Mobility seminar for researchers

If you are planning a research stay outside of Norway, this mobility seminar will be useful and will help you with all you need to go through before leaving.

14.09.2023 – 12.00–14.00


  • Social security outside Norway
  • Healh rights abroad
  • Tax
  • Insurance
  • Register move
  • Health and vaccinas
  • Personal safety
  • IT-security
  • Are you traveling with family?


The seminar is held in English.

Survey about future in health

Healthcare has been selected among top three export industries as Norway is transitioning its economy from the oil & gas.

Could we develop a robust healthcare industry in Bergen region? Can innovation from Bergen not only strengthen the local economy and Norway’s healthcare but also contribute to better global health?

Together with Bergen’s Chamber of Commerce, EY, and other partners, we at Eitri strive to build health innovation ecosystem in the region. To achieve this goal, we need your insight – not as a representative of an organization but as an individual and citizen with valuable opinions.

Please, give us your feedback by clicking here.

It is anonymous and only takes a few minutes. We hope to hear from you by August 31.

Also, share the survey with your colleagues, friends, and network! Together we can make a significant difference to our city!


Welcome to the new semester!

Here we go again! I hope everyone has had a great holiday and has recharged their batteries.

As of this writing, the students have already started, and many K2 employees are fully engaged in teaching. As Eystein Husebye wrote about last week, the first group for Vestlandslegen is now in place at Stavanger University Hospital, marking a completely new organization of medical education in the western part of Norway. It will be exciting to see if there will be additional funding for more students at Vestlandslegen in this autumn’s budget.

On Tuesday, August 29th, there will be a meeting with the teaching group leaders and the leadership team at K2. I encourage all UGLEs to attend and contribute to improving the organization and content of the teaching.

Regarding research, the first deadlines for project applications are approaching quickly. The deadline for applications to Helse Vest is already September 15th, so it’s time to get started. Since the Research Council now has a rolling deadline for open project funding, applications to them might get deprioritized. It’s crucial to proactively approach applying to the Research Council so that it doesn’t get forgotten.

I urge you to sign up for the new initiative, Faculty Research Day, on September 26th, which will be held at Eitri. Furthermore, a dedicated research day is being planned at Stavanger University Hospital in connection with the regular teaching days (Joint Education Council) that K1 and K2 hold at SUS every semester. The goal is to highlight research with the aim of increasing research collaboration between the two institutions. I believe there’s significant potential here.

This autumn, K2 must also focus on finances. As mentioned before, we are facing a significant deficit for various reasons – a trend we must reverse. If we stand together, we can navigate through this and hopefully even emerge stronger. It’s often in adversity that innovation happens, and entirely new ideas are born. So, I reiterate the call from before the summer: Help us brainstorm how we can manage with slightly less space, fewer staff, and slightly fewer resources through K2, and how we can generate more income that reflects in K2’s budgets.

Have a fantastic semester!


Recruitment positions MED

There will be recruitment positions from the faculty announced this autumn with the following positions:

7 open PhD fellowships
4 PhD fellowships earmarked for the research programme
1 PhD position earmarked for dentistry
2 open postdoc positions

 The application deadline will probably be about October 1. More information will follow as soon as we know more.

BRSI guest lecture, Riitta Lahesmaa, M.D., Ph.D.

On 14th September Dr Lahesmaa, will give the lecture “New Regulators of Human T-Cell Differentiation”.

The lecture starts at 2pm in Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken

Everyone is welcome, no registration required.
This event is proudly organized by the Bergen Research School of Inflammation.

See the link below for details.

BRSI guest lecture, New Regulators of Human T-Cell Differentiation | Bergen Research School in Inflammation | UiB

FRIPRO – information on the transition to an open-ended call

In October, FRIPRO will open up for continuous application reception and processing. Earlier this year we also introduced both a waiting period and a submission restriction period for applicants.

In the applicant webinars on the 12th (Norwegian) and 13th (English) of September, we will present the changes we are introducing.

Read more about the changes that are being introduced (in Norwegian)

We will address questions such as how your application will be processed, how equal treatment of the applications will be ensured, how long time you can expect the application processing to take, which of the three calls may be right for you and the rules for the waiting period and the submission restriction period.

It will be possible to submit written questions during the webinar, and we will answer questions at the end of the live feed. A recording of the webinar will be available on the Research Council’s website shortly after.

