Monthly Archives: August 2024

Webinar: How and where can you archive your research data?

In this webinar, you will get a short introduction to the FAIR-principles, and how and where you can archive your research data. The webinar is planned for 20.09.2024 at 10.15–11.00.

You can read more here: How and where can you archive your research data? | University of Bergen Library | UiB

The goal of the University of Bergen is that data resulting from research activity should be made readily available for reuse in accordance with FAIR-principles. Researchers are encouraged to make their data openly available as early as possible in the research process

Sharing and re-using quality-assured research data is considered good scientific practice. Most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. The saying is «as open as possible, as restricted as necessary», meaning that research data should be openly available unless prevented by legitimate considerations relating to security, protection of personal privacy, IPR or trade secrets.

(Norsk) ERC Søknadslesedag/ERC proposal reading day

Morning session 3. sep. kl. 09.00–12.00

Afternoon session 3. sep. kl. 12.30–15.30

Registration latest 27 August

The research groups’ websites

Ingrid Hagerup ( at the faculty has spent the last few weeks looking over the websites of the research groups at K2. She has made some structural changes, both by agreement with certain people and on her own.

However, there is a need for a more systematic review of the content on several of the pages.

It is important that the content is up-to-date, because it is the “outward face” of the research group.

Look over the content on the website of the research group you are responsible for, and report the need for changes to the content


There is no “final deadline” for this work, but none of the content will be updated unless you let us know!

Also remember! There is both an English and a Norwegian website – you can find the overview here:



Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) is now accepting applications for the ‘CAS Research Grant’ for 2026/2027.

The announcement is open to permanent employees in academic positions at CAS’s partner institutions (including UiB).

Those whose application is approved may form and lead a research project and a research group for one academic year at CAS in Oslo. The publication points for publications based on research at CAS accrue to the researcher’s home institution.

The call can be found here:

The application deadline is 18 October 2024.

Disputation | Annette Onken – 27. August 2024

Trial Lecture: August 27, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium B-301, Central Block, Haukeland University Hospital
Assigned Topic: “Providing laboratory services in low and middle-income countries – challenges and solutions”

Foto/ill.: Nadine Durema Pullar

Defense: August 27, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium B-301, Central Block, Haukeland University Hospital
Title of the Thesis: “Bloodstream infections and antimicrobial resistance in Zanzibar, Tanzania, with special focus on typhoid fever and malaria”

  1. Opponent: Professor Christopher Parry, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, U.K.
  2. Opponent: Associate Professor Birgitta Ehrnström, NTNU
  3. Committee Member: Professor Tomas Eagan, University of Bergen

The defense will be led by Professor Kurt Hanevik.

Open to all interested parties.

Press Release (Only provided in Norwegian)