Author Archives: jla088

Open Access – why should I care?

The Norwegian Research Council, along with the EU commission, have been strong advocates for open access to published research, open sharing of research data, and for expansion of the current infrastructure for research and data sharing, known as “Open Science”.

Open Science represents an approach to research that is collaborative, transparent, and accessible, and comes with a range of criteria: Scientists are encouraged and expected to publish in open access journals or science archives, to engage in public debates on research matters, to be involved in larger research collaborations, and to help establish open research practices.

The framework around these criteria can be utilized in various performance evaluation systems, both on an individual and an institutional level. They are meant to be adapted to different career levels. Entry-level scientists can be rewarded for learning about Open Science activities, whereas senior scientists can be rewarded for initiating and participating in such activities, for support or mentoring activities, or for contributing to the development of institutional practices.

To aid the implementation of Open Science, the EU commission has launched the Open Science Monitor, providing a way to assess developments and trends in open science activities. The initiative monitors several indicators to assess open access to publications, data sharing and academic communication. As the Norwegian government has decided that all publications receiving public grants shall be open to everyone by 2024, I strongly advise everyone to use this resource to keep an eye on what’s happening in Open Science.

Roland Jonsson
Acting Head

New printing agreement for UiB

After a bidding process, Skipnes AS now takes over as business card supplier, master’s theses, doctoral theses and doctoral degree at UiB.

The launch of the new printing services will be 1 December, and all new orders must therefore be submitted to Skipnes AS from Friday 1 December. Orders that are in process before this date will be completed by the current supplier, AiT Bjerch.

Links on the faculty web pages will be updated.

The Annual Research Presentations 2018

Dear Researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2) and Helse-Bergen.

You are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience at the Annual Research Presentations arranged by the Research School in Clinical Medicine in January 2018.

If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2017, you are welcome to present your work at our conference during week 4 of 2018 (dates will be announced soon). You can submit one contribution – either a poster or an oral presentation.

Send abstract (if oral presentations) or abstract and poster (if poster presentation) to Abstract should be possible to open with Microsoft Word and posters should be sent as a pdf file. Mark the file(s) and your mail’s subject with your name and the affiliation you have (K1, K2 or Helse-Bergen). Specify whether you want to have an oral or poster presentation. As in previous years, we would like to have a short Norwegian summary which is easy to understand for a general audience, typically five sentences long.

Deadline for submission: 1 December 2017.

Kind regards,

Andreas, Vojtech and Torbjørn

– The Research School in Clinical Medicine –

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The Norwegian Cancer Society funding for K2 researchers

The Norwegian Cancer Society awarded 170 million through their Open Call 2017, the University of Bergen received 54,7 million whereas 4 projects from K2 were awarded in total 34,6 million! In addition Stian Knappskog received a supplementary honorary prize as «Project with best user contribution», see more specific below.

Happy UiB Cancer Flag-ship researchers, Rector and Secretary General, flanked by Dean and Hospital Director.

The award ceremony took place at Bikuben Monday 6th of November, where the Norwegian cancer Society’s secretary general Anne Lise Ryel confirmed that these funding were awarded to the leading Norwegian cancer research environment. University rector Dag Rune Olsen was not less bold: Although Norwegian research traditionally is rather hushed, by continuing our hard, systematic work Norwegian research may well achieve global impact!

Dean of the medical Faculty Per Bakke underlined that these funding (and the resulting research) should benefit the patients! The user perspective was solidly based this year: the Cancer Society had incorporated user representatives in their evaluation process. One of these representatives, Bamse Mork Knudsen, confirmed that user contribution strengthen the legitimacy and trust of research. Although they themselves were somewhat uncertain of their specific role in the process, he urged researcher to not hesitate in incorporating user contributors: «Just do it!»

