The possibility for public attendence at the dissertations has been warranted as this is the day the candidates can show what they have been working on for so long. The Faculty has therefore developed a scheme that can hopefully address both the technical challenges of digital implementation of disputation and infection control considerations.

A solution is now in place where up to 20 people can be present in a suitable UiB room during a trial lecture and dissertation. This can only take place by agreement with the Department and provided that infection control rules are complied with. Candidates who want such a solution must contact Irene Hjelmaas ( as soon as possible. It is the candidate’s responsibility to submit lists of participants with a telephone number to the Department no later than 2 days before the public defense. If lists of participants are not registered, the public can not be allowed into the room.

By agreement on a physical dissertation, there must be an infection control guard present in the room during the entire event. This is responsible for access control up to the list of participants, disinfection of contact surfaces before and after use, and that everyone present follows the rules of keeping their distance before, during and after the public defense. The infection control guard can, for example, be one from the candidate’s research group.

During the doctoral exam, our PhD contact (organized by Irene Hjelmaas) will prioritize the digital event as this forms the basis for the assessment. PhD contact will therefore not be physically present, but will be available digitally and facilitate testing and implementation.

The following also applies:
– Full digital dissertations are still recommended. By fully digital is meant a solution where everyone involved, including the candidate, is disputing from their own home or office (with private or UiB equipment).
– Everyone who has an active role in the dissertation must participate in testing well in advance, with the equipment and in the room they will be staying at the disseration itself. Everyone who has an active role during the dissertation must become well acquainted with the equipment through testing.
– IT assistant will be physically present (as long as they do not have to be quarantined or similar). This is ordered via UiB Help.
– Zoom webinar is the recommended solution from UiB central.
– Unfortunately, it will not be possible to invite more than 20 people in total into the dissertation room, even if the size of the room should indicate that it is possible.

Note that when it comes to public access, there may be changes at short notice if the infection situation worsens.

Good luck!

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