not been offered a performance appraisal in 2014 should contact their research group leader.  Professors with principal employment will be offered performance appraisals in 2015 when the new Head of Department is employed.


Network Luncheon – Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research

The research school would like to invite all interested PhD-Candidates to a network luncheon on Monday December 15 at 11:30 in the Conference room, 3rd floor, BB-Building.  The following candidates will present their research this time:

1.  Øystein Solberg Eikrem, PhD candidate.

Title:”Correlation of Transcriptome Sequencing Data from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded vs. RNAlater® stored Kidney Biopsies” Group:Renal Research Group. K1.

2.  Yunpeng Ding,  PhD candidate.

Title:  “Plasma glycine levels and risk of coronary artery disease in patients with suspected stable angina pectoris”. K2.

After the presentation a delicious lunch will be served – free of charge!

Please send an e-mail if you are interested in participating to


Midway evaluations week 50

Laeya Abdoli Najmi
Wednesday December 10, at 13:45-14:45
Place: Seminar room, 9th floor, Laboratory Building
For more information click here.

Andre Sulen
Friday December 12, at 10:00-11:00
For more information click here
Place: Seminar room, 7th floor, Laboratory Building

Leslie Sofia Pareja Eide
Tuesday December 9, at 08:30-09:45
Place: SAS Hotel, Bryggen
For more information click here.

Public defence week 50

moyo_sabrina_picture_2Sabrina John Moyo will have her public defence on Monday December 8, 2014.

Trial lecture: Monday December 8, 2014, 09:15

Topic: “Molecular diagnostics – a means to reduce burden of disease in children in resource poor settings?”

Public defence: Monday December 8, 2015, 11:15
Place: Aud.1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91

Title of dissertation: “Viral diarrhea in children under two years of age in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”

1st opponent: Ph.d. Johan Nordgren, Linköping University, Sweden

2nd opponent: Ph.d. Frank Olav Pettersen, Oslo University Hospital

Poster    Press release

Research presentations from 2014

Researchers and PhD-candidates from K1 and K2, as well as from Helse Bergen, are invited to present their work to fellow researchers and the general audience through poster presentation. The event is organized by the Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research, and the poster exhibition will take place on January 26-30, 2015.  Prizes will be awarded the best posters.  Deadline for signing up is December 1, 2014.  Click here for more information.

Equality conference at UiB

The University of Bergen is inviting anyone interested to the annual one-day conference on equality on December 5.  At this year’s conference you will meet researchers, activists and practitioners who, from their different viewpoints, will contribute with illuminating the topic of sexual orientation in regards to discrimination at the work place.  Kim Friele and Norman Anderssen are among the exciting speakers invited.  The conference will be opened by Rector Dag Rune Olsen and will finish with a panel debate hosted by Linda Eide.

Read more here (in Norwegian)

Sign up here (in Norwegian). Deadline for signing up is November 30.
