Category Archives: Application deadlines

EMBO Young Investigator Programme

The EMBO Young Investigator Programme supports life scientists who have been group leaders for less than four years at the time of application in setting up their laboratories. Young Investigators receive financial support for networking for four years and benefit from training opportunities, support for their lab members and mentoring. They become part of an international network of more than 600 current and former EMBO Young Investigators, Installation Grantees and Global Investigators.

Bergen Summer Research School 2023

Kindly disseminate widely the Bergen Summer Research School 2023!

Please take a closer look and invite, re-post, tweet and share in your respective networks, and please like and share what is shared!

Your positions and networks are highly valued, and also, hopefully your network’s PhDs may benefit a lot from BSRS 2023.

The application deadline is 1st February 2023.

All courses are developing extremely nicely and I would warmly recommend them for our PhDs near and far!

I recommend Counting every child for PhD candidates in child health and related

I recommend Food and nutrtion security in childhood for PhD candidates in child nutrition and related

I recommend Responsive caregiving in Complex emergencies for PhD candidates in child psychology, pedagogics and related

Those interested in sustainability, democratic processes, school and eduction, check this out

And lastly migration: Please check this out

It is an excellent opportunity to gather people in Bergen!


[Innovators in Science Award] 2-Weeks Until Nominations Open on February 1, 2023

On behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences, I am pleased to invite University of Bergen to submit two nominations for the 2024 Innovators in Science Award.

Established in November 2016, the Innovators in Science Award is a global award recognizing a promising Early-Career Scientist’s and an outstanding Senior Scientist’s contributions to biomedical science and is intended to support their commitment to innovative research. Two prizes of US$200,000 are awarded each Award cycle to winning scientists who have distinguished themselves for the creativity and impact of their research in a designated therapeutic area.  The award is administered by the New York Academy of Sciences and sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

To draw attention to the increasing global cancer burden, the 2024 Innovators in Science Award will recognize scientists from around the globe for their exceptional research in Cancer Immunology. Cancer remains the second leading cause of death worldwide, exacerbated by the difficulty in progressing novel therapeutics from the research lab to the clinic.

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Dear all!

Do you/your research group/research group know anyone who has excelled in 2022, either on the research front (publication, research environment, PhD work, dissemination), as an innovation environment or in terms of teaching? The Faculty of Medicine has announced a number of prizes for 2022, so now you have the chance to nominate colleagues/environment (or yourself!). The categories are

  1. Publication of the Year (NOK 100 000)
  2. Research environment of the year (NOK 150 000)
  3. PhD work of the year (NOK 75 000)
  4. Dissemination award (NOK 75 000)
  5. Innovation award (NOK 150 000)
  6. Education Award (up to three awards for outstanding initiatives in education, a main prize of NOK 150,000 and up to two more prizes of NOK 50,000 each!)

We from K2 can put forward one candidate in each category, so do not hesitate to submit proposals (with supplementary reasons) by Monday 6 February. More detailed information can be found here.

Proposal for Publication/PhD/Group/Dissemination/Innovation

Suggestions for Education Awards

Have a nice weekend!

Call for proposals: Innovation potential on Nordic patient records

Nordic Innovation will fund a project with the aim to demonstrate a concrete solution utilizing the context-rich information provided in patient journals records across Nordic countries in solving healthcare challenges.

UC Berkeley: Apply for Peder Sather Grant

Interested in visiting UC Berkeley? Apply for the Peder Sather Grant Program to collaborate with one of the best universities in the world. Deadline is April 3rd.

Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study is a collaboration between UC Berkeley and 8 Norwegian universities. Every year, the center supports projects carried out by researchers at UC Berkeley in collaboration with researchers from the Norwegian universities.

Grants can support activities such as workshops, mini-conferences, virtual intellectual exchanges, the undertaking of exploratory and pilot studies, activities such as PhD student exchanges, longer-term stays for Principal Investigators, the collection and analysis of data, and other core research activities.

