Author Archives: ijo013

In autumn 2016 the free space on the following surface-mounting model in university teaching

UPED622 Research Guidance:

Date: 25 and 26 October and 22 November (register here:

UPED621 evaluation and assessment:

Date: 10th and 11th of November and December 5 (register here:

Please consult the course overview for more information about the modules:

Also recalling Learning Conference taking place on October 20 at VilVite (website with program and registration here: -education )

New Names

14672627_1128299420598158_1858313391_oIntroducing Kjersti Elvestad Hestetun. She is a doctor and has worked several years at the cancer ward. On September 9th 2016, she started as a PhD student in Olav Dahl group. If you want to say hello, you can find her on the 5th floor in the lab building

Request for master – and bachelor theses in nutrition

Tema for masteroppgave

In connection with the students on master programs in clinical and human nutrition required to write a thesis, calls Program Committee for nutrition new theses in nutrition. The thesis must provide 60 credits, and is intended for two semesters full-time study. Students choose task in April 2017, and the work of the task will fall 17 – spring 18. Students will appoint a maximum of two supervisors in connection with the thesis. Whether primary or secondary supervisor must be employed at the University of Bergen.

Program Committee asks for a brief description (max 1 page) of research and topical (e) master (s) no later than 20 October. Feel free to use the attached template and send via e-mail to

The tasks will be presented to students at a meeting in December. Those who have submitted tasks in previous years, but still want students in connection with the project, please submit your tasks again.

Program Committee appoint a committee which must approve any theme before they are presented to students. If the statement of clinical grade should be a clinician supervisor. It allowed a maximum of two college students associated with a project.

Information about the master programs is available on the web here:

Description to the master theses can be found here.

The theme of bachelor thesis:

Spring 2017 students in bachelor programs in human nutrition write a Bachelor’s thesis.

Thesis amounts to ten credits, the equivalent of about six weeks of full-time work. The aim of the exercise is to give students experience in nutrition research work, in terms of planning, implementation and presentation of a scientific project. The task may be a limited empirical assignment or a literature assignment (review). Literature Tasks are recommended. Students receive training in literature and writing technique as part of the course. This guidance will mainly focus on scientific content. Experience from last year showed that it is wise to find a limited theme with uncontroversial literature.

In this connection, the Programme Committee in nutritional input to nutrition-related topics for bachelor theses. The thesis will provide 10 credits, and printed in the program’s sixth semester (spring semester). Students begin the task in February 2017. Submission of the task is set to May 19, and oral exam (up to 30 minutes with presentation and discussion) to be held 5 – 6 June 2016.

Course description for the bachelor thesis can be found here:

Program Committee asks for a brief description (max 1/2 page) of the current (s) Bachelor’s theses (s) before October 20th. Certainly with the attached template and send email to

The tasks will be presented to students at a meeting in early February 2017. It is desirable that the supervisor is present at the presentation.

Information about the Bachelor’s program is available on the web here:

Description to the bachelor theses can be found here.

Internal Announcement of positions

 These position will be advertised internally from September 1st:
  • Consultant, Higher Executive Officer, Senior Executive Officer and advisor
  • Engineer and Cheif Engineer
  • Research Technician, Senior Research Technician

Who can apply for jobs advertised positions?

All permanent and temporary employees at UiB can apply for jobs advertised internally. The Notice eligibility requirements will determent which candidates are considered to be qualified for the position adversited.

Highlighting internal announcements

It’s prepared a special website for internal announcements under the HR Department page ”Careers”

For more details – visit the following link:

Click here to find the positions advertised internally

Announcement of Pasteur Legatet

Pasteur Legatet shall be awarded a grant to Norwegian scientist women and men who intends to study a topic regarding infectious agents, chemistry or fermentation industry on the December 27th 2016.

Allocation is preferably given to young, active and promising researchers, under the doctoral level. Emphasis is placed on documentation of preliminary results and evaluations of their efforts. Priority specific operational and equipment needs, rather than traveling, accommodation, general financial support and publication expenses.

It is given rather not support more than twice to the same person.
On both counts it is however the possibility of exceptions in special cases.

Applications must include a curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages) and a short project description (up to 3 pages). Any award will ordinarily not exceed kr. 15.000.-.

Applications should be submitted by December 15th 2016 to Pasteurlegatets secretary Mari Støen, Department of Microbiology, University of Oslo, Oslo University email:

See also Pasteurlegatets homepage

Projects on ice

helgeAt the start of next year, a centralized storage of biomaterial at -80C and colder is planned in Marie Joys House (MJH). Here remote freezers needs be placed, and the majority of the biomaterial should be stored here.
The remaining biomaterial may be stored in local freezers, especially material which is in frequent use. Since the need for freezer capacity is increasing and soon increasing beyond the present capacity, we will now be starting the process of establishing local freezers and remote freezers. We will work through the established Floor responsible people (Etasjekontakter) in the Lab building and in the Obstetrics Department and Pediatrics Department to assemble an overview of freezers (-80C and colder including liquid nitrogen storage) including number and owners and users of each freezer.

We encourage the owners of freezers/biobanks already now to begin sorting their material based on storage in either local freezers or in remote freezers. There are several ways to solve this, for example by redefining the ownership to the freezers in each floor so that the owners jointly manage both local freezers and remote freezers, but we welcome alternative suggestions. The goal is that some of freezers in in Lab building and in the Obstetrics Department and Pediatrics Department must be moved to MJH to operate as remote freezers there.



Last chance to register for the teaching day for K1 and K2

vilvite-bergen-scienceHave you not signed up for the teaching day for K1 and K2 yet, takes place on VilVite October 12th? There is stil the possibility of joining – the final deadline for entries is Monday 10 October at. 10:00.

You register via this form.

Program for the day:

8:30 to 9:00: Coffee and Preparation
9:00 to 10:00: Introduction by Jone Trovik
My UiB new study «Medicine 2015»

• Scientific Perspective: Genetics of 3rd semester. Stephanie Le Hellard shows the structure of modules and general presentation of the subject in My UiB
• Student Perspective: students in 3rd semester presents their experience with My UiB.

Presentation of Unit for learning by Monika Kvernenes.
10:00 to 10:45: Lecture by Rune Haagensen educator / senior adviser at OUS. “Documented knowledge about the educational impact of e-learning.” Followed by discussion.
11:00 to 12:15: Tobias Schmidt Slørdahl about how NTNU develops and uses the database with multiple choice questions (MCQ) at the examination arrangements. Presentation and group assignments.
12:15 to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Experiences from the first session with Team-based learning (TBL) in the 3rd semester at Arne Tjølsen
1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m., ”Tutorgrupper”. Examples of how clinical group organized in different departments. Department of Neurology at Kjell-Morten Myhr. Discussion: how to make (s) this for my department?
2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., coursework has been the main task of “Medicine 2015”. By Nils-Erik Gilhus and Eivind Kolstad.

Well met!