One which had incorporated this in such exemplary fashion that he was awarded the first « Cancer Society User Contribution Prize», was Stian Knapskog. He was awarded 8,9 million for his project «Uncovering the genetic causes of resistance to chemotherapy in breast cancer» and explains the user focus in this way: «Within the research environment of breast cancer we have, especially the clinicians Per E Lønning and Hans P. Eikesdal, a longstanding good cooperation with the Breast Cancer (patient) Society, both nationally and locally in Bergen. In this year’s application, and with future projects, we have formalized this contact by establishing a user-advisory board. The representatives have been appointed by the Breast Cancer Society, and the board will meet biannually, receive updates regarding the ongoing projects and contribute with advice/inputs for the researchers.» May this be an inspiration for all of us!

Per Lønning was awarded 8,5 millioner for the project «Genome-directed breast cancer therapy». This funding is part of this year’s «Collective effort against cancer» fund rising. The research program consists of two clinical studies whose aim is to find more targeted therapy for patients with primary breast cancer and patients with metastatic breast cancer disease.

An important goal is to design new targeted chemotherapy regimens for patients with tumors associated with poor prognosis. For these patients, a new chemotherapy regimen, possibly a targeted drug, is given.

Camilla Krakstad was awarded 9,2 million with her project «Individualized treatment of endometrial cancer». This was the only Cancer Society funding awarded for gynaecological cancer research this year. Krakstad’s project involves extensive mapping of changes in both primary and metastatic tumors. New identified targets for treatment in the metastatic tumors will be investigated in advanced disease models where the effect of new drugs is tested. The findings from these investigations will provide a better basis for selecting medication for further clinical testing. A clinical study of new markers will investigate whether these can be used in daily routine to choose optimal surgical treatment for patients. The overall goal is to find better and more individually tailored treatment for uterine cancer.

Bjørn Tore Giertsen first described how he had used all former grants he had recived from the Cancer Society. This year he was awarded 8 million from the «Collective effort against cancer» fund rising for his project «Development of novel combined CSF 1R/FLT3-targeted therapy in acute leukemia». Acute myeloid leukemia is an aggressive hematopoietic stem cell disease with less than 20% overall survival after five years. Signal transduction pathways, like receptor tyrosine kinases, are mutated in more than half of the patients. The project will explore the biology of receptor tyrosine kinases CSF1R and FLT3 in acute leukaemia, and develop CSF1R/FLT3 targeted therapy for acute leukaemia along with biomarkers for early detection of therapy non-responders. Mass cytometry will be used to monitor single cell perturbations in intracellular signaling systems combined with immune modulation in blood and bone marrow.

Heartily congratulations from all of us in K2!

Jone Trovik

Frode Gallefoss received the COPD award

From left Frode Jahren (Secretary General of LHL), Frode Gallefoss and John Normann Melheim (Chairman of the LHL). Photo: Mari Larsen (Ass. Secretary General in LHL).

Professor at Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, and Research Manager at Sørlandet Hospital, Frode Gallefoss, was on 15 November 2017 awarded by the National Association for Heart and Lung Diseases’ (LHL’s) chairman, John Normann Melheim, for outstanding scientific work in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The price is NOK 50,000. Frode Gallefoss is an international researcher who has developed better prevention, patient training and treatment of people with COPD. Epochal was his innovative utility-cost studies of patient education programs. Earlier, he has received the WHO’s Gold Medal for International Anti-Tobacco Work and the Quality Assurance Prize of the Norwegian Medical Association.

K2 congratulates!


(The review is an excerpt from the committee’s recommendation.)

Wish to recruit an international candidate at post-doc level?

The Division of Research Management (FA), in cooperation with the Faculties, is launching a pilot Bergen MSCA-IF Master Class program for potential applicants to the MSCA-Individual Fellowship 2018 call. This program aims to attract and train young and talented postdocs from outside Norway to successfully applying for MSCA-IF with the UiB as host. FA calls for “Expression of Interest” from researchers at UiB who would like to act as supervisors/mentors for Marie-Skłodowska-Curie fellows in the period 2019–2020/21.

