Author Archives: lmo032

Seminars about July 22nd

logoConference: The memorabilia of July 22nd
Time: April 2, 9:00-16:00
Place: Riksarkivet, Oslo
Several thousand children and adults gave one last salute to those who lost their lives on July 22nd 2011. What can these salutes tell us? The national research ethics comittees, Hedmark University College and the National Archives (Riksarkivet) invites you to a conference about the memorabilia. Read more and register here (in Norwegian).

logo_forskningsetikkBreakfast seminar: Research on right extremism after July 22nd.
April 25, 8:00-10:00
Place: Litteraturhuset, Oslo
The biggest terror attack in Norwegian history was an attack from the extreme right. What knowledge do we have about the right extremist and racist circles in Norway and internationally, and what threat they pose. Read more and register here (in Norwegian).

Prizes of the year at MOF

Per BakkeThis year, as in previous years, the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has announced prizes for the publication of the year, the research group of the year, the PhD-work of the year, as well as a prize for outstanding research dissemination.  Each institute may suggest up to two candidates within each category.

So far one suggestion for the publication of the year has been submitted.  Thus there is plenty of room for more suggestions and there is definitely not a lack of strong candidates at K2.  For each suggestion a brief justification report should be attached.  More information about the criteria for each prize category can be found here (in Norwegian only).

There you will also find an overview of previous winners.This is a great opportunity also for younger colleagues to make a mark; in addition there is a cash award.  I encourage all research groups to consider if they have candidates relevant for the various prizes.  Suggestions should be sent to Irene by March 24


Maintenance of UiB net area

Friday 14/3 the IT staff must perform necessary maintenance on the storage solution that contains the public areas of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. This includes the P: in Windows, and you may also have different project areas covered by this connected to other letters.

Between 19:00 and 22:00 Friday 14/3 there will be a break of up to an hour while we perform necessary maintenance. It is therefore recommended to log out before going home and not work during this time. If these areas do not work after 22:00 14/3 it is recommended to do a reboot and it will work again.

This is an emergency that we need to get completed and we apologize strongly for disadvantages that entails!

In case of problems, contact Brita at 55584700 (during office hours) or register a case in problemdatabasen.

FRIPRO Mobility grant for young researchers

NFRThe Research Council of Norway is issuing a call for a new mobility
grant for young researchers. The grant scheme is open to applicants in all fields and disciplines. These 14 grants are jointly funded by the Research Council (60 %) and EU’s Marie Curie Actions (40 %), and are for 3 years, where 2 must be spent at an institution abroad and one at an institution in Norway. Application deadline May 21. For more information

Information meeting about EU funding for Health Research and Innovation

The Research Council of Norway in collaboration with Oslo Cancer Cluster invites to an information meeting about various EU funding for health research and innovation.
Venue: Møterom Abel, Norges Forskningsråd, Stensberggt 26, Oslo
Time: March 21st, 09:00-11:30
Registration deadline March 20th.
Registration can also be done by mail

Folkeuniversitetet is seeking a course leader

Folkeuniversitetet will hold a course in national subjects for foreign health workers March 24-26 and June 2-5. The course leader had to cancel, so Folkeuniversitetet is now seeking a replacement. The course leader will only lecture for a few hours (4 hours about the organization of the health services). Most of the lectures will be held with sound/image, or by other local lecturers in the field of law. Even so, they need a course leader who can be there all 3+2 days to organize, answer questions and lead discussions.

If you are interested contact Daniel Kvamme

Folke universitetet

IT-Forum 2014 are seeking presenters

IT-Forum 2014 will be held April 7-8 at Solstrand Hotel & Bad at Os. IT-Forum is an annual seminar for those who use and deliver IT-services at UoB, and their local and regional collaborators. This year the theme is “What do IT have to do to get UoB to reach their goals? Information technology can give us better research, dissemination and teaching, but how?”

They need people who can hold a presentation about which IT-needs the research community has. In addition, they need panel members for debates about the same issue. They ask for a quick feedback about potential candidates that they can contact.
Program and information
(in Norwegian).

K1 and K2 Seminar Series

Per BakkeNext week (5/3) the seminar series
“Perspectives in Translational Medicine” hosted by K1 and K2 will
commence.  The series has been presented
earlier in this editorial by Stefan Johansson

He is the leader of the group responsible for organizing the series.

The purpose of the seminar series is to let different research groups at K1 and K2 present their own research in a way which stimulates cooperation with other groups at K1 and K2.  A prerequisite for this to be a success is that established researchers allocate time to participate at the seminar.  The series may then be useful not only for the presenter of the topic, but also for other scientific employees and, not least, PhD candidates and postdocs. The series was recently discussed at the strategy seminar for K2’s research group leaders and academic leaders.  A number of suggestions for how this series can be a good meeting arena were proposed.

The first lecture is given by Bjørn Tore Gjertsen: Personalized Medicine – how personal can we get?  Location:  Main Auditorium, Sentralblokken, March 5, 2:15 pm.  I strongly encourage you to attend!  Knowing Bjørn Tore, there is a big chance that this will be time well spent!
