Category Archives: News

Support for academic and non-profit ATMP developers

EMA Patrick Celis, the Lead Scientific Officer in EMA’s Advanced Therapies Office will give you an overview of all the support tools in place at the European Medicines Agency for medicine developers from the academic sector. He will also give some insights into the recently announced academic ATMP development support pilot.

The webinar will take place on 1 December 2022 at 12:00-13:00 CET via Zoom. We encourage participants to submit any questions in advance via the Zoom registration form. More information about the EMA Academic Pilot can be found here.

CCBIO junior symposium

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, December 8th, 2022. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate that the discussions will be as lively and interesting as the October Symposium. We are very happy to announce that Professor Camilla Krakstad at CCBIO, will give a talk about her experiences with going abroad for research and give some early career advice. The program is varied and exiting spanning from treatment strategies for AML patients, phenotypic profiling of young women with breast cancer, immune and microenvironmental responses to cell death in glioblastoma and what emotional eating and changes in dietary patterns may do to the mind.

Please register within December 6th at 11.00.

Open consultation to support the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine

The open consultation to validate and receive input for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in support for the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed, is launched.

Purposes of the online consultation

  • Communication of the SRIA in general and the identified “Triplets of Action” in specific,
  • To obtain general input, especially related to the “Triplets of Action”,
  • Input regarding the urgency and timing of the “Triplets of Action”,
  • To obtain suggestions for additional “Triplets of Action”.

Please respond to the online consultation by 21 December:

(Norsk) Hvordan få gullet ut av helsedata?

Time and location: 8. desember 2022 kl. 10:00 at Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31

The University of Bergen, the Institute of Public Health, Norce, Eitri and The Life Science Cluster​ welcome you to a seminar on safe storage of third-party data in research projects.

Do you work with legal issues at hospitals or universities, or are you involved in research projects yourself? 

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UiB Ferd Christmas 2022: Of course you would never publish in a predatory journal…or would you?

UiB Ferd Career Centre’s first Christmas lecture ever, is about predatory publishing. Henriette Christie Ertsås/ Science to the people humbly asks if scientific discovery can ever be compatible with the reigning publishing model, without science and society falling prey.

08.12.2022 – 14.00–16.00

Seminarrom E, Studensenteret, Parkveien 1


Teaching is a team sport

Recently, I was in a meeting at SUS with our teachers in Stavanger. A useful take-home message was that the distance to colleagues in the other campuses may feel long: one may feel left alone to solve the issues related to teaching. Conversations with colleagues in Haugesund confirmed this experience. However, some colleagues in Bergen in smaller fields have also reported feeling left alone regarding teaching responsibilities. Hence, the issue is not geography but communication.

If you want to go fast, walk alone – if you want to go far, walk together. All academic employees at K2 should belong to a teaching group led by a UGLE. The UGLE can facilitate contact with the coordinator who can give access to relevant information in MittUiB. If you know someone who may not know which UGLE they “belong” to, or you yourself need help to get in touch with your teaching group, please contact me at .

My hope is that we learn to talk more about teaching in teaching groups spanning all relevant educational programmes and campuses. For Medicine, work is ongoing both in the project group for Vestlandslegen in Stavanger and in a working group making plans for changes for year 4-6 in Bergen. It should stay a goal that the students achieve the same learning objectives and that the quality of the exams and other forms of evaluation is the responsibility of the collective teaching staff within teaching groups across single teachers and campuses.

The UGLE are invited to a meeting on Tuesday November 29th at 11:30 (further info in email).

Seminar: Senter for ernæring

Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til et nytt seminar i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Tittel: Patient microbiota modulation by fecal transplantation
Foreleser: W. Florian Fricke, professor, University of Hohenheim, Tyskland
Moderator: Simon Dankel
Tid: Torsdag 1. desember 2022 kl. 14.30-15.30
Sted: Aud. 2, BB-bygget / Zoom

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Durham University – Addison Wheeler Fellowships

I am delighted to announce the opening of the Addison Wheeler Fellowships. The Fellowship is designed to attract the best early career researchers in the UK, Europe and beyond and across the full spectrum of science, social science, arts and humanities, and to build international networks of scholars with a common passion for today’s most important research challenges. I should be most grateful if you could draw this exciting opportunity to the attention of your colleagues.

Three postdoctoral Fellowships are available commencing 01 October 2023.  These Fellowships have no residency restrictions.  The closing date for applications is midnight on 10 January 2023. The normal period of the Fellowship will be 3 years with starting salaries in the range £35,797 – £42,155 p.a.  Full details can be found at:

I do hope you will encourage your colleagues to apply.

Yours sincerely

Professor Karen O’Brien
Vice-Chancellor and Warden
All Fellowship enquires to:

Executive Officer Denise Baker

(Norsk) K2 intern prosess i forbindelse med NFR frister februar 2022

The Research Council of Norway announces funding for research projects for scientific renewal and collaborative projects to meet societal and industry-related challenges.