Target group:Researchers who wish to apply to FRIPRO, employees who work with administrative support for those who apply.


Registration deadline:September 13th kl 08.00

Digital:Live streaming

13 Sep 10:00 – 11:30
Sign up here.

Course in data protection and -security

UiB handles large amounts of personal data and information, both in research and administration. You as an employee need to know how personal data is handled and how you can maintain data security, both for yourself as a person and for UiB.

All our employees complete a basic course in data protection and data security. The course consists of short modules, each of which takes a few minutes to complete.

The link below will take you to the course on Mitt UiB:
Click here to start the course

UiB Career days— Identify your skills for career development

When we talk about career, what are we talking about then? UiB asks researchers, managers and editors how they understand the term and how they assess skills and competence. The aim is to create debate and reflection, but also to provide space for networking and new ideas.
Read the full program here:
UiB Career days— Identify your skills for career development | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
Read the full program and
26.-28. September, UiB, Bergen

Call for Applications for CAS Research Grant

The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) invites researchers to pursue excellent, fundamental, curiosity-driven research in Oslo during the 2025/2026 academic year. Assemble your international dream team of prominent researchers and apply for a research stay at CAS.

Application deadline: 18 October 2023.

Each year, we host three research groups which stay at CAS, situated at the stately premises of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo, for one academic year. Each project receives a grant of roughly NOK 3.2 million.

There are no laboratory facilities at CAS. However, projects involving laboratory work, field work and data collection are welcome to apply to develop the theoretical aspects of their research. Laboratory work, field work and data collection must take place either before the stay at CAS or at another suitable place during the stay.

Only faculty members who hold permanent, full-time, tenured academic positions at CAS’ partner institutions(UiB is partner) in Norway are eligible to apply.


ERC Proposal Reading Days open for registration

Bergen Tuesday 12 September 9.00-12.00/12.30-15.30

Conditions for the Reading Days

  • Only by preregistration
  • You must sign Declaration of Confidentiality
  • Photocopying or photos of the applications are not allowed
  • Applications cannot be taken out of the reading room
  • The registration is binding.

Who can participate
The Reading Days are only open for researchers at Norwegian institutions (universities, university colleges, research institutes etc.) and for EU-advisers who are employed by Norwegian institutions. Please use your institutional e-mail address when you register.

The registration is binding. If you sign up, but cannot attend after all, you must deregister before the registration deadline. People who deregister after the deadline or who do not turn up, will be blockedfrom participating in Reading Days for the next 3 months.

This is an individual, physical reading session only, and it does not include tutorials about the ERC. In order to participate you should be involved in preparing a proposal and familiar with the various ERC grant schemes, as well as the conditions for participation and proposal documents.


CCBIO906 Cancer Genomics, 2023

This 3 ECTS course will provide a broad understanding of aspects related to the cancer genome. Methods for analyzing DNA and RNA will be covered, including next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Focus will be on mutations, copy-number alterations, chromatin structures and RNA transcriptome and expression patterns. Further, ethical, legal aspects, and hereditary predispositions in relation to investigations of the cancer genome will be taught.

More info:

Course in basic microscopy 2023

The Molecular Imaging Center (MIC) will arrange a Course in basic microscopy 19.-21. September 2023. This is a compact course aimed at new beginners in the field of microscopy, and at those with some experience in search of a better understanding of the principles. The course introduces mainly techniques that involve samples with fluorescent markers, but also regular bright field imaging will be covered.
Microscopy is very technology driven and there is a huge range of technologies/systems that can be used for many different applications that involve both simple and advanced imaging experiments. In this course the focus will be on the most basic (= most common) applications on a selection of different microscopy systems.  These systems are all accessible to students/scientists through MIC, and hopefully the course will equip the students with more knowledge on which system to choose over another in future imaging experiments.
During the course there will be demos on five different systems. Students will still need additional training on the microscopes they want to start using, but after such a course their basic understanding of these powerful tools will be at a different level, and hopefully help them perform imaging experiments with higher quality from the beginning.
Descriptive images can be useful, but in most cases image processing and analysis will become necessary. It is important to understand which information microscopy images contains and how to handle them. It is a great benefit to start using image analysis software early in an imaging career, so a brief introduction will be given of the two most commonly used, Fiji (ImageJ) and QuPath. Both are developed by and for scientists, and free to download.
For more information and registration: Course in basic microscopy 2023 | Molecular Imaging Center (MIC) | UiB
BBB, 3rd floor Histologisal 2, 19.-21. September 2023


Vestlandslegen is born

Last Tuesday the opening of Vestlandslegen was officially marked at Stavanger University Hospital (SUS). Vestlandslegen is now the name of The Medeical School at UiB, where some of the students receive their main clinical training in Stavanger.

