Every fall, the faculty sends an email to all main supervisors and all PhD candidates to register progress in their projects. This fall, a total of 157 candidate-supervisor pairs at K2 received such an email. Along with midway evaluations, this is an important way for the faculty and institute to follow the broad lines of each PhD candidate’s development and become aware of issues that can be corrected.
49 candidates at K2 expect to submit their dissertation in 2025, and 36 in 2026. Only one candidate was dissatisfied with supervision, while two were partially dissatisfied. Two assessed their progress as very poor. Only seven candidates wanted a meeting with the K2 management.
All in all, these are very good feedbacks, indicating mostly satisfied PhD-candidates who are well followed up by their supervisors. All candidates who want a meeting with the K2 management to discuss progress are offered this by the undersigned.
Let me also, on behalf of the K2 management, congratulate Helge Ræder and Anagha Joshi on being awarded funding for a postdoctor in the LEAD-AI program. LEAD-AI is a partially EU-funded career development program in artificial intelligence at UiB and will be a training ground for a total of 19 postdocs. The project applications were evaluated based on quality, innovation, and the AI expertise of the mentor and research group, as well as their contribution to method development.