Author Archives: lmo032

The ventilation system in the A1-block will be down Tuesday

New software will be uploaded to the ventilation system in the A1block in the Labbuilding Tuesday August 28 from 19:00 to 21:00. The actual downtime of the unit is estimated to be approximately 20 min.The consequence of this will be that the ventilation system, air supply and exhaust in the A1block will not work while the work is in progress. Those facilities that require ventilation such as LAF benches must evaluate what measures to be implemented, and send an e-mail to Gunnar Helland if there is a need for further information or other measures.

UH-nett Vest grants for research cooperation

UH-nett Vest is giving grants for research cooperation between the following institutions: Bergen University College (HiB), Sogn og Fjordane University College (HSF), Stord/Haugesund University College (HSH), Volda University College (HVO) and University of Bergen (UoB). The funds will primarily go to projects which already has external financing, where the new funds will lead to cooperation with one or more institutions in UH-nett Vest. Deadline is September 15th. Application must be sent to Lene Bakke.
For more information (in Norwegian).

Funding for the Indo-Norwegian Cooperation Programme in higher education

SIUSIU is granting project funding for Norwegian institutes of higher education that wants to develop an education cooperation with Indian institutions at master and PhD level. Projects with one Norwegian and one Indian partner can apply for up to 400 000 kroner per year in support (a total of 1,2 million kroner for the project period). Deadline September 16th. For more information.

As part of the preparation for the establishment of a joint venture with Indian institutions, the Norwegian institution can also apply for up to 50 000 kroner in travel support for the purpose of getting acquainted with partners and plan joint activities. Deadline August 29th. For more information about the travel support.

Olav Thon Foundation’s national academic prize in natural sciences and medicine 2015

Olav Thon Foundation’s national academic prize in natural sciences and medicine is awarded for the first time Thursday March 5th 2015. The scientific community is encouraged to nominate persons for the Foundation’s prize for outstanding teaching. In addition, researchers can apply for support for research projects in medicine and/or the natural sciences/mathematics. Deadline September 1st 2014.
For more information  (in Norwegian).


Training program: HSE in the Laboratory

HSE in the Laboratory is a customised training program for employees with the laboratory as workplace. There will be a day course in radiation protection, in addition to courses in the safe use of chemicals, biological factors, systematic HSE-work, flammable goods, waste handling and ergonomics in the laboratory. All courses are held in Norwegian except for the radiation protection course which is held in both Norwegian and English.
For more information (in Norwegian).

Thank you for this spring’s efforts

Eystein 2Exams are over, public defenses completed, and a long summer vacation is awaiting most of us. On behalf of the leader group, I would like to thank the institute’s employees for their continuous efforts to teach, publish and develop the academic disciplines they represent. For all of this to run smoothly, we must have daily routines that functioning. Both the administration and the study section are continuously working to improve these routines to make life easier for you. Klaus and Lars in the K2-reception are acknowledged for always helping out with all kinds of small and big jobs.

We can now report half way into 2014 that the K2 budget is in balance, although still very tight as we have to set aside funds pay debts from 2013. Despite these difficulties we will be able to allocate more funds to the PhD and postdocs. If the current situation prevails, we will be able to renew about 50% of vacant positions. The recruitment process we have had this spring will provide the priorities for future recruitment.

The basis of our existence is the teaching of students enrolled in the professional studies and in the bachelor and master programs. We now have a special focus on teaching and will propose several actions in order to enhance teaching quality. One such action is K2’s teaching award, which is announced in this issue of K2nytt. Other efforts will be presented and discussed at the teaching seminar scheduled for September 17, where all K2-lecturers are expected to participate.
However, first and foremost I hope everyone enjoys a nice summer vacation

Link to statutes for education award (in norwegian)

Warm regards


Policies for future recruitment by Department of Clinical Sience

Roland JonssonThe Management of the institute has asked a working group consisting of Professor Øystein Bruserud (Chairman), Associate Professor Jørn Sagen, Professor Harald G. Wiker, Professor Lise Øvreås (vice-dean faculty of mathematics and natural sciences) and Chief Engineer Marianne Enger to prepare a report about the policies for future recruitment of scientific staff. Secretarial function was attended by head of administration, Synnøve Myhre. The basis for this is stated in the institute’s strategy document: “K2 will by the end of 2014 develop a long-term, structured plan for strategic recruitment and hiring of personnel in permanent faculty I and II positions.” Another important factor was that K2 in the next five years (2014-2018) will have a natural turnover of at least 12.1 FTEs (considering retirement at 70 years).

Some of the working group comments / conclusions are the following:

  • It is preferable that the department to a greater extent than previously should emphasize research and quality rather than traditional academic affiliation.
  • Calls of positions within a broader field will make the Department’s employment practices more flexible and may improve recruitment of women and external applicants.
  • The committee would like to have broader calls rather than limiting internal priorities before the announcement (this should also protect the strong academic groups‘ interests in that they can be expected to create stronger candidates who can compete better in such broader calls)
  • However, one must first ensure that the educational needs within a given subject is appropriate before broader calls are announced.
  • The committee recommend that the outlined guidelines should be followed for a period of 4-5 years and that there should be a reassessment and an evaluation completed during 2018.

In addition, it’s important that knowledge and expertise is transferred within the professions we represent without preventing recruitment. One can also suggest different distributions of the tasks which the University imposes the employees – research, teaching, communication and innovation. High standards for the basis of our function, i.e. teaching and research, is required. The full report can be read here and this week it has been discussed among the research group leaders, subject leaders, the Research Committee and the Institute Council at K2. A good tool for the future!

Happy summer from the research management


Organisational development project UoB

uiblogoThe Rectorate has as one of its goals for the election period to make sure the university’s organizational, administrative services and support at any time are appropriate and adapted to the university’s core activities. In the autumn of 2013 it was decided to initiate an organizational development project, aiming to develop the central administrative services so that they best support the university’s tasks in research, education and outreach.

A management committee has been appointed with responsibility for implementing the project, and a project group has been created to coordinate efforts. The first meeting of the management committee for the project is Friday 20 June. The management committee will decide which areas should be prioritized and approve a communication plan and a progress plan.

To keep all employees informed about the project, information about the organization and the framework of the work will be published on the project webpage (in Norwegian).The webpage is under development and will be continuously updated with status updates and project progress.

All units will be invited to an open information meeting in Egget August 27. During the autumn there will also be regular information meetings. Invitiation to these meetings will come later.

Publication of external work

UoB is working on the publication of external work. At the moment the following will be published:
– Name of employee
– Main category of external work – 4 categories; adjunct, secondary occupation, assignment, office
– Name of organisation/enterprise

It is important that these data are complete and correct. E-mail has been sent to employees where it has been reported missing data in these fields. The external work is believed to be underreported. The Personell- and organisation department has sent an e-mail asking the employees to again register their external work as soon as possible.
The publication of the external work is planned for week 34, and before that there will be a round of quality assurance.
Guidelines for registration of external work (in Norwegian).