Author Archives: jla088

Applying for summer vacation before 1 April

k2nytt_2017_uke-12_summer-holidayEmployees at the University of Bergen apply for holiday in PAGA, and the employer confirms that the application has been approved in PAGA. If no holiday has been registered by 01.04.2017, the employer may enter a three weeks’ holiday for the employee and order that the holiday is taken out in this period. Any leftover holidays should be registered by 01.10.2017. If the total amount of holidays has not been registered by this date, the employer will fix a holiday and determine that it is taken out in this period. Information regarding holiday can be found in PAGA. Any changes in a registered holiday should be approved by the employer before the holiday is taken. The holiday balance in PAGA should be 0 for all employees by the end of the year.

More information is available here.

Deadline: 1 April 2017.

Inquiries may be directed to Linn Christine Meland ( / 55 97 29 54).

Maintenance of the wooden floor in the LAB-building 24–26 March

There will be maintenance of the wood floor in the LAB-building 24–26 March. The work begins on Friday at 4:00 p.m., and ends Saturday night. The most worn wooden floors from the 2nd to the 9th floor will be given priority. All hardwood floors in the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors will be oiled. Areas “blocked” on Friday, can be used again when locking ties are removed.

Seminar series at the Centre for Nutrition | Wednesday 5 April


We have the pleasure to invite you to the first seminar in a new series of seminars with lectures on nutrition by researchers from home and abroad. The series will address key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday 5 April, at 14:30–15:30

Venue: Auditorium 4, The BB-building (map)


Moderator: Gülen Arslan Lied

  • Perspectives on diet and the obesity epidemic (Simon Dankel)

There will be light refreshments. Welcome!

More information about the Centre for Nutrition is available here.

Eurolife International Summer School 10–14 July

The Eurolife International Summer School, entitled “Antimicrobial drug resistance – research and innovation” will take place in Barcelona from 10 to 14 July 2017. This will be a highly interactive course. If you are currently conducting AMR-related research with a translational angle, you may find this course particularly helpful.

More information about this course is available here and here.

Tuition fees: 700€ (almost all included).

Deadline for registration: 7 April 2017.

Seminar for Research Applications to the Norwegian Cancer Society

The Norwegian Cancer Society invites to a seminar for research applications on Monday 24 April in Oslo. At the seminar you will be familiar with the background, objectives and framework for the Cancer Society funding of cancer research and get an idea of user involvement in cancer research.

Deadline for registration: Wednesday 19 April.

Information and program are available here.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2017

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2017 is now ready for launch, and those responsible wants to reach out to as many people as possible during the mobilization period.

The plan is to visit all the faculties and possibly some departments, individual groups and centers. The target audience is not the administration, but researchers, research groups / group leaders, project managers, centre / center leaders, young researchers and institute / department leaders.

More information about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2017 is available here.

Inquiries may be directed to Emmanuel Babatunde or Jeanette Helgesen.

New names

k2nytt_2017_uke-12_nytt-navn_thomas-legoyWe present Thomas Aga Legøy, Master of biology at the University of Bergen. Thomas started on 15 March 2017 as a PhD student at K2, in the group for diabetes research. He will characterize cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the gradual failure of insulin producing β-cells in diabetes, under supervision of Simona Chera. If you want to say hello, he is in the 6th floor of the new Children and Youth Hospital (BUS1).

More funds available

bakke0x2c_per_0x2830x29We’ve already had one round of allocation of funding (Smådriftsmidler) this year, but there is still money left. Therefore, there will be a second round of allocations. The same criteria apply also this time.

Criteria and requirements

  • The leader of the research group must apply, and the purpose must be discussed and prioritized within the research group.
  • It must be documented that the group has applied for other external research funding in 2016.
  • Appropriations shall be annual and used during the budget year. The funds are not transferable to the next year.
Funding will be allocated to research groups that do not have large appropriations already.
  • The research group must document how the funds will be used.

A research project can receive up to 150,000 NOK per year. Researchers who have been awarded this amount in the recently completed round, cannot apply for more, while researchers with less funding, can apply again. Although an applicant in the same research group has received money, it is an opportunity for another within the same group to apply, but the same project can get maximum 150,000 NOK.

Application form are available here.
Send the application to Siv Eggereide.

The deadline is 1 April (and that’s not a joke!).

HSE corner: Bike to Work 2017

On 19 April starts this year’s Bike to Work-campaign. The aim is to get in better shape, but Bike to work is also a social initiative for employees. This year, the University of Bergen awards great prizes to both teams and individual participating employees. Details about these prizes are provided later. In addition, there are opportunities to win prizes in the national competition.

For more information: see here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Election of rector and members of the University Board

Dag Rune Olsen and Margareth Hagen are standing as candidates for rector and pro-rector. The election will take place from 30 March until 5 April.

Invitation to election meeting
You are invited to meet them on Monday 27 March at 13–15, Egget, Studentsenteret, Parkveien 1.
For more information: see here.

Elections of new members to the University Board
You may propose candidates to the University Board.
Proposal deadline is Friday 7 April at 12 p.m.
For more information: see here.

