Author Archives: apoih

Wrighting course

BlyantThere will be held a wrighting course September 21, for researchers who want to write accurate feature articles, blog posts and other popular science texts

All researchers at the University of Bergen, including phd-candidates, are welcome to attend.

Participants to associated projects and centers with external funding, such as from the EU’s researchprogram, The Norwegian Research Council and BFS will be prioretized.

Application deadline 31 August.

Fore information and registration form on employee pages:

Research Conference 2016

“Helse Vest” Annual Research Conference will be held on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 October 2016 in Os, outside Bergen (Solstrand Hotel & Bad). Organizer is “Det regionale samarbeidsorganet” between Helse Vest, the University of Bergen and University of Stavanger. The target group of the conference is m.a. directors, managers, researchers and users.

Deadline for entries 31 August 2016

Program and registration (in Norwegian only)

Horizon 2020 – input on the Advisory Group report

The Advisory Group (AG) report for Social Challenges in health, demographic change and quality of life (SC1) is now available. The report is advisory for the design of the work programme for SC1 for the period 2018-2020. This is described in the preface. The AG report will be used as the basis for discussions at the meeting between the AG and the programme committee on 21 September 2016. The programme comittee will provide input on behalf of Norway. Good suggestions paves the way for this.

Input on the report can be sent to Kristin Andersen (, no later than Thursday 30 June. Suggestions and comments must be entered in the attached form.

AG advice report 2018-2020

New publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Antipsychotic Drugs and Risk of Hip Fracture in People Aged 60 and Older in Norway.Bakken MS, Schjøtt J, Engeland A, Engesaeter LB, Ruths S.J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Jun;64(6):1203-9.

A new, simple and robust radioligand binding method used to determine kinetic off-rate constants for unlabeled ligands. Application at α<sub>2A</sub>- and α<sub>2C</sub>-adrenoceptors.
Uhlén S, Schiöth HB, Jahnsen JA.Eur J Pharmacol. 2016 Jun 15.

Giardia lamblia – pathogen or commensal?
Hanevik K.Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Jun 16.

Metagenomic Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Perlejewski K, Bukowska-Ośko I, Nakamura S, Motooka D, Stokowy T, Płoski R, Rydzanicz M, Zakrzewska-Pniewska B, Podlecka-Piętowska A, Nojszewska M, Gogol A, Caraballo Cortés K, Demkow U, Stępień A, Laskus T, Radkowski M.Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016 Jun 17.

Legemiddelbruk hos blodgivere.
Berg JA, Schjøtt J.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2016 May 3;136(8):718-20.

Input about maintenance and upgrading of classrooms in 2017

The IT department wants input and wishes regarding upgrading of classrooms (primary PC, controller, sound system, projector) in connection with budget planning for 2017. There will be emphasis on universal design of audio – and video solutions. Rooms that can be booked via shared rombooking will be prioritized. Needs and wishes should be reported to by 2 May.

19th Broegelmann Lecture






“T Cell Immunoregulatory Signal Networks and Tumor Immune Evasion Mechanisms”

by Professor Kjetil Taskén MD, PhD ,Director of the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway and Biotechnology Centre, University of Oslo

Friday, May 20th, at 14:00 – 15:00
Birkhaugsalen D-303
Haukeland University Hospital


Announcement of election: Department Council – Group B

New representatives from group B (temporary scientific staff) is to be elected for the department council at K2 this spring. The election period is 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017.

New this year is that employees with part-time position at K2 and main position at HUS also have the right to vote.

One representative and three deputies are to be elected. Nominations should be signed and submitted to Irene Hjelmaas within 25 April 2016. Continue reading

Announcement of election to the University Board 2016-2017 for group B

The time has again come for election of a member and deputies to the University Board for the period 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017; representatives of temporary employees in teaching and research positions (group B).
One member from the group of temporary employees in teaching and research will be elected. In addition, three deputies will be appointed. Proposal Deadline: Wednesday March 31
Election Dates: The election will be electronically conducted during the period 20 -26 April. The polling station is open from Wednesday 20 April 9 am to Tuesday 26 April 12 noon.
Details on how the proposal should be designed and how it should be sent can be found on this page.

Obituary: Helga Birgitte Salvesen


(In Norwegian)
Det er med stor sorg vi torsdag 21. januar mottok budskapet om professor og overlege Helga Birgitte Salvesens bortgang.

Helga disputerte14. juni 2000 for sin doktorgrad i medisin med avhandlingen: “Tumor Biomarkers and Prognostic Factors in Endometrial Carcinoma”. Hun var fra 1991 lege, og fra 2001 overlege, ved Kvinneklinikken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus og hun ble i 2003 professor ved UiB i gynekologi og obstetrikk.

Hun var en av våre fremste professorer og var ledende på forskning innen gynekologisk kreft. Sammen med sine kolleger har hun stått bak flere, store gjennombrudd innenfor sitt forskningsfelt. Hun var co-direktør ved Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) som er et Senter for fremragende forskning (SFF) ved Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet ved UiB, og mottok i 2015 Helse Vest forskning- og innovasjonspris for sitt enestående arbeid innen persontilpasset behandling av gynekologisk kreft. Helga ble i 2015 også innvalgt som medlem av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi. Hun var et spesielt godt forbilde for kvinner i akademia og jobbet aktivt for å fremme kvinnelige forskere.

