Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

Norwegian: Forskingsdag på Kvinneklinikken 26. mars

26. mars arrangerer KK, i samarbeid med UiB, sin eigen forskingsdag. Fødselshjelp og kvinnesjukdommar engasjerer bredt og vi ønskjer å fortelje alle interesserte om kva vi forskar på, kvifor, kva resultata seier og korleis vi brukar ny kunnskap.

Vi kan lokke med nokon av landets dyktigaste kvinnehelseforskarar, og tør påstå at du ikkje bør gå glipp av å høyre på dei spennande og aktuelle debattantane i panelet vi jobbar med å setje saman.

Første halvdel av programmet vil vere retta mot fagmiljø og andre forskarar (kl. 14-16). Andre halvdel av arrangementet er ope for alle med korte publikumsvennlege presentasjonar, før vi avsluttar med paneldebatt om forsking og kvinnehelse (kl. 17-19).

K2 sine involverte forskningsgrupper på KK (Line Bjørge, Cathrine Ebbing og Camilla Krakstad) er hjarteleg til stade og viser fram si forskning.

Tid: kl. 14.00–19.00 (mingling & mat kl. 16.oo–17.00)

Stad: Auditoriet, 4. et. Kvinneklinikken på Haukeland universitetssjukehus

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Data Management Planning workshop for Life Science Projects 04.03.

Are you planning to submit a grant application for a life science
research project? This course will cover how you can generate a data
management plan which meets the requirements of the funding organisations.

When: 04.03.2020 – 09.00–16.00
Where: UiB Learning Lab Store læringsrom i Media City
Bergen, Lars Hilles gate 30
Registration deadline: 26.02.2020

For more information about the work shop and registration click here.

NorDoc PhD Summit, University of Copenhagen, 20-21 August 2020

The annual NorDoc PhD Summit brings together PhD students from the Nordic countries for two days of interaction and discussions. The summit is open to PhD students, faculty and administrators.

The topic of this year’s summit is Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Career Development

The final programme for the summit and the courses will be available here in March, when registration opens.

Invitation to seminar on reassessment of medical interventions, Oslo 23th March

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health and The Central Norway Regional Health Authority invite to an open, one-day seminar on reassessment of medical interventions. This seminar will be of interest for health care personnel, administrators and health authorities, and patient organizations, among others who are engaged in good priority-setting and future development of the Norwegian health sector. See the Invitasjon(Norwegian) for more information- Programme and registration form is found here. Attending the seminar is free but remember to register before 18th March.

Day Zero at the 2020 SDG Conference Bergen – a festival of sustainable thinking

Day Zero will take place: Wednesday 5th February 08-21

Day Zero is the first day of the annual SDG Conference in Bergen. This will be an informal kick-off for the conference. The events are mainly aimed at students and staff in the university sector, and participation is free (except for the reception).

The events include workshops, panel debates, lectures, scientific poster displays and more at Kvarteret and the Student Centre (Studentsenteret). Day Zero wraps up with an informal reception at Kvarteret, which includes the metal science opera Fish to Mars, and a public debate at Litteraturhuset.

See entire programme here:

Career day

The career day for PhD-candidates and post docs has become a regular event on the agenda of the Faculty of Medicine. This year we have invited a professional career consultant from the University of Aarhus, and want to look into innovation as a career opportunity. As usual, we will also hear from former PhD-candidates who now have exciting jobs and in the afternoon there will be three parallel workshops on skills that are useful for your future career. Plakat Karrieredag 2020 A3

The Faculty of Medicine covers the participation fees (so its free for you), but please register for lunch and the workshops.

(Norwegian) Seminarserie Senter for ernæring, torsdag 23. januar

Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til et nytt seminar i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Maternal nutrition in a modern world. Are we creating new risks for the baby?

Foreleser: Eleni Papadopoulou, PhD, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Oslo

Moderator: Petur Benedikt Juliusson
Tid: Torsdag 23. januar kl. 14.30-15.30
Sted: Auditorium 2, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91

Eleni Papadopoulou is an epidemiologist at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH). Her background is in nutrition and environmental health. She holds a PhD in Environmental Epidemiology (2013) from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Spain, on the impact of early life exposures to environmental contaminants on fetal growth and endocrine disruption. Her research is focused on the investigation of exposures to environmental contaminants with toxic effects for humans, especially using birth cohorts, as well as the interactions with beneficial nutrients. When coming to NIPH, she first received funding as a Marie Curie post-doctoral fellow to study human dietary exposures to new “emerging” toxicants and currently she is funded by the Norwegian Research Council (“CATCH-UP project”) for a study aiming to identify early life environmental stressors that can affect child growth in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child cohort study.

