MSCA Staff Exchanges (SE) – Webinar on Short-Term Exchange of Research/Innovation Staff
31 Mar 10:00–11:30
The MSCA Staff Exchange funds short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities of participating organisations. The aim is to develop sustainable collaborative projects between different organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors, based in Europe and beyond.
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) 2025 – Webinar for applicants, supervisors and advisors
14 May 10:00–11:30
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions grants approximately 1,700 postdoctoral fellowships annually in the PF call. If you are considering a postdoctoral stay abroad, or if you want to supervise an outstanding foreign researcher planning to apply for an MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF) at a Norwegian host institution, good preparations are essential for success in the hard competition. In the webinar, you will receive basic information and tips about the 2025 call, which has an application deadline of September 10, 2025.
MSCA PF is a mobility program in Horizon Europe that provides funding to outstanding researchers with 0-8 years of research experience after their successful doctorate. The funds are granted for projects lasting 12-36 months.
MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN)
12 June
More information soon