Leader of the week

Dear everyone,

I hope everyone is updated on the fact that the faculty has set up a working group led by Frode Berven (head of the Department of Biomedicine) that will propose measures to reduce the faculty’s total land use (campus Bergen) by at least 10%. Here it is important to find contiguous areas we can give up. Our representative in the working group is Lars Herfindal, feel free to make suggestions to him.

As written before, K1 and K2 have already begun the process of densification and are now in the process of vacating some areas that the hospital will take over. Saved rent and operating costs benefit K1 and K2 directly.

A small update on technician mapping: now it is time for research group and core facility leaders to fill in a questionnaire (deadline 23.2.25). After the winter holidays, we will invite them to dialogue meetings, and then we will continue these talks with the technicians. All information for technicians can be found on the teams channel that has been created, so remember to go in there and check regularly.

All our associate professors and professors (at least 50%) as well as researchers/postdocs who are PI have to participate in the BOA workshops after the winter holidays, registration link will be sent out soon.

And last but not least: Congratulations to Stian Knappskog who has been awarded a NFR grant!

Have a great weekend!


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