Author Archives: ene057

Department of Clinical Science Webpages 2.0

TheHelge Department of Clinical Science now aims to improve the webpages. We focus on how the research groups are going to be presented. A main goal is that the website should be updated and as far as possible also standardized to ensure availability of a minimum of relevant information for all research groups. Elements of this standardization include key information about group members (name, image, title and short research profile), research objectives and methods applied in the research group, the collaborators of the research group, and advanced special equipment possessed by the research group.

To reach this goal we have appointed web editors recruited from the graduate students. The editors will provide editorial support to all research groups and follow up with the update and standardization of the webpages in collaboration with the Department, but the research groups will continue to have the responsibility for the actual content of the webpages.

In the future we aim to make the information about the research groups searchable so that the web pages become a catalyst for research at the Department of Clinical Science.

Helge Ræder

Communication Breakfast 27 April

Digital UiB – reach out to the whole world!

Welcome to Communication Breakfast Wednesday 27 April at 8:30 to 9:45 am (doors open for breakfast from 8 am), Auditorium A, Sydneshaugen school.
MOOC course, My UiB and Podcasts are some of the possibilities to reach a larger audience today. Learn more in this year’s second Communication Breakfast.
Scientists at UoB actively use digital tools and channels, but UoB as an institution is also working on this. In the upcoming Communication Breakfast we share experiences from this work and talk about the researchers’ possibilities of digital dissemination through new surfaces. We also serve coffee, tea and a light breakfast. The complete program and registration form can be found here (in Norwegian).

Invitation to a Writing Course for People with Norwegian as their Second Language.

FAg akadamiet logo.jgpThis course is for those who have Norwegian as their second language and who write formal texts at work. In this course you will learn how get your message across.
For whom: Public sector employees who have Norwegian as a second language
Lecturer: Ragnar Eriksen
Location: Bergen, 1 June 2016
Registration Deadline: 2 May 2016

Invitation (in Norwegian)

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