Daily Archives: Thursday May 12th, 2016

Wants to Make K2 International – again

Our April Fool jokeEystein 2 “Will make K2 international” was quite successful. Many thought the joke was funny, others reported that the idea was actually very good and wanted to join. Therefore, we will now consider the proposal – seriously this time. I can reassure everyone that the visit to an “elite university” in Hawaii is not included in the plan, but the department management will during 2016 visit UoBs new office in Brussels.

The head of the office, that is a collaboration with NTNU and SINTEF, is newly employed and his name is Kristof Vlaeminck. Vlaeminck has experience from both research and research funding and is currently national contact point for FP7 and Horizon 2020 and the Belgian delegate to the Horizon 2020’s program committee for the discipline “Secure Societies”.

The EU office has ambitions to keep UoB updated on the research developments in the EU, as well as being of concrete assistance to researchers who want to build networks or establish consortiums. They also have meeting rooms that can be used by researchers from UoB. The next few weeks Vlaeminck will visit UoB, and hopefully also our department, so that we can get “firsthand” knowledge of how best to utilize this opportunity.

The research department at UoB prioritises international networking and will provide support to researchers who want to establish contacts and write applications. Concretely K2 sent a COST action application this April, and the research department played a very central role in the writing process.

K2 is doing well in the international arena already, partly visible through numerous publications in very highly rated journals like the New England Journal of Medicine, Nature and Science in recent years. This illustrates the importance of international networks and how we can use these to become internationally leading.

Finally, we will use the leeway to employ a new research advisor, not to travel to Hawaii …

Good luck with network building!


The HSE Corner

Introduction EcoExposure

UoB are obliged to keep records of staff and students who are or may be exposed to substances that can cause serious illnesses over time. UoB and K2 will use EcoExposure as their exposure registry. Bente-Lise Lillebø from the HSE department will inform about the system and how to use it. Users will register exposures in EcoExposure but coordinators and administrators are to provide access to users in their group. The first meeting will be held in late May and is for administrators and coordinators. There will be separate information meetings for all users before the summer – information about the meetings are to come. Read more about EcoExposure by following this link.

New Names

DSC_0164We present Laura Minsaas, PhD in medical cell biology. Laura started as chief engineer at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory in May 2016. If you want to say hello, you can find her on the 1M floor in the lab building.

New Names

fdsWe present Ksenia Lavrichenko, a PhD Candidate in bioinformatics (CBU at Høyteknologisenteret). Ksenia started as a researcher in the Genomics group at the Department of Clinical Science in May 2016. If you wish to greet her, she is located at the 6th floor, Laboratory building.

Solar Shading in the Lab Building

The solar protection on the outside of the windows of the lab-building does not work as it should, and the consequence is that the offices on the south side become very hot during the day.

HUS report that they have trouble with the control of the blinds, but they will carry out a test of the system at the end of May.

Energy. What will save us? Major social challenges

UiBDear Colleagues,
Saturday 21 May at 2 pm we will discuss the social challenge of energy restructuring in the University Aula.
Rector Dag Rune Olsen will hold the welcome speech and Professor Inga Berre will give us an update on new research. There will be a debate with Simona Petroncini (sun entrepreneur with experience from BKK), Terje Breivik (national politician), Håvard Haarstad (human geographer) and Lars-Henrik Paarup Michelsen (CEO of the Norwegian Climate Foundation).
See also this page .
This meeting is a collaboration between UiB and Bergens Tidende.
Hilde Sandvik leads the debate. Free entrance.

Knut Helland,
Dean, Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences


14th Annual CHFR Symposium on Heart Failure

Norheart CfHFR

September 21-23 2016, Holmenkollen Park Hotel, Oslo

You are invited to a symposium on recent advances in basic and clinical heart research. The symposium is open to all clinical and basic researchers, and provides a unique meeting place for regional, national and international interaction. PhD students of the PhD School of Heart Research (NORHEART) are especially encouraged to participate, and are entitled to receive study points and refund of travel expenses. Become a member of NORHEART here.
Registration (before August 15, 2016) Continue reading

Course for ERC Starting and Consolidator applicants for the 2017 or 2018 calls

UiBWe would like to draw your attention to a course for ERC Starting and Consolidator applicants for the 2017 or 2018 calls that we will have in Bergen on August 17th.
The course will be given by Beacontech and will consist of a half-day course plus the possibility to meet the consultants individually. Lunch will be provided, the course will take place at Hotel Ørnen in the center of Bergen.
Please forward this link to your departments, research groups and also individuals who might be interested to attend.

Registration closes on August 12th.
I hope that this is of interest to your younger researchers. Should they have other questions about ERC they can also consult the ERC pages  or contact Anja (Anja.Hegen@uib.no).

Please note that registration for our Advanced grant course on June 9th at Vilvite is still possible!

Research Leadership Programme – Starting Level

Research Leadership Programme – Starting level (RLP-Start):
University of Oslo (UoO) offers a new annual research leadership program. The course is open to applicants external to UoO and will be conducted in English. Application dead line is June 15th, 2016. It is particularly meant for those being in an early phase of their career as research leaders.
Read more here and here.

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to elin.opheim@uib.no.

Does Roller Pump-Induced Pulsatile CPB Perfusion Affect Microvascular Fluid Shifts and Tissue Perfusion?
Elvevoll B, Lundemoen S, Svendsen ØS, Mongstad A, Grong K, Kvalheim VL, Husby P.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Apr 29.

Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and survival after diagnosis with kidney cancer.
Muller DC, Scelo G, Zaridze D, Janout V, Holcatova I, Navratilova M, Mates D, Midttun Ø, Ueland PM, Brennan P, Johansson M.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Aug;24(8):1277-81.