Daily Archives: Thursday November 12th, 2020

Dear everyone!

It is Friday 13th and unfortunately, we are back in the Home Office after it almost felt like we were back to normal operation. The leadership team will thus also have limited presence, but one of us will be available every day. Fortunately, we were given an exemption from the mandatory home office for people who depend on being in the lab this time. It is the research group leaders who will keep track of the activities.

With increased digitalization and fewer meeting places, it is even more important than before to have good websites! We will be working on K2’s pages in the weeks ahead and I ask EVERYONE to update his or her person page (https://manual.uib.no/webmanual/personside/) and upload a photo. Besides, I ask all the research group leaders to take the initiative to improve their web pages, do not wait until the next K2 retreat (which hopefully comes!)

In addition, we are working to map the teaching groups. All scientific employees have received an email from Julie with a link to registration, and it is also included in this edition of K2nytt. All scientific employees shall belong to at least one teaching group!

Take care of each other and have a nice weekend!


Norwegian: Hvilken UGLE tilhører du?

Kjære vitenskapelige ansatt hos K2,

UGLE-strukturen ble innført august 2020, og vi planlegger et treff med alle UGLEne i slutten av november.

Som en del av arbeidet med innføre UGLE som en god og tydelig struktur, ønsker vi at dere bruker et par minutter på å svare på skjemakeren under.

Det tar overhodet ikke lang tid, og vil hjelpe oss stort i det videre arbeidet med å få UGLE-strukturen opp og gå.


Vi trenger din hjelp til å få en oversikt over hvilke undervisningsgrupper du tilhører. Kommentarer og innspill er også hjertelig velkomne.

Jeg håper å få din tilbakemelding senest onsdag 18/11,

Beste hilsen Julie

K2 congratulates!

Helse Vest’s 2020 Research award was awarded Pål Njølstad. K2 Congratulates!

Pål Rasmus Njølstad (til venstre) får årets forskingspris på 200.000 kroner. Rolf Kellmann (til høgre) får innovasjonsprisen på 100.000 kroner. Her med Baard-Christian Schem, fagdirektør i Helse Vest. Foto: Silje Robinson (BT)

Read more about the reward in BT (Norwegian).

Retirement Celebration for Roland Jonsson

Retirement Celebration

Roland Jonsson DMD, odont dr (PhD)

Past Broegelmann Chair in Immunology

University of Bergen (UiB)

29+ years of service

  1. Nov, 2020 / 13.00 – ca. 15.00 (1:00 pm – ca. 3:00 pm)


With contributions/messages from:

The Broegelmann Legacy

Faculty of Medicine, UiB

Department of Clinical Science, UiB

Haukeland University Hospital

Stavanger University Hospital

Karolinska Institutet

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 11 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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