Author Archives: apoih

Media practice for researachers

Do you dream about beeing headliner in The News? Do you want the Minister of Education and Research to read about your research in the newspaper? No matter what, media practice will still be useful. This is a course for you who want to get better impact through media.

We kindly ask research leaders to think through if you want to encourage someone spescial to participate.

For more information and registration ;

Deadline April 8, 2015

What about a mini-Nobel?

Science, Stockholm, and snow
Who among us hasn’t dreamed of being in Stockholm when the Nobel Prizes are awarded? If you’re a recent PhD graduate, the journal Science and SciLifeLab may just offer you that chance to walk among the new Nobel Laureates during the second week of December — and to accept a prize, no less. The four winners of the 2015 Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists will have their essays published in Science, share a total of $60,000 in prize money, and attend an awards ceremony in Stockholm. 
Deadline for submissions is August 1, 2015.


Registration of personal information

Roland JonssonIn clinical research, the registration of personal information, is a particularly sensitive and important issue to deal with. This applies to all academic staff incl. PhD candidates and those in post-doc positions. University of Bergen (UiB) has adopted a general framework for health research and treatment of personal information at UiB (Case 52/12, 27/09/2012). The purpose and strategy document specifies, among other responsibilities, the current guidelines for securing confidentiality and data security. Requirements for agreements with partners, as well as internal requirements for employees’ skills, secures quality and internal control. The regulations can be found here:

As a follow up of this work, we have prepared an online form that has to be answered by the individual project owner, in projects where UiB is responsible for the research. The forms can be downloaded and answered here:

Please note that this applies only to projects where UiB is responsible for the conduct of research. All REK-approvals shall also be sent to the department to be filed in the archive system ePhorte. The same applies to NSD, but here the department Head and the Head of administration has access to the NSD portal.

In anticipation of a joint research server this “tax return” form will be sent out to be audited once a year. The deadline for this year is the 1st of May 2015. During 2015 there will also be performed an internal audit at UiB, where it will be inquired if we have a system in place for processing and storage of personal data at UiB. Just do it!  So we can all be certain of having the right high quality archive and storing facility for this kind of personal information. More reminders will be sent to each researcher at K2, ahead of the deadline 1st of May 2015.

Do you want to participate in Researcher’s Grand Prix/ Forsker grand prix?

National Science Week/ Forskningsdagene and UiB invite PhD-candidates to an information meeting about Researcher’s Grand Prix/ Forsker grand prix on the 9 of April  at 10 am. 
The meeting will take place at the Communication Division/ Kommunikasjonsavdelingen UiB,  Johannes Bruns gate 12, 5 floor/ 6.etasje.

We will here share with you some practical information about how to apply and what you as a participant can expect from Forsker grand prix. Last year’s winner of Forsker grand prix in Bergen, Audun Havnen, will also be there to share his experience and to answer any questions you may have. 

Link to the event in the UiB calendar:

Please contact Ingeborg Revheim within April 7, if you would like to attend this Meeting
Tel: +47 55 58 90 40/ +47 975 16 025

The Forsker grand prix application deadline is 15 of May!
For further information about Forsker grand prix:

Research Exchange through NMF

Norwegian Medical Association (NMF) has bilateral exchange agreements for medical students who want to go on a four week sabbatical leave in another country. Every year between 4-5 international students come to Bergen, and NMF takes responsibility for all the practical regarding housing, lunch and socially events on evenings and weekends for the students.  In the daytime, on weekdays, students participate in a research project, and it is were we hope that you can help us out!  Read more here.


Travel survey from Skyss

Travelling Public transportation to work?  Or do you wish that there was a route network that made you able to travel Public? Skyss wants to hear from you!

MOF is committed to improve transport conditions for our students and employees. To do this, Skyss requires updated knowledge on employee travel patterns. This means; what transportation do you use, what options do you have, and how are your experience of using various transportation to work? We hope you will help by participating in this travel survey from Skyss.

Skyss needs information from everyone. Weather you use public transportation daily or only occasionally, using car, bisycle or walking. 

The survey is web interview by TNS Gallup on behalf of Skyss. You are completely anonymous. Click on the link below and join. It takes 7-8 minutes to answer the survey. Deadline for submissions is Friday 27 March.

Link to the survey:

Everyone attending is in the draw of “Bergen Sentrum-gavekort”:

  1. Gavekort 2000 kr.
  2. Gavekort 500 kr
  3. Gavekort 500 kr
  4. Gavekort 250 kr
  5. Gavekort 250 kr
  6. Gavekort 250 kr


Information Meeting about The Organizational Development Project.

All employees are invited to an information meeting about the four recent reports from the working groups in the organizational development project.

The meeting will take Place at “Egget”, at the Student Centre, Friday, March 27 o’clock 9:00 to 11:30

During the meeting, leaders / secretaries to the last four subprojects will present workgroup recommendations, and it will be possible to ask questions. A more detailed program will be posted on the project’s website before the meeting.