Diet and nutrition are among the major modifiable risk factors for the prevention of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and more specifically alcohol use, inactivity and unhealthy diet, as well as obesity. In addition, exposure to environmental chemicals have become hot topics due to the link to increase NCD risk. These chemicals are now considered the new threats for human health, mainly because some of them after they enter the human body can mimic the function of our hormones and promote adverse health effects. The periods of pregnancy and early life are identified as critical periods to tackle NCD risk development, as the risk factors are developing long time before the occurrence of the disease, all the way to the pregnancy period and the fetal life. This is no different for environmental chemicals, as the placenta is not protecting the fetus from being exposed to them and the child is born with detectable levels of several environmental chemicals. In this talk, she will focus in the role of maternal diet as a source of exposure to environmental chemicals as well as beneficial nutrients and the associations with child’s physical development and health.

Det blir lett servering.


Seminar series centre for nutrition, Wednesday 20th November

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday November 20th  at 14.30-15.30

Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei 91

Obesity and cancer

Speaker: Nils Halberg

Moderator: Simon E. Nitter Dankel

Dr. Halberg completed his graduate studies at the University of Copenhagen in 2009. Working in the laboratory of Dr. Philipp Scherer at the UT Southwestern Medical Center he studied the functional role of hypoxia and fibrosis in obese white adipose tissue. He did postdoctoral work in the laboratory of Dr. Sohail Tavazoie at the Rockefeller University studying the mechanisms of metastatic secretory programs in breast cancer. In 2015, he moved to the University of Bergen to start his academic laboratory in the Department of Biomedicine. His laboratory seeks to better our understanding of the mechanistic connection between obesity and cancer.

Obesity and overweight is consistently linked to tumor initiation and progression across 13 tumors types. This currently rank obesity as the second leading preventable cause of cancer right behind smoking. Although the epidemiological evidence is overwhelming the cellular mechanisms behind the link between obesity and cancer has been elusive. We propose a model wherein cancer cell adaptation to an obese environment leads to a cell differentiation towards a cancer stem cell phenotype through chromatin remodeling.

There will be light refreshments.


CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium November 7th

We have the pleasure of inviting you to our CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium (JUSS) November 7th, 2019!
The keynote speaker, Carina Strell from Karolinska Intitutet, Sweden, will present how the microenvironment affects cancer progression and treatment response. In addition, we will hear interesting studies from local junior researchers. Join us for a perfect occasion for professional input and networking!
Open for all and free, including lunch.
When: November 7th 2019 10.00-14:00
Where: Conference room, BB-building (across the hall from the auditoria)
Program: can be found in this poster
Registration: At Registration deadline: November 5th at noon.
Postdocs Kenneth Finne and Cornelia Schuster are chairs and can be contacted for questions.

Invitation to Single Cell and Spatial Transcriptomics Scientific Seminar November 19th

The Core facility for flow cytometry has received a 10x Chromium Controller instrument for single cell sequencing. The instrument is available for use through their booking system. In conjunction with the purchase, 10x will host a scientific seminar for researchers with an interest in single cell Gene Expression analysis and spatial transcriptomics.

Single cell sequencing has revolutionized life science research leading to a deeper understanding of biological processes in health and disease. Rapid technology advances are enabling large-scale projects for resolving single cell populations from 100s to millions of cells in a given study.

In this seminar we will introduce a combined workflow with optimized sample preparation and demonstrate a variety of single cell applications.

For registration and more information, visit

Date and Time
Auditorium 4, BB-building
Tue, November 19, 2019
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Hands-on proposal writing seminar

Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine invite you to join us during this hour where we will show examples of successful proposals focusing on the introduction, objectives and various forms of impact. We will show examples of the difference between communication and dissemination and present upcoming deadlines. The department serves lunch so we would appreciate if you can register. Registration deadline is 5 November.

Time: 7 November at 12.00-13.00
Venue: Seminar room 7.1 and 7.2

Reminder: Research data breakfast meeting

The University Library invites researchers and other employees to a research data breakfast Tuesday 22nd of October at the Medical Library!

Get breakfast and an introduction to open research data and how to prepare your data for storage and sharing. Sign up today!

