Author Archives: hbe012

Merck Life Science (Sigma Aldrich) invites you to a free seminar in Bergen

The seminar is a Cell biology seminar.

Also Josefine Jaxby from Corning will be at Seminar if you have questions about Corning products.

Hopefully you can send it forward to people that might be interested in this Seminar at your department.

Speaker: Marina Wiklander, PhD
Date: 08.05.2019
Time: 08:30 – 12.00

Location: Thormøhlensgt 55 (N-terminalen, romnr. 520B1), 5.etg., Bioblokken 

  1. Cell Identity and Authentication: What’s in your flask?
    Cell line misidentification is one of the greatest threats to the validity of research in the 21st century. With cell culture key to most life science research it is vitally important that any practitioner of cell culture is aware of the magnitude of the problem and be able to employ resources and strategies to ensure valid results. 
  2. Trouble Shooting in Cell Culture
    Overview of the global cell culture process, where and why problems could be encountered (poor growth and viability, low adherence, mycoplasma detection, phenotypic drift). A chance for customers to “share their problems”. 
  3. Moving from 2D to 3D cell culture?: 3D Neural Stem Cell Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
    Introduction of 3D cell culture technologies provided us with improved model for cellular research for drug discovery and other medical applications. Combination of 3D cell technology with stem cell research helped us to establish a relevant disease model in order to understand the pathology of the dementia and also improve the development of drugs.Based on publication by Kim et. al who created a three-dimensional (3D) human neural stem cell model of Alzheimer’s disease, we would like to introduce this model as a valuable tool to study age-related Alzheimer’s dementia as well as other neurodegenerative disorders.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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Will Santa Claus come this year?

Yesterday some of us were gathered to count down towards the deadline for submitting applications to the Research Council of Norway; 10 – 9 – 8 down to 0. At the deadline K2’ers had send a total of 35 applications to NFR. Thanks to all the applicants and the administration (Amra, Julie, Kate, Kjetil, Linn, Burhan,and Mia) who have all worked towards a common goal – to send the best possible applications to The Research Council. The department leadership is very pleased with the effort. Hopefully we will be inspired to eat another cate as Christmas approaches.

At the same time, we must all be aware that the “eye of the needle” is small, even though we received two FRIPRO, three BEHANDLING and one GLOBEVAC project last year. This might be a national record for a department of our size. It is also gratifying to see that so many of the younger researchers are applying this year. Twelve applications were written by researchers in temporary positions. Altogether 19 applications were written by women and 16 by men. This testifies to the ability and willingness of K2’ers to move forward to be leaders in their fields.

Knowing that only about 1 out of 20 applications are funded, the majority of the 35 will be successful. Nevertheless, the writing process and all the time spent is not at all wasted as it both sharpens the hypotheses and ideas of the scientific project, and because the application can be used for other calls, such as Helse Vest and EU.

Writing applications is a “stone upon stone” process that we, who thrive going uphill, are good at. So let’s hope that success breeds success – and that Santa Claus comes to visit early this year.

Eystein Husebye
Deputy K2

Deadline for registering your summer holiday and happy easter!

Dear colleagues,

I would like to inform you that deadline for registering your summer holiday is 1st May. At the same time I would like to remind those of you who are quickly approaching your easter holiday, to please register your easter holiday before exiting the office.

The holiday plan for the main holiday period shall be registered 1st May and applications for holidays must therefore be registered in Pagaweb well ahead of this date. All employees shall as a main rule take three weeks of holiday in the period between 1. June and 30th September, and preferably between the two school semesters.

Please remember that your holiday shall be in agreement with your closest leader and be registered in Pagaweb. I hope you can spare a couple of minutes to do this. You can always change the time of your holiday at a later time, should this be needed.

Wishing you all a very happy easter,

Best regards,



We have now posted the final scientific programs of CCBIO’s two international symposia in May 2019 at the Solstrand SPA hotel, on the event websites. Also note that registration deadline is extended to April 24th, as we can still make room for some more participants. If you have not registered yet: Please do not wait till the last minute as the list is rapidly filling.