Are you planning to apply for funding within these calls? If yes, please fill in this form latest 28 November

This helps economists and research advisors to support the applicants in the best possible way.

Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (Thematic Priority Call) – deadline 8 February 2023

Thematic priorities

Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges – deadline 15 February 2023

The Norwegian Cancer Society’s Prize for Young Cancer Researchers 2023

The Norwegian Cancer Society’s Prize for Young Cancer Reserachers 2023 – Insights (

Eligibility of the candidates: The Norwegian Cancer Society’s awards a prize to a young cancer researcher who has contributed to furthering the quality and scope of cancer research in Norway. The same person can receive the prize only once.

The candidate to be nominated must: be under 40 years old by the nomination deadline; hold a PhD;

be associated with a Norwegian university, university college, hospital, any other institution with research as part of its noncommercial activities; have documented talent, shown extraordinary effort and achieved results of high quality for cancer research in Norway.

The nomination should be in line with the evaluation criteria and must include nomination letter containing motivation and background to nominate the candidate and description of the candidates’ research effort within the field of cancer research; CV; list of publications.

Eligibility of the nominator: any person or group of persons can nominate candidates for the prize; you may nominate several candidates; every nomination must be done through separate application forms.

How to nominate: nomination must be done through the ApplicationWeb of Norwegian Cancer Society.

King Olav V‘s Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2023

The King Olav V Cancer Research Fund was established by the Norwegian Cancer Society on April 29, 1992, in memory of King Olav V to honour cancer researchers in Norway.
Size of prize 1 MNOK, application deadline 5. January 2023, 13:00.
King Olav Vs Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2023 – Insights (

Eligibility of the candidates: The fund awards a prize to a cancer researcher, or a group of researchers, who have contributed to furthering the quality and scope of cancer research in Norway. A group of researchers is defined by several researchers working together on joint research project(s). Each of the researchers in the group must individually have a research production of importance. If a group is suggested, the group members must be identified by name. The same person can receive the prize only once.

Eligibility of the nominator: Any person or group of persons can nominate candidates for the prize. You may nominate several candidates. Every nomination must be done through separate application forms.

How to nominate: Nomination must be done through the ApplicationWeb of Norwegian Cancer Society.

ERC Proposal Reading Days open for registration

We have scheduled a Reading Day in Stavanger on Nov 30th, Bergen on Dec 7th and at Lysaker (Oslo) Dec 13th. We are planning at Day at UiO in the beginning of January.

Conditions for the Reading Days

  • Only by preregistration
  • You must sign Declaration of Confidentiality
  • Photocopying or photos of the applications are not allowed
  • Applications cannot be taken out of the reading room

Who can participate

The Reading Days are only open for researchers at Norwegian institutions (universities, university colleges, research institutes etc.) and for EU-advisers who are employed by Norwegian institutions. Please use your institutional e-mail address when you register.

ERC Reading Day for Consolidator and Advanced Grant Applicants


ERC Reading Day for Consolidator and Advanced Grant Applicants with deadlines in 2023 will take place on 7th December 2022 in the FIA meeting room. Please ask the applicants you’re working with, and any prospective applicants / others who might be interested to save the date. This is the only reading day we will organise before the advanced grant deadline in May. Registration link to be published soon..

Data management plan

NFR and Horizon Europe require projects to submit a data management plan (DMP). A data management plan describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available. This workshop allows you to work with your own DMP and receive feedback.  In light of the NFR’s new assessment criteria from 2023, it is even more important to know how a data handling plan must be designed and adhered to in order to ensure open sharing and widespread access to research results.

Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP) | University of Bergen Library | UiB

When/Where: 25.11.2022;  Zoom

Registration deadline: 24.11.2022


What is happening on the research front at the Faculty of Medicine?

The K2 Leader Group asks scientic personnel for sketches on a maximum of one A4 page of research areas/projects that are relevant to focus on in the coming years and that are good starting points for collaboration across departments/faculties/institutions, see below. The proposals are sent to research advisor Susanna Pakkasmaa ( by Monday 28 November.

Background (information from Dean of Research Marit Bakke)
The faculty management, in consultation with the Department Heads at the Faculty of Medicine, has decided that they will map directions and central activities in research at the Faculty. The purpose is to identify areas for collaboration across Departments and other institutions so that we can better develop impactful projects that are competitive in relation to external funding and dissemination. It may be appropriate to separately promote prioritized initiatives for external funding sources.

In this context, the Faculty asks the Departments to identify research areas/projects that are relevant to focus on in the coming years and which are good starting points for collaboration across Departments/Faculties/Institutions.

  1. Each Department must present a prioritized list of relevant research projects (up to five). Each initiative must be described in approx. an A4 page and sent together and signed by me as Head of Department to the Head of the Research Section, Tone Friis Hordvik, by 01.12.22.
  2. The prioritized initiatives from the Departmentswill be discussed collectively in extended research management and at Department Head Meetings under the auspices of the Faculty.
  3. The outcome of the discussions will govern how the initiatives are worked on in relation to e.g. development of cooperation and applications. The Dean’s Office can also decide (on the basis of the discussions) whether certain initiatives should be promoted specifically against selected funding sources.

