Top Researchers – Researcher Projects to Develop World Leading Research Communities

The purpose of this call is to fund curiosity-driven and bold research that can contribute to advancing the state-of-the-art. This call aims to give good, Norwegian research environments the opportunity to develop into being world-leading within their fields. The funds will be allocated to projects where collaboration between two or more named researchers is a prerequisite for achieving the project’s research objectives.

The call opens in March

webinar about the call will be available on the website of RCN in due time

Radical Research Ideas for Early Career Scientists

The purpose of this call is to fund curiosity-driven and bold research that can contribute to advancing the state-of-the-art. This call is the first step in phased funding and is aimed at researchers who want to test particularly bold research ideas. The ideas must be so bold that the risk of failure is too high to justify starting a large project, but where the research could have a significant impact on the field if the project is successful. Project managers for successful research idea projects may later apply for larger FRIPRO projects and be prioritized there.

The call opens in March

webinar about the call will be available on the website of RCN in due time

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