Vestlandslegen’s father Professor Steinar Hunskår gave us an interesting introduction to the motivation for and the history behind Vestlandslegen. The idea is that the entire country must be used in medical education in order to increase the capacity and create connection to the region where the education takes place. The work Hunskår and his colleagues have done will not only have significance for the Western Norway, the Vestlandslegen is also a template for similar decentralized education at the other universities in Norway, emphasized by Martin Fredheim who congratulated on behalf of the Ministry of Education.

The first group consists of 7 students, but the number will quickly be increased to 20. Further expansion of the program in Stavanger and later in Haugesund and Førde will depend on funding from the Ministry of Education. It is therefore important that the Vestlandslegen is successful and there is every reason to believe that it will be. Dean Per Bakke and Hospital director Helle Schøyen at SUS emphasized the good cooperation during the pregnancy of Vestlandslegen.

Hunskår also took the opportunity to say thank you and passed the baton to Professor Simon Dankel as project manager for the Vestlandslegen. We are convinced this will ensure the newborn Vestlandslegen good nutrition so that it can grow well.

Vestlandslegen is also important in a larger perspective. The program will help spread and increase medical expertise at SUS and the rest of Western Norway, which was emphasized by Helse Vest’s director Bjørn-Egil Vikse. Vestlandslegen will contribute to bringing the region of Western Norway together even more. Can we imagine that the Universities of Stavanger and Bergen could merge, possibly also with the University College of Western Norway? Western Norway must become stronger so that we can win in competition with UiO and NTNU and not compete with each other for limited funds.

With this, we wish Vestlandslegen success, the best medical education in Norway.

Eystein Husebye
Deputy director K2

Advanced Therapies Medicinal Products (ATMP) lunch meeting 31st of August

EATRIS ATMP platform offers over 44 state ­of­ the ­art European Centres, covering the entire ATMP production and development pipeline. Norway, Sweden and Finland are considering building a Nordic EATRIS ATMP hub with the aim to accelerate the translation of ATMPs into patient benefits by connecting the Nordic capacities and capabilities in the ATMP development process.

Together with Anita Kavlie, EATRIS national coordinator of Norway, we are happy to announce that 31st of August the first capacities mapping event at UiB for MED and HUS researchers, having interest on ATMPs, will be held. Expected outcomes of the event are opportunities to showcase research and innovation in ATMP, expanded network of contacts, common events, and potential research projects in the future. Participating here gives you a unique possibility to have an impact from the start.

The meeting will take place at AAH boardroom at 4 floors from 11 to 13, including lunch. Please register your interest in ATMPs topics and/or participation in the lunch meeting here by 28th of August.

CodeRefinery Workshop Announcement

CodeRefinery invites everyone interested in improving their software practice skills to join the CodeRefinery workshop September 19-21 and 26-28, 2023, for free and online. 

The workshop covers good coding practices, reproducible research principles, and using Git for collaboration. It offers breakout room exercises with team leaders, and you can register as a team or volunteer as a team leader. But you can also follow on your own if you prefer.  

 Register and find more information at 

Shape Health in Bergen!

Healthcare has been selected among top three export industries as Norway is transitioning its economy from the oil & gas.

Could we develop a robust healthcare industry in Bergen region? Can innovation from Bergen not only strengthen the local economy and Norway’s healthcare but also contribute to better global health?

Together with Bergen’s Chamber of Commerce, EY, and other partners, we at Eitri strive to build health innovation ecosystem in the region. To achieve this goal, we need your insight – not as a representative of an organization but as an individual and citizen with valuable opinions.

Please, give us your feedback by clicking here.

It is anonymous and only takes a few minutes. We hope to hear from you by August 20.

Also, share the survey with your colleagues, friends, and network! Together we can make a significant difference to our city!