The Master Class will be organized at UiB from 02–04 May 2018 and it will offer an opportunity to invite talented young researchers, either through supervisors own network or through an open call in various international networks (like EURAXESS). All costs related to the MC program, including travel and accommodation for candidates, will be covered by the MC-program (PES scheme). The only prerequisite for full reimbursement of candidates is the submission of the MSCA IF application within deadline. There is a limit of 30 candidate fellows to the Master Class program.

To express your interest to become a supervisor/mentor, please fill the attached form (Expression of Interest) and submit the completed form not later than the 4th December 2017. Potential supervisors have to provide:

  1. Title / Full Name / Institute / Faculty / and other affiliations (center etc) / position
  2. Research area (e.g. Energy/Physical Sciences or Energy/Social Sciences)
  3. Short description of research specialization/project (max. 1500 characters incl. space). This description will be included in the international advert.
  4. Short track record incl. funding, and summary of supervision experience (1 page).

Please read more here. For any questions please contact or

DNSZ Seed Money 2018

The German-Norwegian Study Centre in Kiel (DNSZ) provides funds within the framework of its Seed Money Budget, in order to support cooperation between German and Norwegian academics in all fields. The present call for proposals applies to projects that are to be realized in the period August 2017 until March 2018.

Who can apply?

  • Researchers at the University of Bergen can apply for funding for development of cooperation projects with Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel.

What can be supported?

  • Activities that identify and start collaborative projects in research and education. Funds from the Seed Money Budget can be allocated to travel expenses, workshops and symposia.

How much in support?

  • You can apply for a maximum of EUR 5,000 in support per project.

Where is the application sent?

  • Application is sent by e-mail to project manager Andrea Hesse at The German-Norwegian Study Centre in Kiel.

More information is available in English and German.

Application form in English and German.

Deadline for application: 8 December 2017.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 14 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

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Ethical considerations and approval of my project? Is this important?

If you have concerns you should definitely familiarize yourself with the Health Research Act (Act on medical and health research). This act was approved in 2008 (1 July 2009), and was more recently updated in 2017. Below you will find a short introduction to the act.

§2 defines the aim with medical and health research as research on human beings, human biologic material and health related information. In addition, the act is applicable for pilot studies and exploring treatments. The act also defines the geographical area where research is conducted (in § 3), and relates to Norwegian territory or when research is conducted under the leadership of Norwegian scientists.

§4 involves who is the responsible institution and normally this is the place where the responsible scientist is employed. In addition, we get a definition of the project leader as a person who should have the competence both to topic and science for a responsible performance. The supervisor is normally the project leader and should then have a PhD or corresponding merits.

The project leader has the responsibility for the daily conduct of the project and should oversee: that ethical, health related, scientific and individual concerns are taken; that the institution is informed before the project is started; that applicable ethical approval from REK is at hand; that the project is conducted according to the original plan; as well as appropriate communications to public institutions have been done.

Who must apply at REK? All who conduct research with an aim of novel knowledge about health and disease.

Who does not need to apply? Activities concerned with quality assurance. In addition, there are borderline areas, for example health service research, explorative treatments and methodological developments.

If you have questions/concerns? Use the application template “Remit Assessment”.  By this you will get a quick response from REK.

And please note – you will never obtain ethical approval after a project has been started!

How do I apply? You find the Web portal here.  There is full electronic handling of applications.  The decision is sent to the responsible institution. There are different forms for remit assessment, project application, project amendments, and reports.

If you still have questions and concerns – contact the administration at REK. You find them in the second floor of Armauer Hansen Building.

Acting Head

Prize to Ingvild Løberg Tangen at this year’s ESGO congress

Postdoc in the Bergen Gynecologic Cancer Research Group, Ingvild Løberg Tangen, was awarded with the best oral presentation prize at the ESGO (European Society of Gynaecological Oncology) congress for the presentation “Expression of L1CAM in curettage or high L1CAM level in preoperative blood samples predicts lymph node metastases and poor outcome in endometrial cancer patients”. K2 congratulates!

The results are published here.