Helga var spesialist innen gynekologi og obstetrikk, og hun har hatt forskningsopphold ved Harvard University, Broad Institute og University of Chicago, der forskningsfokus har vært på studier av genetiske markører i relasjon til gynekologisk kreft.

Helga har særlig arbeidet med å utvikle de mulighetene som molekylærbiologi kan gi til studiene av gynekologisk kreft. I alt har hun publisert over 130 vitenskapelige artikler og har vært veileder for en lang rekke PhD kandidater.

Det er særlig grunn til å framheve Helga sin store metodologiske bredde og angrepsvinkel i sine studier. Hun bygget i løpet av kort tid opp en stor forskningsgruppe ved Universitetet i Bergen og Haukeland universitetssykehus, der hun brakte fram det beste i disiplinoverbyggende klinisk forskning generelt og kreftforskning spesielt. Helga var en engasjert og omsorgsfull lege og forskningsleder, og ble gjennom sitt virke et forbilde for mange unge forskere og leger. Hun hadde alltid pasientenes beste for øyet. Universitetet i Bergen og Haukeland universitetssykehus er svært takknemlig for den innsats hun la ned gjennom en årrekke ved våre institusjoner og i dyp sorg over å ha mistet en fremragende medarbeider. Våre varme tanker går til Pål og sønnene Tormund, Pål-Christian, Erlend og Håvard i disse tunge dager.

Dag Rune Olsen, rektor
Nina Langeland, dekan
Eivind Hansen, administrerende direktør
Alf Henrik Andreassen, fagdirektør
Ingrid Johanne Garnes, klinikkdirektør KK
Per Bakke, instituttleder

The debater of the year is from K2

Agnete LundK2 congratulates Agnethe Lund who won the debater of the year award at the Bergens Tidende newspaper awards in a packed Literature house in Bergen. The jury said she has managed to draw abstract health debates down to a concrete and meaningful plane.
Professor Rebecca J. Cox and PhD fellow Kristin GI.Mohn received an honorable certificate  for this year academic presentation read of over 300 000 people.



Bergen Postgraduate School in Clinical medicine invites you!


Bergen Postgraduate School in Clinical medicine would like to invite you to the upcomming event “Research presentations from 2015”. A poster exhibit will be present at the Foyer, sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital from
Monday 25th of January to Friday 29th of January.

What’s happening and where?
Wednesday 27th of January: poster presentations at the Foyer
Thursday 28th of January: Oral presentations at Birkhaugssalen
Friday: Award ceremony with musical entertainment at the Foyer.

Everyone is welcome to the poster session on Wednesday and oral presentations on Thursday as well as the award ceremony on Friday.

New of this year is the “Peoples favorite” award. The posterpresentation and oral presentation with the most votes gets a prize. So take some of your time to watch the posters and oral resentations and give your vote to your favorite.

Hope to see you at the Research presentation week in week 4!

Program posters

Program oral

(Norsk) Midtveisevalueringer uke 49

Synnøve Yndestad
Time: December 2 at  8:00
Place: Laboratoriebygget 7. etg, room 7.1/7.2
For mer informasjon

Agnete Lund
Time: December 3 at 8:00
Place: Laboratoriebygget 7. etg, room 7.1 /7.2
For mer informasjon

Christel Gill Haanshuus
Time: December 3. at 11:00
Place: Laboratoriebygget 7. etg, room 7.1 /7.2
For mer informasjon

Rune Skjåstad
Time: December 3. at 14:45
Place: Laboratoriebygget 7. etg, room 7.1 /7.2
For mer informasjon

Funds and Endowments at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

The application database for funds and endowments is open.
More information can be found here (in Norwegian).

Application deadline is December 1st, 2015.

Application database:

Information for employees (researchers):
October 20 the Board of the Meltzer Fund adopted the ollowing in Case 21/14 (Grants from the Meltzer Fund and proposed amendments to the guidelines for the allocation of scientific activities at UiB):

  • The Board agrees that the allocation for scientific activities at UiB will be done as a joint allocation to the University.
  • UiB provides support for scientific travel and sabbaticals.
  • Scientists are using the same web-based application system as before.
  • The application deadline is December 1, 2015.For information about the scientific journeys and forskningsterming, see information on UiB web pages.

Announcement of Funding from Shipowner R. Olsen and wife Johanne Georgine Olsens endowment

Announcement of funding for research on the use of new teaching and learning methods at the University of Bergen. The endowment funds will contribute to research-based teaching methods and measures that promote learning. Employees who contribute to educational development through testing and research on new teaching and learning methods will be prioritized. Staff, fellows and students can apply.

More information can be found here (in Norwegian):

The application deadline is December 1st, 2015.

Application Database:

Announcement of research exchange agreement – 2016-2017

The researcher exchange between the University of Washington, Memorial University of Newfoundland and the University of Bergen has worked for over 30 years.
Our researcher exchange program offers exchanges in most disciplines.


Send the application to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, which will send a recommendation to the research administrative department.
Deadline: 01/11/15

Questions may be directed to the exchange committee secretary, Hans-Egil Offerdal, (

Information day about H2020 announcements for 2016-2017

NFR will hold an information day on Health SC1 in H2020; Health, demographic change and wellbeing.
There will be an introduction to the H2020 and the work program and review of opportunities for researchers wishing to apply EU. Eystein Husebye will also have a half hour presentation of his experiences as EU coordinator.

Location:    Haukeland University Hospital, Aud. B301
Time:         04/11/2015 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Registration deadline: November 1st

Program and registration.