Process at K2
The Department Management at K2 has discussed the matter and decided that we want an open process where all academic staff will have the opportunity to put forward proposals. Since we can only forward five proposals, it is important that the proposals include several researchers and preferably several environments and themes across research groups, Departmentys and possibly Faculties.

It is important that the proposals represent innovative top research that we shall focus on the next years.

Good luck with the process!

Pål Rasmus Njølstad
Head of Department

Data management plan

NFR and Horizon Europe require projects to submit a data management plan (DMP). A data management plan describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available. This workshop allows you to work with your own DMP and receive feedback.  In light of the NFR’s new assessment criteria from 2023, it is even more important to know how a data handling plan must be designed and adhered to in order to ensure open sharing and widespread access to research results.

Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP) | University of Bergen Library | UiB

When/Where: 25.11.2022;  Zoom

Registration deadline: 24.11.2022

Call for candidates: The DLN FAIR data award 2022

The Centre for Digital Life Norway encourages open science and FAIR data management. For the second time, we are highlighting and rewarding outstanding examples of life science researchers in Norway who have managed their data according to the FAIR principles. The deadline for nominating candidates is January 31st  , 2023.

Deadline for nominating candidates: January 31st 2023.

Amount of support: 10,000 NOK

European Commission’s Horizon Results Platform – A Value Proposition

European Commission’s Horizon Results Platform – A Value Proposition

Join us on 18th Nov 2022 from 11:30 am – 12:00 pm CET to find out about the Horizon Results Platform: Learn about events, activities, partners and other opportunities to advance your results!

➢ Date and Time: 18th Nov 2022 from 11:30 am – 12:00 pm CET

➢ Come meet the team behind the Platform and find out:

  • How we promote your innovative solution(s) to third parties: the investor community, partners, policy makers and other actors that can help promote your results to the right audience. In addition to the close collaboration with the Horizon Results Booster, below are a few other examples of our activities in this respect:

O Investor e-pitching events with Business Angel Networks (,

O Collaboration with Solar Impulse Foundation & HRP on fast-tracking the labelling process; promotion of solutions to e-pitching events (e.g., upcoming Repowering the EU)

o Connecting with the Enterprise Europe Network to multiply your matchmaking possibilities

  • Why it is important to publish a video and full profile on HRP, and that you update your profile whenever relevant.
  • How HRP TV can inspire your Dissemination & Exploitation (D&E) plans, offering guidance and links to experts or other actors who can help you achieve your valorisation goals (e.g., angel investors, corporates, key stakeholders). You can have a look at how the HRP helped a company get traction here.
  • Get insights as to what’s coming up:

➢Meeting link

➢ Meeting number:2743 544 2333

➢ Meeting password: eyX34TC3fT

➢If any questions, or if issues with Webex the day of the meeting, please contact us at:

Do you want to collaborate with Bergen municipality and Helse Omsorg Vest?

Bergen municipality has a portal for research enquiries. You can submit

  • Research and innovation projects and applications
  • Cooperation in education
  • Master theses

This is particularly relevant for those of you who want to apply for funding from RCN in the call “Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges” 

Mingle lunch with DIPS at Eitri?

Mingle lunch with DIPS at Eitri?

Date: Monday, November 14

Time: 11:00 – 13:00 (Lunch is served between 11:00 and 13:00, but DIPS will be available for a pleasant e-health chat between 10:00 to 15:00.)

Where: Eitri at Haukeland (Haukelandsbakken 31)

We have the pleasure of welcoming you to a casual mingle lunch with DIPS.

Being part of the innovative startup environment at Eitri is important to DIPS. Innovation, agile collaboration across health levels and clinical value are strong drivers in dips business philosophy.

In addition to meeting key resources from DIPS, you will hear a little more about their most important focus areas, both in the Western Norway Regional Health Authority, but also in the other regions in South-East and North. DIPS is also investing heavily in the innovation platform OpenDIPS, where we facilitate innovation via partners, as an important element in delivering unique customer value.

Take the opportunity for a casual mingle lunch!


Are you curious?

Or to rephrase, are you interested, inquisitive and questioning? Asking many questions, challenging established truths, finding alternative solutions, makes us smarter and better researchers. In Harvard Business Review you can read about the “Surprising Power of Questions” (

The authors summarize that asking questions is a unique tool for learning and exchanging ideas. It makes conversations more productive, gives innovation better results and it builds trust in the organization. It can also uncover unforeseen dangers and pitfalls. Despite this, many of us probably do not think that asking questions is an art that can be developed and improved. By asking questions you improve your emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners. The article gives tips on how different questions should be used – “not all questions are created equal”.

As researchers and teachers, we can also become better at asking questions, we can learn more and I believe our research will be better – what is the question you want answered when you do an experiment, and what is your lab neighbour doing?

I hope you will be inspired to become more questioning and curious.

Have a good weekend

Eystein Husebye

Vice head, K2