-The 7th CCBIO Annual Symposium, May 13th-14th REGISTRATION

-The CCBIO 2nd Satellite Symposium, on Deep Tissue Profiling, May 12th REGISTRATION

7th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 13th-14th

The 2018 symposium was a success with more than 200 participants and we expect the 2019 symposium to be at least as good. We have secured a range of international and national speakers and some of the highlights will be the talks by Bob LöwenbergWilliam Foulkes,  Jonathan IrishMarta Bertolaso, and many other distinguished speakers. The last day will end on a high note with a lecture by Omid Farokhzad. This keynote address is part of the distinguished Volterra lectures series organized by our partner Digital Life Norway (DLN).

We will have two extended poster sessions where younger researchers can present their work (poster abstract deadline now April 17th), and ample time for interaction between the participants. The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/260 Euro per person. For the program, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Symposium website with final program.

Practical information

Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling May 12th

The Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling is initiated with lunch at 12.00 before the scientific program starts at 13.00.

The satellite symposium will consist of talks focusing on the opportunities inherent to new technology, in particular the Hyperion Imaging System, both in terms of technology and in use of this technology for research purposes. Speakers include e.g. Jonathan IrishKurt SchalperTeijo Pellinen and other distinguished experts.

The subsidized registration fee is 500 for the meeting incl. lunch and 1500 if you want to attend dinner and stay overnight at Solstrand. We have a total of 70 rooms available.

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Satellite Symposium website with final program.

Practical information: See the info sheet for the CCBIO Symposium


CCBIO is happy to be inviting you to a two-day seminar in scientific writing, May 15th and 16th 2019. The seminar is open for all (requires registration).

The course is part of the CCBIO/INTPART program, where students’ education and research is promoted through collaboration between CCBIO, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School. Elisabeth Wik is coordinating the program. This two-day seminar in scientific writing  was first run in December 2017 and was a great success.

There is valuable input in the scientific writing program for both students, postdocs and professors. Lecturers are Christine Møller, an experienced lecturer in medical and scientific writing and assistant editor of APMIS, and Randy Watnick, associate professor at the Vascular Biology Program, Harvard Medical School.

WHEN: May 15 and 16, 2019.

WHERE: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital.

PROGRAM: You can find program here.

REGISTRATION: Please register within May 1st. Registration link here.

Questions can be forwarded to coordinator Elisabeth Wik.

Please feel free to circulate this invitation as all are welcome.


BMED904 is a five day course, running every 2 years, that includes lectures from local researchers and a number of internationally well-known researchers within the field of matrix biology as well as practical laboratory training. The course will cover various aspects of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology. A recurring theme will be the roles of the various ECM molecules and their functions in health and disease. All lectures are open to everyone interested.

When: June 3-7, 2019.

Where: Campus Haukeland University Hospital (tba), Bergen

Program and registration: available at this link

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 7 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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Back in town from Cambridge and Boston!

I worked four days a week at the Program for Population Genetics, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. Broad is a private institution affiliated with Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that physically is located at the MIT campus in Cambridge. The area is characterized by a mixture of academia, technology, and innovation with a number of giants in the IT and pharmaceutical industries. With the right contacts you can here have lunch with the leaders of for example Google, Novartis, and Pfizer. It makes the road short between academia and industry.

Head of Broad is Director and Professor Eric Lander who has been central to sequencing the human genome and mapping genetic diseases. Eric Lander is a master of fundraising. Under his leadership, Broad has built two large buildings and houses more than 2000 employees. Researchers at Broad are at the forefront of human genetics.

One of the goals of the stay was to be able to transfer some of this to K2. There are many aspects of Broad that I think have transfer value. They have a great degree of openness, cooperation, winning culture, and clear organization with effective communication, focus on primary tasks, safeguarding professional and social issues among the employees, and branding – matters that I think we can work even more with here at K2.

Although I indeed enjoy may time at the Broad, it is good to be home at K2 again. Looking forward to an exciting time ahead. Have a great weekend!


