Author Archives: jla088

Horizon 2020 course at home

Do not have the opportunity to attend the Research Council of Norway’s Horizon 2020 courses in Lysaker? Then you can take the course at home.

The Research Council now offers three e-learning courses, so that you have better chances of success in the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. Sign up for their course portal and take the courses whenever you want and wherever you want.

Read more here.

Day seminar: Research guidance for PhD supervisors

The Faculty of Medicine invites all supervisors to our PhD candidates for a seminar on research guidance.

Time: Tuesday 3 October at. 09: 00-15: 45.
Venue: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2.

Deadline for registration: 3 September.
NB! Limited number of seats.

The seminar is free, but registration is binding. Any prohibition must be notified immediately, and no later than 3 September, allowing others on the waiting list to participate. Enrolled who do not report within the deadline or who do not meet up will be billed for the hotel’s day package.

Target group: All main and co-supervisors for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine. Postdoctoral and external supervisors are also welcome.

The seminar is intended to provide professional information on important topics within supervision, as well as facilitate competence development and exchange of experience for supervisors. The seminar is held in Norwegian.

Poster. (Link in Norwegian.)
Program. (Link in Norwegian.)

A breakthrough in cancer research

k2nytt_2017_uke-34_kreftgjennombrudd_lonning_knappskog_labbenkResearchers at the Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory, together with researchers at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK, have conducted extensive work on mapping genetic changes in metastatic breast cancer. Knowledge like this is essential for the development of new therapies.


Professor Per Eystein Lønning and researcher Stian Knappskog, together with two British researchers, who are the main authors, is behind an article published last week in Cancer Cell. They have mapped what happens from a patient getting breast cancer until the cancer spreads to other organs in the body.

New technology

The work started four years ago and 163 samples from patients have been mapped. The majority of them are from Haukeland University Hospital.

– Earlier, we could only look at a single gene at a time. Thanks to new technology, it is now possible to do a broad survey of all genes relevant to the disease, explains Knappskog.

The researchers have looked at the changes in the metastatic tumour and compared these with the first tumour in the chest. They emphasize the importance of understanding which cancer cells survive treatment in order to develop better targeted treatment for patients with proliferation in the future

– In the long term, I think today’s research will enable us to cure breast cancer with proliferation. I do not know when it happens, but I am optimistic and am sure it will happen, says Professor Lønning.

Linn Iversen

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 22 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

Continue reading

We need more contributions to teaching

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasDear all K2s,

Welcome to a new semester as teachers and facilitators / contributors to all the teaching we perform at UoB and K2.

Medicine 2015 (“New Study Plan in Medicine”) is rolled out, and this autumn the old “propedeutics term” is completely reorganized. There has been an increase in research in research / journal writing, and we need urgently more fresh effort to participate. That is why all fellow students have received an email from me to request for contributions to this course now. But we also need contributions from other disciplines, so I have asked for information about each individual’s background. We will probably come back with requests for other teaching later.

Teaching is one of the main areas of responsibility for the university, and all fellows are also supposed to develop teaching skills (dissemination) during their PhD course. We therefore hope that both fellows and supervisors see the importance of contributions into teaching, also for those who have a scholarship outside of UoB.

I have received MANY positive answers. Thank you very much to those of you who show interest in contributing, and to those who have not yet answered, I hope to receive a feedback.

Wish you all a good teaching autumn!


HSE corner: Stop in the ventilation system

Dear all,

The hospital is performing maintenance on the ventilation system, hence the ventilation will be turned off at 17:00 on Thursday 24 August, in both the A-block (north) and B-block of the Laboratory Building. The work is expected to be completed at 20:00.

Any laboratory work dependent on ventilation cannot be performed during this period.

Questions can be directed to engineer Diana Espelid at HUS.

Best regards Julie

Offline at the Laboratory Building 27 August

Helse Vest IKT plans to change two switches in the Laboratory Building on Sunday 27 August from 3 p.m. and until at latest 2 a.m. the following night. Those affected are the 4th, 5th and 6th floors of the Laboratory Building.

There will be slightly different time from room to room when PCs and equipment will be offline during this period, but there will be up to several hours of downtime for some of the rooms. If some PCs need online almost the entire period, IKT can look for solutions for this. They want a prompt feedback if the actual time period is not appropriate for everyone.

Operating message will be announced immediately after the time has been confirmed.

Questions can be addressed to technician Asle Haugland Bøyum at Helse Vest IKT.