Welcome to Its21 – call for abstracts! Deadline January 15th

The 7th conference on interdisciplinary teamwork skills for the 21st century, will be held in Bergen, Norway on 27th-28th April 2023. It is hosted by Centre for Interprofessional Workplace Learning (TVEPS)

Conference theme: In pursuit of a sustainable future: creating and anchoring interprofessional- and sustainability mindsets in educations and in the work field.

Call for abstracts! Deadline January 15th
Topics include (but are not restricted to): Research results, innovative examples of interprofessional education, societal value of student learning, reducing inequality and increasing sustainability in interprofessional education and in society, educational facilitators as change agents.

Abstracts can be sent to

See webpage for more info

The Letten Prize

Call for applications for the Letten Prize 2023
The call for applications for the Letten Prize 2023 is now open. The application deadline is February 6th, 2023.

The Letten Prize
The purpose of the prize ‘is to recognize younger researchers’ contributions in the fields of health, development, environment and equality in all aspects of human life’. Furthermore, ‘the prize aims to raise public awareness of how research can be used to solve global human development challenges’. The Letten Seminar, hosted in connection with the prize ceremony, is particularly dedicated to the latter. Read more about the initiators’ vision for the prize here.

2023-2024 Call for Proposals from the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study at UC Berkeley

Dear Colleagues:

The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study supports projects carried out by researchers at UC Berkeley in collaboration with researchers from eight Norwegian universities. The Center offers grants between $10K and $25K. Funds are made available for two academic years.

Grants can support activities such as workshops, mini-conferences, virtual intellectual exchanges, the undertaking of exploratory and pilot studies, activities such as PhD student exchanges, longer-term stays for Principal Investigators, the collection and analysis of data, and other core research activities.

Interested applicants should visit the Proposal Application Guidelines on the Peder Sather Center Website. All application materials must be submitted by the deadline of April 3, 2023.

Eligible collaborating applicants from both UC Berkeley and Norwegian consortium institutions must be in contact with one another prior to applying for funds, and have a letter of collaboration commitment signed by both parties. There must be at least one Principal Investigator from UC Berkeley and one from a Norwegian consortium institution.

Principal Investigators from UC Berkeley must be ladder-rank faculty (i.e. hold Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor titles); no substitutions may be made. Principal Investigators from Norwegian consortium institutions must hold the position of either postdoktor (on the condition that the individual is able to document consistent employment at the consortium institution for the duration of the project), førsteamanuensis or professor (i.e. hold positions equivalent to Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor titles in the US).

Members of research teams who are not Principal Investigators themselves can hold other positions such as lecturer, visiting scholar, postdoctoral fellow, or graduate student. In order to receive indirect funding, however, research team members must be affiliated in some way with the participating institutions. Non-affiliated team members are not eligible to receive direct or indirect support from the Center.

Best regards,
The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study

Call for proposals: Innovation potential on Nordic patient records

Call for proposals Instrument Deadline 31.01.2023

Nordic Innovation will fund a project with the aim to demonstrate a concrete solution utilizing the context-rich information provided in patient journals records across Nordic countries in solving healthcare challenges.

D-line 31 January 2023 at 12.00 CET

Call for proposals: Applied Ethical AI on Nordic Patient Records

Call for proposals Instrument Deadline 31.01.2023

Nordic Innovation will fund the development and demonstration of an ethical AI-based solution, capable of reading patient records across the Nordic countries, Nordic languages and different medical health record systems.

D-line 31 January 2023 at 12.00 CET

Durham University – Addison Wheeler Fellowships

Durham University – Addison Wheeler Fellowships

I am delighted to announce the opening of the Addison Wheeler Fellowships. The Fellowship is designed to attract the best early career researchers in the UK, Europe and beyond and across the full spectrum of science, social science, arts and humanities, and to build international networks of scholars with a common passion for today’s most important research challenges. I should be most grateful if you could draw this exciting opportunity to the attention of your colleagues.