A simple breakfast will be served at the entrance to the auditorium. For this reason we ask that employees who wish to participate registrates within  24 March.
Use the following link: (We will make gluten-free and vegetarian option)

We remind you that information about the project and about the working group reports, also are available on the project’s website:




The Biblical principle

Eystein 2The evangelist Matthew tells the parable about a man who went abroad. He summoned his servants and gave them responsibilities for his possessions. One servant was given 5 talents, another 2, yet another one, all according to their abilities. Then he left. He who was trusted with 5 invested them and earned 5 more, he who received two, made another two talents. He who was given one hid it in a hole in the ground, because he was afraid of his master.

After a long while the master returned and sent for them to report on their work. Both he who had invested 5 and 2 talents were congratulated on their good efforts, and was given new responsibilities. The one who had done nothing was punished. His one talent was given to the one who now had 10.

This week K2 has evaluated the applications for the seed funding (“smådriftsmidler”). The intention was that groups with weak funding could have the chance to obtain research money to start or continue important projects. Very few in this category applied which was very surprising. Instead a large part of the funding was given to groups that already have very strong finances, because they had applied.

You cannot complain of lack of funding if you do not apply! Hopefully, more will apply next year

Eystein Husebye
Head of institute


KGJ Scientific day

Day meeting: Applied Bioinformatics in Diabetes and Obesity

You will find the program HERE.

Information about how to sign up will be given shortly.
Invitation to dinner will be sent to all members on e-mail.

Information about some of the lecturers:
Miguel Lopez, Peter Arner, Jason Flannick, Leif Groop and Amit Majitha.

 The following day, May 6th, we’ll have workshops at Barneklinikken:
1) Exome data and bioinformatics
2) Large scale functional studies
3) Registry research
4) TBD

Støtte til strategisk posisjonering mot H2020

NRC has announced 5 million in additional positioning support (POS) in 2015.

The funds will contribute to participation in strategic processes aimed at H2020. The support is an active national coordination work which could include the establishment / operation of a national “EU shadow group” or similar field. The supported projects must address the national overall perspective.

The support should stimulate Norwegian participants to attend professional forums and interest organizations operating as input arena for various initiatives within ERA, which H2020, technology platforms, Joint Programming Initiatives, Public-Private-Partnerships etc.

The purpose is to promote Norwegian priorities and research agenda in the strategic work that goes on at EU arena.

Continue reading

Founding from The Akademia Agreement

The Academia agreement between Statoil and UiB was signed in October 2013 with a term of five years (2014-18), and a budget of NOK 55 million (NOK 11 million per. Year).
The purpose is to develop long-term cooperation between UoB and Statoil, and to stimulate basic research and education in strategically important areas of expertise in both UoB and Statoil. The Akademia Agreement shall also be used strategically to stimulate cooperation in the selected areas internally at UoB, with corresponding areas in Statoil.
Deadline 8th April 2015
Read more (Norwegian only).


Spring is here – with some exciting challenges

Roland Jonsson

One of the more exciting and challenging adventure this spring has now started, namely the process of creating competitive applications to the NRC FRIMEDBIO program. Some have even called it “The most beautiful adventure”. Inspired by the great success in 2014, with a success rate of approximately ¼ of our submitted applications (a total of 5 projects among our research groups at K2), more should take up this thread. This week we started up with information meetings, together with our research coordinator, and some had even responded with submitted sketches. There is now a plan to follow this up, towards the deadline for final submission the 27th of May at 13.00 hours. Also see the K2-News from week 9 for more details. What makes it even more tempting to apply this year, is that it now comes a joint effort “fellesløft” which provides support via UiB for those who achieve high grades, but not getting grant support from RCN.
Isn’t this tempting?

I will also remind you that those who will go for a new SFF-round, should contact the Institute management for planning/dialog. There is an internal process at MOF with deadline April 1 with a 3-page sketch, CV of leader etc.

Another exciting, yet challenging process for the department since it ties up costs in the long run, is the coming announcement of the recruitment program to Bergen Research Foundation. The deadline is the10th of April for prequalification. Please contact the Institute management regarding your plans.

But the most impending announcement is for the Foundation KG Jebsen
Here The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Haukeland University Hospital jointly invite to a prequalification of a 2-pages outline and resume for the centre conductor with a deadline of March 13. Please inform the department management regarding your plans.

Hope some of this tempts you!









“The Digital Patient”, seminar

The digital life has greater and greater influence on our lives. It creates a greater distance between you as a patient and health care?
How can large amounts of data are used to improve treatment for you as a patient? Can an app prevent malnutrition? Can data analysis help us in the fight against cancer?