Kurs om Genteknologiloven starter 23.april

Arbeid med GMO (genmodifiserte organismer) er lovregulert gjennom GENTEKNOLOGILOVEN. Ved K2 arrangeres et kurs der dette lovverket blir gjennomgått; hvordan man søker om godkjenning av laboratorier, og hvordan man søker om godkjenning av prosjekter der GMO inngår. Videre vil arbeidsrutiner i laboratoriet og transport av GMO bli gjennomgått. Andre lands lovverk på dette området (EU, USA og Canada) vil også bli omtalt.

Kurset gir 3 studiepoeng, og vil passe for master- og PhD-studenter som vil arbeide med GMO enten i praksis eller administrativt (som departementer, helsedirektoratet, miljødirektoratet, VKM, Mattilsynet).

Kurset starter med noen forelesninger som dekker lovverket. Deretter vil det etter avtale med studentene bli arrangert kollokvier for diskusjoner om emnet. For godkjenning av kurset må studentene skrive en søknad (enten reell eller fiktiv) for godkjenning av enten laboratoriefasiliteter for å arbeide med GMO, eller godkjenning av et prosjekt der GMO inngår. Link til kurset:

For påmelding kontakt:
Elin Heggernes 
Klinisk institutt 2
tlf: 55 97 27 63



There will be elected one member (and minimum two alternates) to the Faculty Board at the Faculty of Medicine in group B (temporary employees in teaching and research positions).

The deadline for proposals of members (group B*) is set to Tuesday 7 May 2019

*) Temporary positions as “Research fellow”, “Postdoc” and “Researcher” are included in group B. Proposals must be received by the Electoral secretary, Gjert Bakkevold.

Armauer Hansen House 4th floor, room 416, within 03:00PM Tuesday 7 May 2019.Group B is represented on the Faculty Board as follows:

More information here.


There will be elected one member (and two alternates) to the Department Council at the Department of Clinical Science in group B (temporary employees in teaching and research positions).

The deadline for proposals of members (group B*) is set to Tuesday 23 April 2019.

*) Temporary positions as “Research fellow”, “Postdoc” and “Researcher” are included in group B. Proposals must be received by the Electoral secretary, Gjert Bakkevold.

Armauer Hansen House 4th floor, room 416), within 03:00PM Tuesday 23 April 2019.Group B is represented on the Department Council as follows:

More information here.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 15 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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(Norwegian) Sidegjøremål – kvalitetssikring 2019

Vi minner om den årlige fristen for å kvalitetssikre og registrere sidegjøremål for 2019.  UiB publiserer lister over sidegjøremål for ansatte på UiB sin hjemmeside. Disse listene er søkbar på person og det er derfor viktig at opplysningene er så oppdatert som mulig.

Den ansatte har selv ansvar for å kontrollere, registrere og vedlikeholde opplysninger om sine sidegjøremål.  Reglene for sidegjøremål fines i  Regelsamlingen. Under finner du utfyllende informasjon til «Den ansatte» og «For leder»

For ansatte:
I forbindelse med den årlige kvalitetssikringen av sidegjøremålsdatabasen bes alle ansatte om å kontrollere sine registrerte sidegjøremål i sin mappe i Personalportalen under tilleggsinformasjon.

Med sidegjøremål menes bistilling, bierverv, oppdrag og verv som en ansatt ved UiB har utenom sin stilling ved UiB, uansett om arbeidet eller vervet er lønnet eller ikke. Arbeid som utføres for et foretak eller selskap som helt eller delvis eies av den ansatte, anses også som sidegjøremål.

For mer informasjon gå til ansattsidene, Medarbeiderhåndboken under fanen «Mitt arbeidsforhold», «Sidegjøremål»:

«UiBs prinsipper for sidegjøremål»  finner du i Regelsamlingen.

Prinsippene gir en oversikt over hvilke sidegjøremål som er registreringspliktige. Alle registreringspliktige sidegjøremål ved UiB skal registreres elektronisk i Personalportalen. Det er utarbeidet en brukerveileder for ansatte som skal registrere sidegjøremål.»

Alle ansatte har oversikt over sine registrerte sidegjøremål under tilleggsinformasjon i sin mappe i Personalportalen.