Three postdoctoral Fellowships are available commencing 01 October 2023.  These Fellowships have no residency restrictions.  The closing date for applications is midnight on 10 January 2023. The normal period of the Fellowship will be 3 years with starting salaries in the range £35,797 – £42,155 p.a.  Full details can be found at:

I do hope you will encourage your colleagues to apply.

Yours sincerely
Professor Karen O’Brien
Vice-Chancellor and Warden

All Fellowship enquires to:
Executive Officer Denise Baker

Durham University – Addison Wheeler Fellowships

I am delighted to announce the opening of the Addison Wheeler Fellowships. The Fellowship is designed to attract the best early career researchers in the UK, Europe and beyond and across the full spectrum of science, social science, arts and humanities, and to build international networks of scholars with a common passion for today’s most important research challenges. I should be most grateful if you could draw this exciting opportunity to the attention of your colleagues.

Three postdoctoral Fellowships are available commencing 01 October 2023.  These Fellowships have no residency restrictions.  The closing date for applications is midnight on 10 January 2023. The normal period of the Fellowship will be 3 years with starting salaries in the range £35,797 – £42,155 p.a.  Full details can be found at:

I do hope you will encourage your colleagues to apply.

Yours sincerely

Professor Karen O’Brien
Vice-Chancellor and Warden
All Fellowship enquires to:

Executive Officer Denise Baker

(Norsk) K2 intern prosess i forbindelse med NFR frister februar 2022

The Research Council of Norway announces funding for research projects for scientific renewal and collaborative projects to meet societal and industry-related challenges.

Are you planning to apply for funding within these calls? If yes, please fill in this form latest 28 November

This helps economists and research advisors to support the applicants in the best possible way.

Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (Thematic Priority Call) – deadline 8 February 2023

Thematic priorities

Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges – deadline 15 February 2023

The Norwegian Cancer Society’s Prize for Young Cancer Researchers 2023

The Norwegian Cancer Society’s Prize for Young Cancer Reserachers 2023 – Insights (

Eligibility of the candidates: The Norwegian Cancer Society’s awards a prize to a young cancer researcher who has contributed to furthering the quality and scope of cancer research in Norway. The same person can receive the prize only once.

The candidate to be nominated must: be under 40 years old by the nomination deadline; hold a PhD;

be associated with a Norwegian university, university college, hospital, any other institution with research as part of its noncommercial activities; have documented talent, shown extraordinary effort and achieved results of high quality for cancer research in Norway.

The nomination should be in line with the evaluation criteria and must include nomination letter containing motivation and background to nominate the candidate and description of the candidates’ research effort within the field of cancer research; CV; list of publications.

Eligibility of the nominator: any person or group of persons can nominate candidates for the prize; you may nominate several candidates; every nomination must be done through separate application forms.

How to nominate: nomination must be done through the ApplicationWeb of Norwegian Cancer Society.

King Olav V‘s Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2023

The King Olav V Cancer Research Fund was established by the Norwegian Cancer Society on April 29, 1992, in memory of King Olav V to honour cancer researchers in Norway.
Size of prize 1 MNOK, application deadline 5. January 2023, 13:00.
King Olav Vs Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2023 – Insights (

Eligibility of the candidates: The fund awards a prize to a cancer researcher, or a group of researchers, who have contributed to furthering the quality and scope of cancer research in Norway. A group of researchers is defined by several researchers working together on joint research project(s). Each of the researchers in the group must individually have a research production of importance. If a group is suggested, the group members must be identified by name. The same person can receive the prize only once.

Eligibility of the nominator: Any person or group of persons can nominate candidates for the prize. You may nominate several candidates. Every nomination must be done through separate application forms.

How to nominate: Nomination must be done through the ApplicationWeb of Norwegian Cancer Society.