Dear everyone,
Today, there is a lot of different information in the editorial, so please read everything
First and foremost: Congratulations to Eva Gerdts, this year’s winner of the Meltzer Prize for outstanding research dissemination. The acceptance speech at the Meltzer dinner was a brilliant example of why she really deserves the award!
This week we have started with the BOA workshops with Kristine Tangen that all associate professors and professors in at least 50% positions as well as all researchers and postdocs who are PI for a project have to participate. Next week there are more opportunities, remember to sign up (registration link has been sent to those concerned). This time around, the workshops will be held in Norwegian, but in the autumn there will be one in English
At the same time, I remind you that ALL external applications must be registered in our system at least 4 weeks before the application deadline so that the project economists can help you with the budget. The link is here:
And last but not least: it is not long until this year’s Working Environment Survey (ARK). It will be sent to all employees in at least 40% position on March 24th, and in order for us to have a good data basis to work with, it is important that as many people as possible (preferably everyone) respond!
Have a great weekend!