Daily Archives: Friday October 4th, 2024

This weeks edithorial – week 40

On September 20th, the Innovation Festival at the University of Bergen (UiB) was arranged for the first time. It brought together staff and students from all faculties, as well as representatives from companies and organizations that have made significant progress in innovation and establishment processes, or can contribute to such efforts (e.g. the Norwegian Industrial Property Office).

The program struck a good balance between inspiration and specific advice concerning the innovation process and support functions. Some important reminders surfaced, such as: protecting an invention does not necessarily mean applying for a patent. Depending on the product, idea and purpose, one can, for example, enter into a licensing agreement with a company that uses a method or protocol but keeps it secret, or register a trademark.

There were also reflections on the idea that, in our era of open access, one should not necessarily share ideas or inventions just for the sake of openness, but consider the values of one’ inventions and how they can be exploited. Once published, it is usually too late, so this needs to be considered early on.

Professor Daniela Elena Costea from the Department of Clinical Medicine gave an exciting presentation on targeted drug delivery using nanodiamonds. However, innovation can also be an integral part of dissemination. Researcher Irene Baug from the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion demonstrated how virtual reconstructions of medieval buildings can give a vivid impression of Bergen’s past. There should be ample opportunities for disseminating results from medical research in a similar manner.

The day concluded with the awarding of this year’s UiB Idea grants. Two of the student projects awarded with grants originate from K2: A new external defibrillator by Mads Malm Svenningsson (supervisor Vegard Tuseth) and Kasi – a case study app for medical students by Erlend Thue, Jesper Andreas Viste, Gard Andreas Svendal, Jonas Hodneland Sundfjord, and Trond August Flatås (supervisor Harald Gotten Wiker). Congratulations!

More detailed coverage of the event can be found here.

When the second Innovation Festival is hopefully held in 2025, I hope more K2 staff will take the time to participate.

Microplastic and Human Health Symposium in Bergen on November 22nd

The Plastic Network at the University of Bergen and collaborators are happy to invite you to a one-day symposium on microplastics on November 22nd.

The title for the meeting is “Microplastics and Human Health; sources, exposure, and impact”, and includes presentations from renowned experts and early career scientists in the field of microplastic research.

The meeting will take place at Marineholmen in Bergen, but online Zoom attendance is also possible. The meeting is free to attend and includes lunch.

You will find the complete scientific program and link to the registration here (Norwegian) and here (English), or by using the QR code on the attached flyer.

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World Mental Health Day – Seminar with psychologist Andreas Hillestad Schei

The research is crystal clear. Our most important and decisive source of meaning is our social relationships. No other factors play as significant a role in our quality of life as how satisfied we are with our relationships. And there are far too many people today who are not satisfied.

16.10.2024 – 08.30–09.15
Amauer Hansens hus, aud.


Professor Laura Saetveit Miles on Academic Writing as Networking

For some, it can feel very isolating to do research and writing. Or for others, it can be very social, with writing sessions or co-authors. What does it mean to think of academic writing as a form of academic networking?

This seminar will tackle the challenges and opportunities that come with writing alongside/with others, whether socially as friends and colleagues, or scientifically as co-authors, etc. We will discuss how you can strengthen your local, national and international research networks through innovative ways of approaching your writing process.

Appropriate for researchers at all stages of career.

Teacher:  Laura Saetveit Miles, professor in English literature, renowned lecturer in career development and academic professionalization.

31.10.2024 – 10.15–12.00
Sydneshaugen skole Auditorium Q


Course: The how and why of UiB – and why it matters to you

At the University, meeting strategic and externally given goals and policies is a central part of the work of leadership and decision-making bodies. Their priorities have consequences for the organization as a whole – and you as a researcher. In this course, we are lifting the curtain to show you a glimpse of what is going on “behind the scenes”. You’ll get to know how this complex system works, why it is designed the way it is, how performance is measured, and how you can work both with it and in it.

The main vision of the University of Bergen strategy 2023-2030 is that by the end of the term, UiB should be one of Europe’s leading universities, internationally recognized for high quality in research and education. Adding to the universities own strategic priorities, we are obliged to meet shifting policy demands and objectives from national and European governments and funding agencies.

29.10.2024 – 09.00–12.00
Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5)
