Dear everyone,

As many as 5 out of 8 applications that have proceeded to round 2 of the call from the women’s health center DRIV come from K2 – Eystein Husebye, Stian Knappskog, Camilla Krakstad, Stephanie Le Hellard and Helge Ræder. Congratulations!

In order to maintain the fantastic research and teaching work (including supervision) at K2 and at the same time save money, we need to look at how we can help each other in a better and more effective way. We will therefore begin a mapping process of our technical staff, who constitute a huge resource at the institute we are completely dependent on. Without them, we would not have been able to carry out the research projects or the teaching that we do today. Over the past 10 years, the structure of the research groups at K2 has naturally changed a lot, so it becomes natural to look at it. To begin with, we will send out questionnaires to our technicians to get an overview of the skills, capacity, wishes etc. We will inform everyone on an ongoing basis about where we are in the process.

Have a great weekend!

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