Author Archives: jla088

The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research

During the next three years, The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will allocate around NOK 75 million to research projects in Norway, Sweden, Finland or the UK addressing selected knowledge holes in mental health in children and adolescents.

More information about the announcement and application process for 2017 can be found here.

You may also receive further information about this and future announcements via a newsletter.

Application for project funds from Extrastiftelsen / Save the Children

logoSave the Children is a member of the Extrastiftelsen, which announces project funding each year. In autumn 2017, Save the Children invites research and professional communities, organizations and other relevant partners to apply for funding for new health projects through them. (Research projects have first deadline 1 June 2018.)

Initially, you are invited to send a sketch of 1–2 pages, which briefly describes the project idea and objectives. The project sketch should be sent by e-mail to Stina Eiet Hamberg at Save the Children. Questions can be addressed to the same e-mail address or by phone (995 50 054).

Deadline for application: 20 August 2017.

Read more about guidelines for applying for funding for health projects here.

Ingenuity Pathways Analysis

k2nytt_uke-33_anne-kristin-stavrumIs anyone interested in buying a license for the data analysis software Ingenuity Pathways Analysis?, asks postdoctor Anne-Kristin Stavrum on behalf of her group, and writes on:

At the beginning of July, we received some funding (Smådriftsmidler) from the institute, and we would like to spend this money on a license for the data analysis software Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). A brief description of the program is given below.

The funds we received from the institute do not cover the full amount of the license, so we have to add a little by ourselves. There are different types of licenses. The most relevant are licenses for one user or five users. Since a license for five users is only “a bit” more expensive than a single-user license, we would like to know if someone else at the institute might be interested in sharing the costs for a five-users-license.

Exact price per license will depend on any additional packages that can be purchased, and any offer we may receive from Qiagen. The price will probably amount to NOK 13–15,000 per license, after deducting the amount we were awarded from the institute. The license will be valid for one year.

Interested parties may contact Anne-Kristin Stavrum at the latest on Thursday 24 August.

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Workshop on applications for research and development projects

The Regional Research Fund Vestlandet and the Research Council of Norway arrange a workshop for you working with an idea or application for a research and development project. The intention with the workshop is to provide the participants with skills to develop a research project and write a good application. The participants are expected to work with their own ideas and projects.

Time: 6 September at 10–15.
Venue: Statens hus, meeting room 11th floor, Kaigaten 9, Bergen.

Deadline for registration: 1 September.
Registration form.

The workshop is free of charge, but accepts a limited number of participants.


Per BakkeThis is the last K2Nytt editorial before the summer vacation and my last as head of the Department of Clinical Science. I will take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you. More than four years have passed since K2 was established, and a lot has happened these years. It has been ups and downs, but I have always felt a very strong support and kindness from every corner of K2.

With 320 employees coming from four different departments, it has for sure been conflicts of interests and different opinions of how to cope with various challenges. However, I have always felt that people have taken a strong interest in where to go, and have sincerely wanted a good solution. The occasions when some did not have it their way, the final solution has always been accepted.

There will soon be a call for the position as new head of K2. I hope that many will consider applying. It is a very rewarding job. It is a fantastic bunch of people at K2, be it the administrative, technical or scientific staff. I want the next head of K2 to be met with the same kindness as has been offered me. There are still many tasks to take on at K2.

Thanks a lot, all of you!


HSE corner: Empty the backup freezer in 1M before the holiday

Since we are now entering a period of absence from work and potentially warm weather, the backup freezer must be cleaned and emptied before going on holiday.

There are currently several (forgotten) samples in the freezer that are not on the list of content. We request that everyone take responsibility for a check of samples that have been left behind, and remind you that the use of the freezer must be agreed with Julie Stavnes.

Delivery of postal mails and parcels during the summer 2017

Due to the summer holiday, the Transport and Park Section (TPS) will deliver internal and external postal mails and parcels only once a week from Monday 26 June to Friday 11 August, and earlier in the day than usual.

Units that are closed during the summer, should report this to TPS as soon as possible.

Any questions can be addressed to the post manager Knut-Egil Larsen:

Tel. office: 55 58 20 71
Mobile: 905 04 899

Read more here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Goods receipts in the Laboratory Building during the Cycling World Championships

The goods receipts in the Laboratory Building will be open as usual in week 38 during the UCI Road World Championships, but it will also be staffed with a person at night.

This week, BRING and the other major suppliers will mainly supply goods to HUS after 19:00 and at night.

Therefore, you should avoid ordering supplies for week 38, and instead increase your orders in the weeks before and after the World Championships.

Career day for PhD candidates | Thursday 5 October

Welcome to career day for all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine! It will take place 5 October from 10:00 to 14:00 in auditorium 4, in the BB building at Haukeland. Some of our graduated PhD candidates and institutions from both public and private sector will come and hold presentations.

Detailed programme and information about registration will be sent later, but please save the date.

Parts of the programme might be held in Norwegian. You will get more information about that with the programme and registration mail.

Group leader training autumn 2017

Every semester, The University of Bergen organizes a course in pedagogy over three days for group leaders (colloquia leaders, seminar leaders) who will work on teaching assignments during the semester. The course is organized by the Program for University Pedagogy at the Department of Education at the Faculty of Psychology.