08:30-08:40 Breakfast time!
08:40-09:00 Introduction to open research data
09:00-09:00 Break
09:10-09:30 How to prepare your data for sharing


Seminarserie Senter for ernæring, onsdag 2. oktober

Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til et nytt seminar i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Tid: Onsdag 2. oktober kl. 14.30-15.30

Sted: Auditorium 2, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91

Computational Data Analytics on the Web for Better Food Decision

Speaker: Christoph Trattner 

Moderator: Gülen Arslan Lied

Christoph Trattner is an Associate Professor at the University of Bergen at the Information Science & Media Studies Department. Previously, he was an Asst. Prof. at MODUL University Vienna at the New Media Technology Department. He also founded and led the Social Computing department at the Know-Center, Austria’s research competence for data-driven business and big data analytics.

According to the World Health Organization around 80% of cases of heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes could be avoided if people were to implement a healthier diet. Computational data analytics approaches have been touted as a valuable asset in achieving the ambitious goal of understanding user behavior and being able to develop intelligent online systems, which can positively influence people’s food choices. In this talk, he will present his latest research on computational data analytics approaches to understand, predict and potentially change food decision making in an online context.

Det blir lett servering.


Immunology, stem cell treatment and cancer medicine

The Biomedical Network invites you to a seminar on Immunology, stem cell treatment and cancer medicine

Time: 16 October at 13.30

Venue: Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital

Registration here.

The Biomedical Network is a collaboration initiative between Helse Bergen, UiB, Legemiddelindustriforeningen and VIS. The intention behind the network, which is supported by the Research Council of Norway, is to create a joint platform for innovation and project development across academic, public and private actors.

13:30 – 14:35 Åpning

Forskningsdirektør/Førsteamanuensis Eli Renate Grüner, Helse Bergen/UiB 

Autolog stamcellebehandling

Overlege/Professor Lars Bø, Helse Bergen/UiB

Immunologiske preparater

Arnt-Ove Hovden, Medical Affairs Lead & Medical Manager hos Boehringer Ingelheim

Immunterapi ved melanom

Overlege/Professor Oddbjørn Straume, Helse Bergen/UiB

Hvilke muligheter opplever farmasøytiske firma innenfor immunologisk terapi

Andrey Solokov, Medical Advisor hos AbbVie

14:35 – 15:05 Mingling og lett servering
15:05 – 15:50 Støtteordninger fra forskningsrådet

Spesialrådgiver Rigmor Fardal, Forskningsrådet

NorCRINs arbeide for å bedre forholdene for kliniske utprøvingsstudier

Overlege Camilla Tøndel, NorCRIN/Helse Bergen

Pasienterfaringer fra deltakelse i kliniske utprøvingsstudier

15:50 – 16:05 Pause
16:05 – 16:35 Precision Imaging in Gynecologic Cancer 

Overlege/Professor Ingfrid S. Haldorsen, UiB/Helse Bergen

Advanced medical visualization

Førsteamanuensis Noeska Smit, UiB


European Society for Clinical Cell analysis

This year the European Society for Clinical Cell analysis will be held in Bergen 18-21 September.  This is the perfect opportunity to for us in Bergen to join.
The conference will be interesting for both researches and medical staff, with lecture on new developments in cytometry, mass cytometry, immunology, hematology and much more.

Here for more information.

Reminder: Digital Life 2019

The Digital Life 2019 conference is coming up very soon. There are very few participants from UiB.

The conference will be important to learn about activities in the centre that could also be beneficial for your partner project and perhaps become a source for future collaborations. We have available funding in the centre for research activities between projects.

We hope that researchers from CCBIO will participate in Tromsø. It is free for participants of DLN partner projects to attend if they register within 22. August. It is also still possible to participate with a poster presentation, but the abstract must then be sent to Marie.

The DL Research School still have a few available travel support for DL2019, but be quick…

More info and registration here.

Broegelmann Research Laboratory: Guest Lectures

Scott Lieberman, MD, PhD
Division of Rheumatology, Carver College of Medicine,
University of Iowa, IA, USA

Title:Sjögren’s syndrome in children and mice

Peter Gergely, MD, PhD
Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research,
Basel Switzerland

Title:  “Anti-CD40 therapy in immune-mediated diseases”

Time: Thursday, June 6th, at 14:15 – ca.16:00
Place: Birkhaugsalen, HUS

Day of Immunology 2019

As every year we will mark the Day of Immunology. People that have missed an arrangement on april 29 are not to be dissapointed. Even though we are delayed, we will arrange a popular science seminar on May 29, 11:15-13:00 entitled “Cancer – chekpoint inhibitors”. The seminar is open and adjusted for everybody interested. But the presentations will be in Norwegian.

Program here.