For ledere:
Via Lederhåndboken under fanen «Lederoppgaver», «Sidegjøremål»:

«UiBs prinsipper for sidegjøremål finnes i Regelsamlingen.

Med sidegjøremål menes bistilling, bierverv, oppdrag og verv som en ansatt ved UiB har utenom sin stilling ved UiB, uansett om arbeidet eller vervet er lønnet eller ikke. Arbeid som utføres for et foretak eller selskap som helt eller delvis eies av den ansatte, anses også som sidegjøremål.

Prinsippene gir en oversikt over hvilke sidegjøremål som er registreringspliktige. Alle registreringspliktige sidegjøremål ved UiB skal registreres elektronisk i Personalportalen. Det er utarbeidet en brukerveileder for ledere som skal behandle registreringsskjema for sidegjøremål.»

To lister publiseres på i september hvert år.


(Norwegian) Invitasjon til RDA-seminar om datahåndtering og personvern i forskning 2. april

NSD inviterer til RDA-seminar om datahåndtering og personvern i forskning. Målgruppen er forskere og ph.d.-studenter. Seminaret er gratis.

Få en innføring i hvordan du kan strukturere forskningsprosjektet ditt best mulig – slik at du får gjort det du planlegger, samtidig som dataene blir bevart for senere bruk.

*   Dato: tirsdag 2. april 2019
*   Tid: 11.00–15.30
*   Sted: NSD sine lokaler i Bergen (Harald Hårfagres gate 29)
*   Påmelding: Her kan du melde deg på kurset

Seminaret gir deg innføring i:

*   hvordan du kan organisere prosjektet ditt best mulig
*   sikker innsamling og deling av data underveis i prosjektet
*   personvernlovgiving (GDPR) og konsekvenser for forskning
*   datahåndteringsplaner og NSDs verktøy for datahåndtering
*   arkivering av datamaterialet for senere gjenbruk av deg selv eller andre

Mer informasjon finner du her.

Panel debate: What to do with all of these PhDs?

UiBdoc and The Young Academy of Norway invite you to a panel debate on
“What to do with all these Phds?” at Høyteknologisenteret, store
auditorium on Tuesday, April 2 at 12.00. Please come and learn about
new perspectives if you are an young reseacher, or share your advices and
career track, if you are experienced.

Please find more information here.

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium 4. april

We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium April 4, at the Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria). Professor Charalampos (Haris) Tzoulis will give an inspirational keynote lecture where he will share some milestones on his way to establish his own research group. Furthermore, he will present ongoing research in the Neuromics Lab. In addition, CCBIO PhD students and postdocs will present their work on topics including biomarkers in colon cancer (Hestetun, Aasebø), transcriptomic characterization of kidney cancer (Nakken), targeting sphingolipid pathway in breast cancer (Panahandeh) and regeneration of beta-cells in diabetes (Vethe).

Please sign up for the symposium including free lunch.

The symposium is open for all and free of charge – including lunch – just remember to register!

WHEN: April 4th at 10.00-13.30
WHERE: Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria)
REGISTRATION: please use this link within April 2nd
PROGRAM: you can find the program on this web site
WHO: This is an arena where PhD candidates and postdocs gain experience with oral presentations and academic discussions, and in addition we are happy to welcome other interested students, researchers, staff and visitors.


New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 4 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

Thank you

Dear everyone

Thank you for your support and cooperation during the 6 months stint as Acting head of Department. I have to admit that it has been somewhat demanding to allocate the necessary time to the job, as other commitments have taken their time too. Head of Administration Julie and her team have done a great job of helping me with the work- thank you so much! The others in the leader team, Silke, Emmet and Jone have also helped by pulling extra weight.

Then there is always potential for improvement. The announcement and hiring processes takes a long time. There are many steps in such a process and there are formal requirements and regulations to be followed. In some cases, the delays have been due to me, in other cases it is the sum of all the steps that cause delays. That said, be confident that we are working to improve ourselves.

The dedicated e-mail address to the head of department ( and the department administration ( will be prolonged under Pål’s leadership. My experience is that it improves communication and secures that all questions are answered in reasonable time.

Thank you all again, and welcome back Pål!

Deputy Head of Department