Author Archives: apoih

Small research funds 2022 (deadline 13.2.22)

It is time for the allocation of small research funds (SMÅFORSK). The funds are a joint effort between NFR and UiB. The intention is that the funds should be given to research groups that have not received large grants so that they can start new projects. It can be applied to cover expenses for travel, seminars, courses, materials, technical-administrative assistance and other operating costs.

Requirements for application and criteria for allocation:

– The funds go to researchers who do not have large operating assets already.
– The size of the individual grants is between 15 000-150 000 NOK.
– The funds must be used by 2022 and cannot be transferred.
– Recipients must be active researchers in a permanent scientific position at K2, Prof. II or II.
– Recipients must have applied for external funds in recent years.

All permanent scientific employees (including scientific employees in 10-50% position) at K2 can apply. It is done via this link ( Deadline is 13.2.2022.

Webinar ved Senter for forskning på hjertesykdom hos kvinner.

«Podkast og undervisning: ny teknologi og nye muligheter». Mandag 24.01.22 kl.12.00-13.00

PhD stipendiat Åse Bjorvatn Sævik er lege og driver Endopodden som er rettet inn mot medisinstudenter.  Digitale undervisningsløsninger blir stadig mer etterspurt. Har du lurt på hvordan du kan forbedre undervisningen din ved hjelp av ny teknologi? Er du nysgjerrig på hva en podkast er, hvordan dette kan brukes som undervisningsverktøy eller hvordan man kommer i gang med podkast? Da er dette et webinar for deg.


Welcome to the Opening Seminar for Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine




We are pleased to announce the Opening Seminar for the Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine on January 31, from 14:15-15:45. The seminar includes an official opening with speeches, announcement of the research projects recruited through grants from the Trond Mohn Foundation, followed by scientific presentations given by the new project leaders affiliated with the Centre.

Date: January 31, from 14:15-15:45

Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s house

Registration for on-site attendance: Opening Seminar for Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine ( (there is a limited number of “on-site” participants)

Streaming link:

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The 16th Annual Research Presentations by the Research School in Clinical Medicine




We are happy to announce that we are a few days away from the 16th Annual Research Presentations organized by the Research School in Clinical Medicine.

Due to the COVID19 restrictions, all sessions will be held online. Please, follow the hyperlink to join the meeting: Research School Presentations 2022.

The conference program will be as follows:

  • Wednesday 26th of January 2022, 08:30 – 15:30 – Poster Presentations
  • Thursday 27th of January 2022, 09:00 – 13:00 – Oral Presentations
  • Friday 28th of January 2022, 12:00 – Award Ceremony

You can find more details about the presentations from the InfoPoster .

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Research Presentations 2022.

Yours Sincerely,

Irit, Nils, and Niga

This weeks edithorial

Dear all of you!

In recent years, we have had great help from our research advisor Amra. Now she wants more challenges and has moved to the faculty, where for one year from 15/9 she will contribute even more to the research advisor team. Fortunately, this means that she can still be contacted! We thank Amra for her excellent contribution to K2, wish her the best of luck and welcome back!

And then we have been told by the HR section at the faculty that they have reduced staffing and that things will take some extra time in the future. At the same time, we can find some information ourselves on UiB’s website and may not always need to contact human resources:

And then it is often your immediate leader who can answer some of the questions. So feel free to ask your supervisor, research group leader or UGLE for advice.

Have a really good weekend!

(Norsk) Disputas David Erik Forsse

David Forsse

Trial lectue:    Oktober 1st, at 11:15

Subject:                 “Medical treatment options for endometrial carcinomas”

Dissertation:                  Oktober 1st, at 13.15

Subject:      “Novel preoperative biomarkers and evaluation of altered treatment strategies to improve outcome for endometrial cancer patients”



  1. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Francesco Fanfani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
  2. opponent: Professor II Annika Auranen, University of Turku, Finland
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Stian Knappskog, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av førsteamanuensis Elham Baghestan

Open for all.

Link to digital disputas/prøveforelsning