Please register by sending an e-mail to Kåre Helleve.

Read more here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Course in entrepreneurship in healthcare

The School of Health Innovation has now opened their second course – Entrepreneurship in healthcare – to applicants.

The school is an initiative from the University of Oslo, NTNU in Trondheim and Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm, and is developed in collaboration with Nansen Neuroscience Network (NNN). The course is also open to applicants from the University of Bergen.

This time the target group is those who have taken course 1 and other researchers with expertise in the field.

Deadline for application: 30 June.

Dementia Research Prize 2018

Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen wishes to stimulate research in the field of dementia, and therefore announce a dementia research prize, which will be awarded during a ceremony in Det Norske Teatret February 2018.

Proposals for candidates must be submitted before the deadline of 30 August 2017. A separate form (in Norwegian) must be used for this.

Read more here. (Link in Norwegian.)

We are changing our name – important notice to all staff members

On 1 June, the University Board voted to change the name of our faculty from “Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry” to “Faculty of Medicine”. Read more about this process here.

The Norwegian version is Det medisinske fakultet, and the new official abbreviation is MED.

The name change has already been implemented, and we now kindly ask all members of staff to:

  1. Change the name of the faculty if it appears in your email signature.
  2. Start using the name “Faculty of Medicine” when mentioning the faculty.

Horizons lecture: Human activities and their influence on Space Weather

Welcome to a Horizons lecture with Daniel N. Baker:

Human activities and their influence on Space Weather

The lecture is held in English.

Time: Thursday 22 June at. 15:15. Refreshments will be served from 14:45.
Venue: Egget, Studentsenteret.

Read more about the lecture here.
Join the event on Facebook.

Everybody is welcome!

The Horizons lecture series is for staff and students of The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and for all others that are interested in major scientific questions and challenges across disciplinary borders.


Human-caused effects on the space environment started in the late 19th century and reached their peak in the 1960s when high-altitude nuclear explosions were carried out by the USA and the Soviet Union Photo: The Official CTBTO Photostream. Copyright: CC-BY-2.0.

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Digitalization at UoB

Per BakkeThe government has made it clear that the universities are to promote digitalization within all fields. Traditionally we have considered digitalization primarily as a tool to optimize administrative services. In recent years digitalization within teaching and at examinations have become more common. A good example is the efforts done by Martin Biermann of which he received the Faculty Dissemination Prize 2017.

Also, research may benefit from digitalization. As part of the efforts to respond to the requests from the government, the university has made a strategy for digitalization.  UoB will establish working groups for how to promote digitalization within teaching and research, and within the administrative services. I have heard some state that digitalization is just a way to make the scientists do secretary work. This assessment is too simple.

The university will organize a “Come together day” on digitalization 4 October 2017 in Grieghallen. The aim is to present various ways of digitalization to promote teaching and research, as well as administrative services. Those who might have projects that could be presented in Grieghallen, please notify this by sending an e-mail to within Monday 12 June..

The event in Grieghallen will be open to everybody at the university. Note the date! Digitalization is here to come, we should join it. By visiting Grieghallen 4 October, we might get some good ideas to use in our own research, teaching or administrative work


Evaluation of the new faculty structure

Social mediaAs previously mentioned in K2News (week 17), the reorganization of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, which was completed in 2013, will be evaluated. In this regard, the faculty’s management wishes that as many people as possible will answer a questionnaire that will be sent out Monday 12 June. The deadline is 23 June.


Information about the process and the questionnaire can be found on the faculty’s website (link in Norwegian).

Workshop: Network Biology/Integromics Bioinformatics

NORBIS and CCBIO are very happy to announce the workshop

Network Biology/Integromics Bioinformatics – Applications Towards Medicine

Time: 23–25 August.
Venue: Hotel Terminus, Bergen.

During this workshop, world leading experts in the field will discuss how network science meets omics data, give an introduction to graph theory and an overview of different types of biological networks, and present integromics approaches for complex disease analysis, including practical sessions using R and Cytoscape. Confirmed speakers include Albert-László Barabási, João Pedro de Magalhães, Alfonso Valencia and several others.

You may find more information and register here (link) or here (pdf).

Deadline for registration: 15 June.

6th Building Bridges symposium: Epigenetics in clinical and translational research

The Building Bridges symposia series is arranged to bridge clinical and basic/translational research and provide examples of how teams of investigators are working together towards a better understanding of the pathophysiology of disease and improved options for patient treatment and care.

The 6th Building Bridges symposium will highlight how epigenetics research can be leveraged to improve our understanding of health and disease. The course set the stage by learning about the basics: What is epigenetics? How can studying epigenetics enable precision medicine? Then, with research-focused talks from clinical and translational researchers, the symposium will explore detailed examples of discovery, development, and application in the areas of 1) epigenomics, 2) cell differentiation in disease, and 3) epigenetic modifiers as drug targets. The symposium will be closed by engaging the public in the future societal applications of epigenetics research.

Time: 10–11 October 2017.
Lecture hall 2, Biomedicum, Helsinki, Finland.

Information, program and registration.

 Deadline for registration: 15 September.