Author Archives: jla088

Guest speaker | Professor Tim J. Cole | 11 December

Professor Tim J. Cole

We have the pleasure hosting Professor Tim J. Cole, Institute of Child Health, University College London, UK. He will present the lecture “Growth charts and growth models for paediatrics and epidemiology”.

Time: Monday 11 December, at. 15:30–16:30.
Venue: BUS1, ground floor, the main auditorium.

Looking forward to seeing you at the lecture!

Kind regards, Pétur B. Júlíusson


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New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 17 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

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Time for evaluation is here

Committees from various funding sources (Research Council of Norway, Norwegian Cancer Society, etc.) have spent the autumn analyzing applications and CVs to seal out the around ten percent they think should be funded. The results from the Research Council of Norway’s program FRIMEDBIO show that the new committee established during summer 2017 has not found research at K2 worthy of being funded. In reality, success rates were poor from the Research Council of Norway this year.

So, what about getting on the other side of the fence? For the Research Council of Norway, you need to be invited to sit in the committee, but EU’s Horizon2020 program encourages researchers to register in the expert database. They are looking for two things: high expertise in relevant research field, and that you are available for random short-term assignments. The European Commission considers several factors when choosing evaluators for a call. In addition to scientific qualifications, gender and geographical spread are important factors.

There are many advantages of being an evaluator. You will get direct insight into the process and gain experience with the evaluation process. You will get the opportunity to read several proposals, both good and bad, and will learn which level is expected and what to avoid. This experience is useful when writing proposals for national announcements, which, to an ever-increasing degree, copy EU announcements.

Instead of providing you with a detailed description of the registration process, I have reserved 19 December and 10 January to assist you. You are welcome to come by my office, or invite me over.


New agreement for printing doctoral theses

The web pages that concern the printing of doctoral theses are now beginning to be completed.

Here is the UiB page.

Here is Skipnes’s page.

We remind you that PhD candidates should start to book printing services at Skipnes from 1 December. The Research Administration will add the new web pages into the regular UiB / PhD structure later next Thursday or early next Friday.

If you have comments on languages, forms or functionalities, these can be sent to Yngve Brynjulfsen (for the UiB page) or to Idar Klein at Skipnes (with a copy to Yngve).

Best regards, Yngve Brynjulfsen

adviser / PhD coordinator

Research Administration Department, UiB

The Annual Research Presentations 2018 | New deadline

Dear Researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2) and Helse-Bergen.

Have you presented your research at a conference this year?

Then, you are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience at the Annual Research Presentations arranged by the Research School in Clinical Medicine in January 2018.

If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2017, you are welcome to present your work at our conference during week 4 of 2018 (dates will be announced soon). You can submit one contribution – either a poster or an oral presentation.

Send abstract (if oral presentations) or abstract and poster (if poster presentation) to Abstract should be possible to open with Microsoft Word and posters should be sent as a pdf file. Mark the file(s) and your mail’s subject with your name and the affiliation you have (K1, K2 or Helse-Bergen). Specify whether you want to have an oral or poster presentation. As in previous years, we would like to have a short Norwegian summary which is easy to understand for a general audience, typically five sentences long.

Deadline for submission: 7 December 2017.

Kind regards,

Andreas, Vojtech and Torbjørn

– The Research School in Clinical Medicine –

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The Postgraduate School of Medical Research’s Network Luncheon | 6 December

Dear all,

The Postgradute School of Clinical Medicine is preparing a new Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows and researchers at K1 and K2 departments.

Now is the time to sign up as a presenter, if you would like to present your latest results, engage in discussion with other PhD students and practice your presentation skills.

The upcoming Network Luncheon will take place Wednesday 6 December, in the Konferanserom of BBB (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4), from 11:30 to 13:00.

Register your participation here

Take a break from your daily lab-routine and enjoy a free lunch, socialize and hear talks from fellow PhD students, and on top of all that, earn one ECTS point!

If you would like to earn one ECTS by signing up for “Seminar in clinical and translational medicine” (FSKLI901), please contact Solveig Lund Witsø.

 Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!

Looking forward,

Solveig and Yasaman

New application deadlines for funds and legacies

Due to technical problems at the IT department, some application forms were published late this year. The deadline for applying is thus extended to Friday 8 December. See also the faculty’s web pages. And note that the Heart Fund and Riisøen’s legacy have their own deadlines.

Deadline Friday 1 December:

  • Heart Fund

Deadline Friday 8 December:

  • Endowment for research on cancer diseases
  • The general medical research fund
  • Dagfinn Aarskog’s scientific fund for the Children’s Clinic
  • Karla and Arne J. Oddmars Medical Fund
  • H. Monrad-Krohn and wife of Alette Monrad-Krohns legacy
  • Dr. Nils Henrichsen and wife Anna Henrichsen’s legacy

Deadline Wednesday 20 December:

  • Astri and Edvard Riisøen’s legacy

Best regards Bjørn Jaran Aarsnes Bjørnsen

– Controller, Faculty of Medicine –

Scientific Grand Prize 2018 | Fondation Lefoulon-Delalande

Since 2002, the Lefoulon-Delalande Institut de France Foundation has awarded an annual Scientific Grand Prize, of an amount of 500,000 euros, to a scientist who has made important contributions to cardiovascular physiology, biology, or medicine. Taken in the widest sense, these fields also include developmental biology, genetics, epidemiology, physiology, as well as clinical biology, imaging techniques, therapeutics, and the pharmacology of the cardiovascular system. The call for nominations for the Scientific Grand Prize 2018 is now open.

More information and nomination form is available here.

Deadline for nominations: 29 January 2018.

Each candidate’s application will be examined by a scientific council composed of experts who are members of the French Academy of Sciences as well as by external experts.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 19 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

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