Date: 7th March 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Location: Old Assembly, Karl Johans gate 47, University Square, Oslo
Organizer: Faculty of Medicine, University 
Continue reading

FORNY2020 – BTO fundings

Researchers in Bergen now have the opportunity to apply for several million in funding from the Research Council for projects with commercial slant. Verification Means is a golden opportunity to raise funds to carry out testing, scale-up and continuation or further development of your research project regardless of disciplines. Programme in FORNY2020 has adopted an additional announcement of verification means spring 2015.Please contact BTO soon as possible and no later than 9 March for initial project discussions.  Read more.


Call SPIRE funds in 2015

UiB announces strategic funding for international research and educational cooperation,
Strategic Programme for International Research and Education (SPIRE). The program will support the University’s strategy and action plan for the international Activity 2011-
2015. Deadline April 23, 2015   Read more (in Norwegian only)

Horizon2020 spotlight: COST Action – facts and chances

 What is COST?

COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Co-operation in Science and Technology. It funds pan-European, bottom-up networks, called ‘COST Actions’ of European researchers, engineers and scholars across all disciplines. Cost Actions are are open throughout their lifetime to new members and are adaptable in terms of internal organisation and strategy. These networks intend to coordinate nationally funded research activities throughout Europe, thereby reducing fragmentation of investment and contributing to the European Research Area (ERA) agenda. COST draws the funds for its activities from Horizon 2020, and the new strategy plan has much in common with H2020 goals. COST Actions are an instrument to close the gap between science, policy makers and society throughout Europe and beyond. COST funds networking activities; it does not fund research.

  Continue reading

Mentor Project at the University of Bergen – invitation to propose mentors

Balance Bergen, which is part of the Council’s Balance program, a three-year collaborative project between the University of Bergen, Bergen University College, Uni Research and IMR. The project aims both to increase the recruitment of women to senior academic positions and contribute to changing organizational culture by detecting any gender barriers in academia.  Read more here.
New deadline to propose mentors: January 26

Norwegian health researchers must become more EU-active

Norwegian health researchers applied far less than their Swedish and Danish counterparts for grants in EU’s 7th Framework Programme.  The Resesarch Council is of the opinion that the ambition level of Norwegian health researchers should be far higher, and the Council wishes to mobilize more researchers to apply for funding in Horizon2020.
For more information (in Norwegian)

Horizon 2020 – Spotlight: Scoping papers Work programmes 2016/17

Scoping papers are working documents, sent to the Programme Committee for the Horizon 2020 Specific Programme for discussion in the context of the preparation of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017. As such, information and descriptions of activities indicated in this document may not appear in the adopted Work Programme 2016-2017, and likewise, new elements may be introduced.

The scoping papers released so far set out in more detail the coming main priorities for each part of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme. Member States, European stakeholders and initiatives from society and industry, as well as Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups have been consulted throughout 2014, and their input has been taken into account for strategic programming and drafting the scoping papers. After another round of Advisory Groups consultations on developing the Work Programme contents, the adoption of the Work Programme for 2016-2017 is planned in the third quarter of 2015.

The Horizon 2020 Strategic Programming Document which gives guidance for the development of the Work Programme 2016-2017 defines the key priorities for the framework program 2016/17 and the Focus Areas which are relevant to Pillar 2 (Industrial Leadership) and 3 (Societal Challenges). Compared to the current programme where 12 Focus Areas had been identified, the draft specifies 9 candidate areas whereof 3 are new ones: Internet of Things, Automated road transport and Industry 2020 and Circular Economy. Personalizing health and care which has been a focus area of the last strategic programme, does not longer appear, but will still have its anchoring within the Societal Challenges Pillar as one individual Call on Promoting healthy ageing and personalised healthcare. 5 subareas are specified in the scoping paper on “Health, demographic change and well-being”:

1. Ageing: from early development to the elderly
2. Translational research
3. Population health and health promotion & sustainable health and care systems
4. Infectious diseases
5. ICT for health

The scoping papers are, although they are confidential documents, available at certain websites and through the national Research Councils. You can look at them here.

Emergencies at K2

If life, health and/or safety is at risk, conact:

  • Fire department 110Vedlegg uke 47_2014
  • Police 112
  • Ambulance 113

UiB’s 24 hours security: 55 58 80 81

Head of Department:

Eystein S. Husebye, phone: 94 38 03 47

Synnøve Myhre, phone: 93 48 46 14


  • Hospital security: 559 72222
  • Fire at the hospital area: 559 72004
  • Accident/Acute illness: 559 73333



  • Poison centre: 22 59 13 00

Link til UiB’s emergency plan: Norwegian)

Deadline for using funds in 2014

The institute has decided that Monday November 24 at 2 pm is final deadline for making purchases on this year’s budget.

Travel reimbursement
Deadline for submitting forms for travel reimbursements that are to be paid in 2014 is Wednesday December 10 at 2 pm.  These forms must be signed by leader.