Author Archives: ijo013

Research cooperation with Japan

bakke0x2c_per_0x2830x29On Tuesday this week MOF  had a visit by Dr. Hiroshi Matsumoto who is UiB’s representative in Japan and associated Innovation Norway Tokyo at the Norwegian embassy in Japan. He will work to promote research cooperation between Norway and Japan. He held a presentation for the head of the deparments at MOF and the Faculty management. The presentation can be found here. Matsumoto indicated that Japan is interested in a research collaboration with the Nordic countries. One of the reasons for Japan to focus on the Nordic countries is the combination of different population registries and biobanks that exist here. He drew particular highlight to three areas. One is geriatric research. Japan is among the countries that have come furthest on geriatric and investing heavily in this field especially connected with informasjonssteknologi and robotics. The second is generation studies and the third field he particularly pointed out is stem cell research.

On all three of these areas is the research on K2.

For research groups that would be interested in the above can be cited SIU’s Explore program for cooperation with countries outside the EU: Current project can be supported by up to 300 000 NOK spread over two (2) years. Overall framework for the program is NOK 5 million. Deadline October 17, 2016. See more information here.


The HSE corner – Supervision by the Gene Technology Act

The Department has received notification that in the time periode October 17th – 20th it will be conducting audits Health Directorate about our business affected by the Gene Technology Act.
According to the law can work with GMOs (living organisms that have their genetic material altered through genetic engineering) done only when:

1) laboratory where the work is done is approved for operation with the relevant GMO.

2) it is submitted application / report on the research activity.

Ad 1. At our institute exist already approvals of laboratories that will cover most of the activities in question. But it is important that users familiarize themselves with the areas that have been approved, and whether approval will also cover you activity.

Ad2. Any use of GMOs to be reported or apply for a permit. If there must be a permit for starting work is dependent on the risk assessment of the activity.

It’s Directorate of Health is empowered to supervise the Gene Technology Act is followed. Information about applications can be found on their website:

Here you will find the necessary information; law and regulations, application forms and how the application should be sent. Below link to “Genetically modified microorganisms” you can find a list of the risk assessment of microorganisms, which can be useful.

Not all activities in genetic engineering include GMOs. For example, PCR or sequencing of a PCR product does not cause any living organism, and therefore not covered by the law. But if on the other hand clones the PCR product into a plasmid vector and transforming this into a bacterium, has made a GMO.

Academic questions regarding applications / reports and other questions about GMOs may be directed to Audun H. Nerland (, phone 55974653).

The department is required to keep track of all activity on includes GMOs. Copies of the applications to the Directorate of Health, and in response to these applications are therefore asked to be sent to the administration at the institute, with a copy to (

New Names

nebIntroducing Nebeyaet S. Gebreslase, Apprentice as a Laboratory technician. Nebeyaet began in August 2016 at the Department of Clinical science. If you want to say hello, you can find her in the 8th floor in the lab building.


A MASTER or PHD at one of the world’s leading universities?

9AdNaI-2Aker Scholarship is a grant awarded to students who want to apply for master’s or PhD studies at some of the world’s leading universites: Caltech, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London og National University of Singapore (NUS).
The scholarship is open for all fields of study, but you can only apply if you’re not already enrolled in the program.
Application deadline: October 1st. 2016

Publication in ESC journal

The publication entitled ‘Natriuretic peptide levels taken following Constantly unplanned admission to a cardiology department predict the duration of hospitalization’ will be published in the next issue European Journal of Heart Failure.

It represents the work that was started when Marte Asphaug was a student at SUS.

You can read it here

BOA team’s website is launched

hav_liv_samfunn_3BOA team’s website is online

New Website with templates and tools for use in dealing with externally financed projects are now aware of BOA team at UiB.
The target group for BOA-sites are primarily administrations of faculties and departments. Other users are project managers, local and central advisers who have roles associated with BOA-related work. The website will remain in continuous development in collaboration with the various user groups.
The website covers the entire process to a externally financed research projects: mobilization, application, contract, startup, operation and shutdown. For each step in the process described all the activities belonging to all roles, tasks, guidance, resources and contacts.

Users can enroll needs to responsible for BOA-sites, allowing more specific information for faculty or institute may be considered on pages. BOA team leader has overall, comprehensive responsibility for BOA websites and provide good practices
Reference Date 2016/9277-SYP 08/31/2016 page 2 of 2 for management of content in cooperation with those responsible for the various activities. In this regard, BOA team leader have dialogue with faculties and departments to anchor roles and responsibilities of all BOA processes.

Invitation to EVU forum on October 27th

How can EVU help meet society’s needs for expertise? 

