Monthly Archives: November 2015

Does scientific staff need to care about careers?

Roland JonssonThe term career is by many perceived as a value-laden concept, but for those who work in academia this is a reality. At present there are great demands to recruit the best talents and follow them up so well that they remain at the institution, in our case Department of Clinical Science. This applies to ensure that Norwegian institutions will be able to assert themselves in the international competition for talents and research funding. To make this work, leaders at all levels need to prioritize good recruitment and career policy. Recently a working group appointed by UHR delivered an inspirational document with proposals for a coherent framework for career policy at Norwegian higher education institutions. The report can be found here (in norwegian):

In the inspiration note Better Career Policies for academic staff in the higher education sector (UHR June 2015), that the report has been called, the working group proposes to systematise career and HR policy into four phases in a scientific career:

  • Phase 1. Those who are in a doctoral program (PhD)
  • Phase 2. Employees in qualification level (postdocs, researchers etc.)
  • Phase 3. Permanent employees in combined positions (Associate professor, professor, etc.)
  • Phase 4. Internationally leading professors

Career Politics is of course about the whole career path, from PhD to internationally leading professors. We should embark on and continue to work with this. The best time to bring this up is in the appraisal interview.


New Names

Zuzana SichmanovaWe present Zuzana Sichmanova, PhD student at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Clinical Science.
Zuzana started with her PhD work in October 2015 under the supervision of Stian Knappskog. If anyone
wants to say hello, you can find her in the 1M floor in the lab building.

Reminder: Invitation to the Nordic PhD course “Bio-8303: Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer”

UIT logoDear Mr/Ms/Mrs
Attached you will find an invitation to the Nordic PhD course Bio-8303: “Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer”. The course will take place at the University of Tromsø in week 10 and 11 next year (March 7th to 18th, 2016). An international faculty teaches the course (please find the lecture schedule attached). Continue reading

Green chemistry – reduce the environmental footprint.

The HSE section has previously arranged “Glove Safety Course” and “Gas safety Course” where external actors have informed us on useful topics related to HSE.

8 December 2015 we will have a visitor from Sigma Aldrich (Jeffrey Whitford, USA) who will give a presentation on Green Chemistry. Sigma Aldrich has multiple green options that may be appropriate for UiB.

Follow the link for more information and registration.

Please spread this information to your colleagues.

Anne-Kristin M. Johannessen
Occupational hygienist / Senior Engineer
HSE Section, HR Department
University of Bergen, PO Box 7800, 5020 Bergen
Tel: 55 58 87 52 Email:

The office situation at K2

Per BakkeThe office situation at K2 is a challenge. A large and pleasing increase in BOA activity has contributed to an increased demand for office space. The administration is going to take another round in K2 areas in the lab building to see if it is possible to exploit the areas better and make sure that people do not hold places they are not supposed to. In the allocation of seats, we will follow the already decided ranking for allocation of office spaces: Professor, Associate Professor, researcher, postdoc, PhD student, research line student, master’s student. In addition, we will strive to have people sit near their labs and close to their partners. It is possible that we also need to utilize some lab areas as office spaces.

Finally, it is important that people report their needs for office space to Irene:

It is in everyone’s interest that these rules are followed. If we all show agility this can easily go well!


Research presentations from 2015


Bergen Postfraduate School of Clinical Medical Research invites you all to attend “Researhc Presentations from 2015”. The event will be held from 25-29 January 2016, with poster display in the vestibule of Haukeland University Hospital and oral presentations Thursday 28 January. Registration deadline is 1 December. See attached invitation for more information.

Midwayevaluations week 48

Stein Erik Gullaksen
Thursday 26. november, at 08:00 – 09:00
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2. 5th Floor Laboratory building
More information
Tiina Andersen
Thursday 26. november, a 09:00 – 10:00
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2. 5th Floor Laboratory building
More information
Bente Silnes Tandberg
Thursday 26. november, at 10:00 – 11:00
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2. 5th Floor Laboratory building
More information
Tina Fonnes
Thursday 26. november, at 11:00 – 12:00
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2. 5th Floor Laboratory building
More information
Øistein R. Mjelva
Thursday 26. november, at 12:45 – 13:45
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2. 5th Floor Laboratory building
More information
Eirik W. Rebnord 
Thursday 26. november, at 13:45 – 14:45
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2. 5th Floor Laboratory building
More information

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Pain and pain tolerance in whiplash-associated disorders: A population-based study.
Myrtveit SM, Skogen JC, Sivertsen B, Steingrímsdóttir ÓA, Stubhaug A, Nielsen CS.
Eur J Pain. 2015 Nov 16.

Common Polymorphisms That Affect Folate Transport or Metabolism Modify the Effect of the MTHFR 677C > T Polymorphism on Folate Status.
Bueno O, Molloy AM, Fernandez-Ballart JD, García-Minguillán CJ, Ceruelo S, Ríos L, Ueland PM, Meyer K, Murphy MM.
J Nutr. 2015 Nov 11.

Identification of rare high-risk copy number variants affecting the dopamine transporter gene in mental disorders.
Hoeffding LK, Duong LT, Ingason A, Rosengren A, Sorbanski E, Witt SH, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA, Hansen T, Werge T, Rasmussen HB.
Nord J Psychiatry. 2015 Nov 11:1-4.