Spetses Summer School on Epigenomics, Nuclear Receptors and Disease 

We would like to draw your attention to our upcoming Spetses Summer School on Epigenomics, Nuclear Receptors and Disease (FEBS Advanced Lecture Course ALC19-046) at Spetses Island/Greece from August 25 – 30, 2019.

Unlike ordinary larger meetings, the summer school is highly interactive and allows the participants to actually meet and discuss with all lectures for full four days during and beyond the many different program activities.

For information and application see our website.

The deadline for applications is May 6. 

Merck Life Science (Sigma Aldrich) invites you to a free seminar in Bergen

The seminar is a Cell biology seminar.

Also Josefine Jaxby from Corning will be at Seminar if you have questions about Corning products.

Hopefully you can send it forward to people that might be interested in this Seminar at your department.

Speaker: Marina Wiklander, PhD
Date: 08.05.2019
Time: 08:30 – 12.00

Location: Thormøhlensgt 55 (N-terminalen, romnr. 520B1), 5.etg., Bioblokken 

  1. Cell Identity and Authentication: What’s in your flask?
    Cell line misidentification is one of the greatest threats to the validity of research in the 21st century. With cell culture key to most life science research it is vitally important that any practitioner of cell culture is aware of the magnitude of the problem and be able to employ resources and strategies to ensure valid results. 
  2. Trouble Shooting in Cell Culture
    Overview of the global cell culture process, where and why problems could be encountered (poor growth and viability, low adherence, mycoplasma detection, phenotypic drift). A chance for customers to “share their problems”. 
  3. Moving from 2D to 3D cell culture?: 3D Neural Stem Cell Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
    Introduction of 3D cell culture technologies provided us with improved model for cellular research for drug discovery and other medical applications. Combination of 3D cell technology with stem cell research helped us to establish a relevant disease model in order to understand the pathology of the dementia and also improve the development of drugs.Based on publication by Kim et. al who created a three-dimensional (3D) human neural stem cell model of Alzheimer’s disease, we would like to introduce this model as a valuable tool to study age-related Alzheimer’s dementia as well as other neurodegenerative disorders.


We have now posted the final scientific programs of CCBIO’s two international symposia in May 2019 at the Solstrand SPA hotel, on the event websites. Also note that registration deadline is extended to April 24th, as we can still make room for some more participants. If you have not registered yet: Please do not wait till the last minute as the list is rapidly filling.

-The 7th CCBIO Annual Symposium, May 13th-14th REGISTRATION

-The CCBIO 2nd Satellite Symposium, on Deep Tissue Profiling, May 12th REGISTRATION

7th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 13th-14th

The 2018 symposium was a success with more than 200 participants and we expect the 2019 symposium to be at least as good. We have secured a range of international and national speakers and some of the highlights will be the talks by Bob LöwenbergWilliam Foulkes,  Jonathan IrishMarta Bertolaso, and many other distinguished speakers. The last day will end on a high note with a lecture by Omid Farokhzad. This keynote address is part of the distinguished Volterra lectures series organized by our partner Digital Life Norway (DLN).

We will have two extended poster sessions where younger researchers can present their work (poster abstract deadline now April 17th), and ample time for interaction between the participants. The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/260 Euro per person. For the program, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Symposium website with final program.

Practical information

Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling May 12th

The Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling is initiated with lunch at 12.00 before the scientific program starts at 13.00.

The satellite symposium will consist of talks focusing on the opportunities inherent to new technology, in particular the Hyperion Imaging System, both in terms of technology and in use of this technology for research purposes. Speakers include e.g. Jonathan IrishKurt SchalperTeijo Pellinen and other distinguished experts.

The subsidized registration fee is 500 for the meeting incl. lunch and 1500 if you want to attend dinner and stay overnight at Solstrand. We have a total of 70 rooms available.

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Satellite Symposium website with final program.

Practical information: See the info sheet for the CCBIO Symposium


CCBIO is happy to be inviting you to a two-day seminar in scientific writing, May 15th and 16th 2019. The seminar is open for all (requires registration).

The course is part of the CCBIO/INTPART program, where students’ education and research is promoted through collaboration between CCBIO, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School. Elisabeth Wik is coordinating the program. This two-day seminar in scientific writing  was first run in December 2017 and was a great success.

There is valuable input in the scientific writing program for both students, postdocs and professors. Lecturers are Christine Møller, an experienced lecturer in medical and scientific writing and assistant editor of APMIS, and Randy Watnick, associate professor at the Vascular Biology Program, Harvard Medical School.

WHEN: May 15 and 16, 2019.