Earth Hour 25 March 2017

On Saturday 25 March at 08:30 p.m. local time, people worldwide turn off the lights for one hour as a climate campaign. It began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007 as a local action, and since then, Earth Hour has grown into the largest and most evocative climate campaign, with up to one billion participants year after year.

All students and staff at the University of Bergen are therefore encouraged to turn off the lights in every office and other rooms, and close the doors before taking a weekend.

Read more here.

NordForsk funding for research training courses

The Nordic network NORDOC, which UiB/MOF is part of, is planning to apply for funding from the NordForsk funds. The aim is to develop a series of research and doctoral training courses that can be offered through this network. The courses can be within all disciplines at the Faculty, and existing courses may be further developed for this purpose.

For more information: contact Roland Jonsson ( / 55 97 46 49).

Deadline to submit courses: 24 March 2017.

The Fulbright Norway Article of the Year Award 2017

The Fulbright Alumni Association of Norway has since 2014 awarded an annual prize for the best peer reviewed article published by a Norwegian Fulbright alumnus. Author(s) of the Article of the Year Award will receive a diploma together with 50 000 NOK. This year’s price is complemented by The Fulbright Norway Young Researcher Award. This is offered to the best academic article published in 2016 by a young scholar who is a PhD student or earned his/her PhD degree during the last three years. The winner of the Young Researcher Award will receive a diploma together with 10 000 NOK.

For more details, see here.

Deadline for both awards: Saturday 1 April 2017.

Education Awards at FMD 2017

In keeping with The Action Plan for Education (Handlingsplan for utdanning), the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has since 2011 awarded three education awards: The Academic Quality Award (Studiekvalitetsprisen), The Teaching Award (Undervisningsprisen) and The Internationalization of Education Award (Pris for internasjonalisering i studiene). The Faculty is now announcing all three education awards for 2017.

For more details about purposes, criteria and nominations: see here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Deadline for submitting proposals to award candidates: Tuesday 18 April 2017.

The Sjöberg Prize for cancer research 2018

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences invites you to nominate candidate(s) for The Sjöberg Prize 2018.

The Sjöberg Prize for cancer research is awarded to scientists who have made major contributions to our knowledge about disease mechanisms, risk factors, or the treatment or prevention of cancer.

Nominations must be made by individuals and submitted electronically on a form available here.

Deadline for nominations: Monday 15 May 2017.

For more information: see here.

Further questions can be directed to the Sjöberg Prize secretary, Rune Toftgård ( / +46 8 673 95 60).

Summer School on Intellectual Property 2017 in Bonn

The University of Bonn, Germany, invites graduate and postgraduate students to a Summer School on Intellectual Property.

This Summer School addresses graduate and postgraduate students from any field of study, and will take place from 31 July to 11 August 2017. The program is conducted in English.

For more information: see here.

For questions: contact Mr. Michael Fischer or Ms. Kim Dubenkropp.

We have to play each other better

k2nytt_2017_uke-10_leder_portrett_raederThe soccer team Rosenborg’s famous coach Nils Arne Eggen launched in his time the “Good Foot-Theory”. According to his theory we must “play each other better.” Nobel Laureate May-Britt Moser subsequently repeated his point in a research context. Unfortunately, it seems that the culture within the more competitive levels of academia goes in the opposite direction, at least if we are to believe a recent article in The Guardian. In this article, immunologist Lemaitre shares his reflections after his mentor Jules Hoffman received the Nobel Prize in 2011 for a discovery Lemaitre himself claims he was behind. He writes that “Reaching the top of the scientific hierarchy increasingly depends on a glittering media profile, publishing in “trophy journals” and cultivating a network of academic frenemies who are treated as close allies until they become obstacles in the path to academic glory”. He further writes that this narcissistic behaviour could eventually affect the objectivity of scientific research. He concludes by saying that “When you do a collective project with a narcissist at the end he has the feeling that he has done everything.” Such a culture is totally unacceptable and should be discouraged. One way to counter such a culture is to reward seniors who promotes their juniors’ career, for example by organizing their research activities so that their junior researcher develop independence and get their rightful last authorships without creating conflicts of interest. Today´s system credit the senior scientists for the numbers of doctoral students receiving their PhD. I hope we could also credit senior researchers´ ability to lift juniors to leading positions, both within and outside academia. To this end, the senior scientists would need to pass on some niches of their own research field and some potential last authorships to their junior group members. In return, the career progression for former junior group members should stand out in the senior´s CV, both at salary discussions, in applications for UiB scholarships and post-doctoral positions and in research applications. As it says in the Holy Bible, “for whatever one sows, that will he also reap”.


Election meeting on Friday 24 March 2017

k2nytt_2017_uke-10_valgmote_kandidater_170310In preparation for the election scheduled on 30 March to 5 April, an election meeting of the faculty will be held on Friday 24 March at 08.30–10 am with the rector candidate Dag Rune Olsen together with pro-rector candidate Margareth Hagen and their vice principal candidates Robert Bjerknes and Oddrun Samdal. They will start with presenting briefly their election platform, and then there will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide input to the election platform.

The meeting will be held in Auditorium 2 at the BB-building.

We look forward to seeing you!