Author Archives: kre025

This Week`s Editorial

Eystein Husebye

New positions at K2

Despite the tight financial situation at the institute, we must steadily work with future recruitment of staff.  Good recruitment is extremely important for the long-term development of the institute.  This spring, K2 will start working on the framework for future recruitment.

It will be important to single out and weigh the criteria to be used in the recruitment process. Key words are teaching needs and skills, research, cooperation abilities, and leadership.

Unanswered questions are whether or not new positions should be allocated the academic sections or if we should follow the model: “We don’t care what you do as long as you are a leader in your field”.  What weight should the university clinics’ wish for specialized skills be given?  Likewise, we must discuss what positions are most suitable given the tasks we have – should we aim for more 50 and 100 % positions at the expense of 20 % positions?  Should the division of principal positions into multiple 20% positions as has been the case in recent years be reversed? Should we now hire more people to technical positions at the expense of scientific personnel?

We will begin by collecting background information about the present employment situation, expected budget resources for new positions, teaching needs (undervisningsregnskap) and scientific production (Cristin). Next we will ask for input from you regarding the principles for prioritization, as well as well-founded requests for new positions.  I hope many of you will engage actively in this.

Welcome to an important and a most certainly, demanding process. A detailed plan for the recruitment process will be published in K2’s weekly newsletter during April.

Eystein Husebye

MedIm – Norwegian Research School in Medical Imaging


Medlm is a nationwide multidisciplinary network promoting high quality research training. The research school’s multidisciplinary approach is illustrated by the range of relevant fields: ultrasound, MRI, PET, CT, image guided surgery, biomedical optics and bionanotechnology. The research school offers grants to PhD candidates, and various forms of support to course teachers and supervisors. For more

This week’s editorial

Eva Gerdts

With focus on education and research

The Solberg government is referring to knowledge as “the new oil” for Norway. Focus is on the university and college sector as the key to the knowledge society.  In January, the Minister of Education and Research, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, presented 7 main points for how the government will proceed in its examination of the issue. The University and college sector will have both its funding and structure reviewed, and a course of action will be presented in a Government report in 2015.  The government will also consider how changes in funding may strengthen both education and research, while also focusing on how scientific employees are looked after.  A central point that was highlighted was the need for developing a strategy in order to motivate researchers to apply for EU funding.  In addition, the government will look at recruitment, employment structure and career development.  It is great that we have these floodlights shining upon us!

However, does K2 or MOF have a strategy for input to this important process?  Here it is important to get involved.  You can read more via this link.


Message from the IT-department

On Tuesday March 11, the IT-department has to perfor necessary maintenance work on “fellesområdene” under the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.  Normally, this can be found under P: in Windows, but there could be different project-areas also contained under this with different letters.

Between 7 pm and 10 pm on Tuesday March 3, the system will be cut off for approximately one hour when the maintenance work is being performed.  Thus, it is recommended to log off the system before going home, and not do any work during this time period.  If the “fellesområder” do not work after 10 pm on March 11, a restart of the computer should fix this.

If there are any problems, please contact Brita at 555847000 (during work hours) or report an issue at .  We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

NFR-grants awarded Professor Rolf Kristian Berge

The Lipid group headed by project leader Rolf Kristian Berge has been awarded grants for two NFR-projects. One grant is awarded within the BIONAER programme where research on bioactive peptides are to be conducted, and another is awarded within the BIOTEK 2021 programme where research focuses on bioactive fatty acids.  K2 congratulates!

Request for participants to research project at UiB

Have you ever been treated, or viewed as, or felt, different on the basis of skin color/ethnicity/facial features?  Department of Education under the Faculty of Psychology are looking for participants to a research project which aims to understand how topics such as differential treatment, identity, belonging and exclusion is felt and communicated through personal stories.

Click on the link below to read more about this (In Norwegian)

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Network luncheon – Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research

The Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research invites all interested PhD-candidates to a network luncheon on Tuesday March 11 at 11:30 am in conference room 109f next to the auditoriums at the BB-building.  PhD-candidate Bent Aarli will present his project “Tidal-volume flow limitation: A new method for evaluating pulmonary function in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” and PhD-candidate Vivian Lohmann Veum will present her project “A 12 weeks randomized trial of modest restricted very-high-fat diet and an isocaloric low-fat diet.”  After this a free lunch will be served.  Sign up for the network luncheon by sending an e-mail to

This weeks leader

Per Bakke

Centre for Pharmacy 10 years
Centre for Pharmacy celebrates its 10th anniversary at UiB. The center is interdisciplinary between MatNat and MOF while administratively located at K2 with Svein Haavik as director of the center. Today 24 students are annually accepted at the master program in pharmacy. It has become a popular program and has the highest admission requirements among the pharmaceutical schools in Norway.
It is a healthy 10 year old we are talking about. At the same time there is no reason to hide the challenges the center is facing. The study in Pharmacy is not fully funded by the government. It is a clear goal to achieve this. There is a great need for pharmacists in Norway and another goal is to increase the educational capacity to 35 students per year. The teaching of pharmaceutics is currently being held at the University of East Anglia. From 2015 it will be moved to Bergen and the teaching capacity within this subject must be developed at MatNat and MOF. There is a need for more pharmacists with research expertise and work is being done to establish a research school in pharmacy. Centre for Pharmacy also provides opportunities. Master Students in Pharmacy represents a great resource that many of K2 ‘s research groups should take advantage of .

More about the Center for Pharmacy here (in Norwegian).

There is reason to congratulate the Centre for Pharmacy with the first 10 years and wish good luck with the next!


Debate – «Rus på resept?»

The Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medicine research is inviting everyone interested to open debate on February 20 at 19-21. The topic of the debate is «Rus på resept?». After the debate, PhD-candidates are invited to a party at Gamle gades, where pizza and beverages will be offered. Here you may socialize and network. Click here for more information about the debate (in Norwegian). Click here to sign up for the party.

This weeks leader

Per Bakke

Offices at K2

There is a great need for office space at K2, and we have a limited area available. At the same time disagreement over space may cause high temperatures. It is therefore important to have proper rules for access to office space. K2 is responsible to provide office to the permanent staff and to the preliminary scientific staff on projects administered at K2. II-positions having their main engagement at the hospital, is the responsibility of Helse-Bergen.

Among the scientific staff the following order of priority to office space: professor, associate professor, researcher, post-doc, PhD candidate and finally master grade and medical students during their year of research. We will also try to help the emerities as far as possible.

Irene Hjelmås has now mapped all office space at K2, who is sitting where, and that people are allowed to do so according to the above rules. Any need for office should be sent to Irene. Space will then be provided by the administration. It is not allowed to just sit down at a vacant office.

K2 has access to offices at Haraldsplass. It is easy to understand that people would prefer to sit in the Labbygget or at the Haukeland campus. But in some cases there might be necessary to place people at Haraldplass. This might for instance be PhD candidates about to finish their thesis.

A transparent system for providing offices where everybody sticks to the rules will be beneficial to all of us.
