Dear all,
A lot of important work is currently underway to coordinate the 2015 model for medical studies and the Western Norway MD pilot into one common study model for medical education in Western Norway. Many are and more will be involved in a broad survey to find the best possible feasible solution to ensure good medical education throughout Western Norway.
In the new multi-campus model, all medical students will be gathered here in Bergen for the first three years of their studies, while for the last three years, the students will be distributed between Bergen, Stavanger, Førde and Haugesund. The students will then receive all practical training and teaching in the same place. The same subjects will be covered in the same part of the programme, which will make it possible to provide good collaboration with good synergies. At the same time, local adaptations are crucial.
Patient contact through courses and, not least, practice in hospitals and in the primary health service is emphasised, as this is of great importance in order to be able to take on the role of doctor in a good way. As in all education of health personnel, it is crucial to have close collaboration between the hospital/health axis and the university axis. Together we are strong! The hospitals in the Western Norway as well as the primary health service are central in the planning work for adjusting the medical programme to a common multi-campus model.
This autumn, the first 20 students who will take the last three years of their medical studies in Førde will start, and they will go to Førde in the autumn of 2028. In Stavanger, the first students are now at the 4th and 5th year of study in the Vestlandslegen, and this is in parallel with the continuation of the 2015-model practice which will gradually be scaled down and will in the spring of 2027 have been transferred to Bergen in its entirety.
All good input to ensure the best possible education of doctors in Western Norway is welcome!
I wish you all a really good weekend!