UiB further invites scientific employees and administrativ staff to EVU forum on Thursday 27 October 2016.
Theme: How can continuing education help meet society’s needs for expertise in the future?
Innovation Norway, the Ministry of Education, Directorate of Education, NIFU and Hordaland County Council contributes insight and futures. We serve lunch- welcome!
Time: Thursday 27th October 2016 at. 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2
Read the full program here

Registration before Friday 21 October at. 16.00

Public PhD Defence, Week 38

mohn_23.09Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, September 23rd, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, September 23rd, 2016, 09:15
Topic:  “Viral epidemics – historical and future threats”
Place:  Auditorium, Bikuben, Jonas Lies vei 69
Public defense: Friday, September 23rd, 2016, 11:15
Place:  Auditorium, Bikuben, Jonas Lies vei 69
Title of dissertation:  “Immune response to influenza after vaccination and infection”
1st opponent: Ass. professor Terho Heikkinen, Universitetet i Turku, Finland
2nd opponent: Førsteamanuensis Lars Heggelund, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (in Norwegian)

Digitization Strategy for UiB

As part of the work with the University of Bergen’s strategy 2016-2022 “Sea, life, society” and the university’s commitment to digitization has the University Board requested that the compilation of a digitization strategy.

This will support and deepen the University’s strategy by describing how the University of Bergen will exploit the opportunities digitization gives to reach our goals and how we can exploit the structural changes digitization entails.

A draft digitization strategy was submitted to the University Board 25.08.2016. The plan shall be approved by the Board in October. Meanwhile we will conduct hearings where all the University’s staff and students have the opportunity to participate in the discussion on the digitization strategy.

Applications are invited for open hearings:
• With employees at Haukeland / Årstad Area Tuesday 20 September at. 1430-1416 Place: Auditorium 4 BB building, Haukeland
• With employees Nygårdshøyden Thursday 22 September at. 1430-1416, place huge auditorium in Lauritz Meltzer house (SV building), Fosswinckels gate 6.

Consultative Meeting with students and student organizations will be announced later.

Attached is the draft digitization strategy for UiB. The draft digitization strategy was presented to the University Board in Case 99/16. The documentation exists on

We invite anyone interested to come at these consultative Meetings!

«Yes, of course it hurts when buds are breaking» (Karin Boye © -96)

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasWith the new curriculum (Medicine 2015) entering into full bloom, we may notice some pain during this transition.

This week last year’s “greenhorns” (read: first-year medical students who had stayed two days at the department during spring term), started to bloom, now with orange name-tags. During this stay their main goal was to follow at least two patients through the treatment chain; from referral from primary care throughout their examinations /treatment during hospital-stay, which personnel were involved and how was the collaboration between primary and secondary health-care? These students have been present in their respective departments throughout four days and this time possibly in addition to older students who by the “old” curriculum are supposed to learn the explicit technical diagnostics and procedures taught in their specific semester. We all need to keep track of which of these students could / should attend what.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to providing all categories of students with good learning opportunities!

More changes: The Skills Centre (Ferdighetssenteret) which has been spread at three different locations in Sentralblokken is almost finalized, now located at the 1st floor of BBB. This centre will be a great venue for our students to practice skill training; from blood pressure measurement and bladder catheterization, via cardiopulmonary resuscitation to complex emergency courses. We are upgrading the equipment and now it is the responsibility of the different semester boards to plan the teaching that should be implemented at the Skills Centre.

The centre is also designed to accommodate OSCE examination (Objective Structured Clinical Exam), where students are tested in practical skills (procedures or patient communication). Such examination takes place at the end of the third and sixth year of their medical study. All the practice students receive at different departments will prepare them for these exams!

Integrated education, where basic medicine and specific medical specialty teachers contribute together will be an exciting challenge in the new curriculum. TBL (team based learning) is a student activating teaching method which among others will be demonstrated during the Teaching Day 2016 on 12th of October. There, we also will be given the opportunity to learn how to develop proper multiple choice questions (MCQs) aiming to test the students’ theoretical knowledge in an appropriate manner.

All teachers are welcomed to attend the Teaching Day 12.10! A final reminder: we all want to meet tidy, clean classrooms, especially when we bring patients along. We will (via the faculty study section) remind the students of their responsibility to tidy up after lectures. (Empty coffee mugs or water bottles should be removed and drinking is never a student activity when a patient is present, whether in the auditorium or consulting rooms). Maybe we need to define a specific student from each class as the “busboy”? But we as lecturers should aid by removing excess teaching materials such as surplus handouts when we leave the auditorium or classroom.

And please; do not use a permanent marker on anything else than whiteboards, they cannot be removed from projector screens…