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This weeks edithorial

Dear everyone,

today is the last day of autumn holiday (for those who have) which I will use to remind everyone that traditionally we have always used autumn to conduct the annual employee appraisals.

All employees with a main position at UiB must have employee appraisals. This also includes PhD candidates, and then it is important to remember that the conversation is not carried out by the supervisor. For employees with a part-time position (or extra employment as it is now called), the research group leader can agree with the employee that it is not necessary.

Employee appraisals are an important arena for clarifying performance expectations, providing mutual feedback and insight into each other’s work situation, and addressing the working environment and conditions at the workplace. For younger researchers in particular, it is important that career planning is included, and that basic pedagogical competence and teaching experience are something they should think about.

Since I am the new head of department, this time I will have employee appraisals with all permanently employed associate professors and professors in main position (at least 50%) in additon to research group leaders and core facility leaders.  According to my list, there will be 49 talks, so I hope that you understand that it will stretch over some time.

Head of Administration Mia Holmaas is responsible for the employee appraisals with employees in the administration.

Otherwise, the conduct of the employee appraisals is delegated to the research group leaders – again a reminder that all employees must belong to a research group. This is a process we are working on, Susanna has already sent out some questions to the research group leaders so that we can make sure that all employees actually receive an employee interview.

Have a great weekend!


European Rare Disease Research Alliance (ERDERA)

ERDERA is a European partnership consisting of over 170 organizations, championed by the European Union. It launched in September 2024 and will provide financial support to collaborative international research projects, clinical trials, and initiatives for knowledge exchange and networking. The Research Council of Norway is a member and calls for funding will be open for Norwegian researchers.

  • There will be annual joint transnational calls . The first call will open in December 2024
  • The multi-stakeholder board is seeking Rare Disease Researchers, Geneticists, Healthcare professionals, education & training professionals, ethics & patient consent experts. Apply by 31 October 2024
  • The ERDERA roadmap will be presented at the launch event on 28-29 October

More information will be posted on ERDERA – European Rare Diseases Research Alliance

Respiratory viruses that cause pandemics

7 november kl 18.00
Hotel Norge, Nedre Ole Bulls plass 4, Bergen

With an ever growing global population and increased international travel, pandemics are now expected to occur more frequently. Influenza is the most common cause of pandemics during the last century, with the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic causing up to 50 million deaths.

Influenza pandemics occur at unpredictable intervals when a novel virus arises by changing its viral host specificity to spread in humans, with pigs acting as a mixing vessel for avian and human viruses.

Nina Langeland: “Covid-19, spredning og komplikasjoner: COVID-19, transmission and complications.”
Rebecca Cox: “Influensavirus som pandemisk agens: Influenza as a pandemic virus.”

ERC Starting Grant Programme

Are you interested in applying for an ERC Starting Grant? Are you a researcher with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal?

UiB will organize a Starting Grant Programme consisting of 3 in-person seminars and a digital meeting in February-June 2025. The participants are expected to submit a proposal in October 2025 (deadline not published yet).

If you want to attend the programme, please contact Silke Appel, head of the department.

If you need more information about the programme or ERC Starting grant, please contact your research advisor.

Contact the research advisor: