Author Archives: imo014

Masterproject to IBM

Dear all

The new students on the Master’s programme of biomedicine will be looking for projects this autumn and spring. We are therefore collecting project descriptions for them. Please use the attached form if you have projects for our students. The timeline of the projects is from June/august 2023 to June 2024.

Please send your project to by the 24th of October. We will distribute all the projects to the students on Mitt UIB after this deadline. The students are then encouraged to approach the supervisors of the projects they are interested in.

We also ask you to hand in the Master’s agreement (see attached file) 14 days after you have formally signed on a student, or let us know if a project is taken. Then we can update the list of available projects.

Please let me know if you have any questions about taking on a master student. 

Best, Bianca

# Joint MED-CBU seminar

CBU will host a joint MED-CBU seminar open to all interested in
bioinformatics and data on the 19th of October at 11:15 in the Blåbær
room, høyteknologisenteret 5th floor. This will be followed by an
opportunity to mingle between the MED and CBU communities around *free
If you are interested in joining, please contact Marc
( so that we can plan the amount of pizza to order.
Please also include dietary requirements and whether you need assistance
of any kind.
Hoping that many of you will join,
Anagha and Marc

Call for Applications for CAS Research Grant

The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) invites researchers to pursue excellent, fundamental, curiosity-driven research in Oslo during the 2025/2026 academic year. Assemble your international dream team of prominent researchers and apply for a research stay at CAS.

Each year, we host three research groups working within and across the following fields:

  • Humanities/Theology
  • Social sciences/Law
  • Natural sciences/Medicine/Mathematics

The research groups stay at CAS, situated at the stately premises of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo, for one academic year. Each project receives a grant of roughly NOK 3.2 million.

Application deadline: 18 October 2023.