WHERE: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital.

PROGRAM: You can find program here.

REGISTRATION: Please register within May 1st. Registration link here.

Questions can be forwarded to coordinator Elisabeth Wik.

Please feel free to circulate this invitation as all are welcome.

(Norwegian) Invitasjon til RDA-seminar om datahåndtering og personvern i forskning 2. april

NSD inviterer til RDA-seminar om datahåndtering og personvern i forskning. Målgruppen er forskere og ph.d.-studenter. Seminaret er gratis.

Få en innføring i hvordan du kan strukturere forskningsprosjektet ditt best mulig – slik at du får gjort det du planlegger, samtidig som dataene blir bevart for senere bruk.

*   Dato: tirsdag 2. april 2019
*   Tid: 11.00–15.30
*   Sted: NSD sine lokaler i Bergen (Harald Hårfagres gate 29)
*   Påmelding: Her kan du melde deg på kurset

Seminaret gir deg innføring i:

*   hvordan du kan organisere prosjektet ditt best mulig
*   sikker innsamling og deling av data underveis i prosjektet
*   personvernlovgiving (GDPR) og konsekvenser for forskning
*   datahåndteringsplaner og NSDs verktøy for datahåndtering
*   arkivering av datamaterialet for senere gjenbruk av deg selv eller andre

Mer informasjon finner du her.

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium 4. april

We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium April 4, at the Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria). Professor Charalampos (Haris) Tzoulis will give an inspirational keynote lecture where he will share some milestones on his way to establish his own research group. Furthermore, he will present ongoing research in the Neuromics Lab. In addition, CCBIO PhD students and postdocs will present their work on topics including biomarkers in colon cancer (Hestetun, Aasebø), transcriptomic characterization of kidney cancer (Nakken), targeting sphingolipid pathway in breast cancer (Panahandeh) and regeneration of beta-cells in diabetes (Vethe).

Please sign up for the symposium including free lunch.

The symposium is open for all and free of charge – including lunch – just remember to register!

WHEN: April 4th at 10.00-13.30
WHERE: Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria)
REGISTRATION: please use this link within April 2nd
PROGRAM: you can find the program on this web site
WHO: This is an arena where PhD candidates and postdocs gain experience with oral presentations and academic discussions, and in addition we are happy to welcome other interested students, researchers, staff and visitors.



We have now posted the final scientific programs of CCBIO’s two international symposia in May 2019 at the Solstrand SPA hotel, on the event websites. Also note that registration deadline is extended to April 24th, as we can still make room for some more participants. If you have not registered yet: Please do not wait till the last minute as the list is rapidly filling.

-The 7th CCBIO Annual Symposium, May 13th-14th REGISTRATION

-The CCBIO 2nd Satellite Symposium, on Deep Tissue Profiling, May 12th REGISTRATION

7th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 13th-14th

The 2018 symposium was a success with more than 200 participants and we expect the 2019 symposium to be at least as good. We have secured a range of international and national speakers and some of the highlights will be the talks by Bob LöwenbergWilliam Foulkes,  Jonathan IrishMarta Bertolaso, and many other distinguished speakers. The last day will end on a high note with a lecture by Omid Farokhzad. This keynote address is part of the distinguished Volterra lectures series organized by our partner Digital Life Norway (DLN).

We will have two extended poster sessions where younger researchers can present their work (poster abstract deadline now April 17th), and ample time for interaction between the participants. The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/260 Euro per person. For the program, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Symposium website with final program.

Practical information

Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling May 12th

The Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling is initiated with lunch at 12.00 before the scientific program starts at 13.00.

The satellite symposium will consist of talks focusing on the opportunities inherent to new technology, in particular the Hyperion Imaging System, both in terms of technology and in use of this technology for research purposes. Speakers include e.g. Jonathan IrishKurt SchalperTeijo Pellinen and other distinguished experts.

The subsidized registration fee is 500 for the meeting incl. lunch and 1500 if you want to attend dinner and stay overnight at Solstrand. We have a total of 70 rooms available.

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Satellite Symposium website with final program.

Practical information: See the info sheet for the CCBIO Symposium

NorSeq sequencing seminar 2019

National Consortium for Sequencing and Personalized Medicine (NorSeq) organizes a series of seminars to present sequencing possibilities in Norway.

The half-day seminar will outline services offered by the consortium/National sequencing core facilities and what it can do for your research. Bergen seminar will take place in BB-bygget Auditorium 4, on 1st  of April 2019, from 12:00 to 16:00.

Program here.
Location here.
Registration here.