Author Archives: jla088

Invitation to guest lecture with Elizabeth Losh: Affect and Digital Pedagogy

k2nytt_2017_uke-16_elisabeth-loshHow can we use mobile platforms in pedagogy? Elizabeth Losh has written books on digital rhetoric and how digital learning platforms may be used at the expense of pedagogy. Here, she will talk about using Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and hashtags in teaching at the university. The lecture will be held in English.

Time: Monday 24 April at 10:15–12:00 am.
Location: Auditorium 129, Christiesgate 12 (Bjørn Christiansen’s house)

More information about the lecture.


Day of Immunology 2017

k2nytt_2017_uke-16_day-of-immunologyThe Day of Immunology is a worldwide project aimed at bringing research news from immunology to an interested audience.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and the crucial impact this has had on understanding, diagnosing and treating allergic diseases, this year’s Day of Immunology is dedicated to the topic of IgE allergy.

Time: Friday 28 April at 10:15–13: 00
Location: Auditorium B302, sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital


The program will be held in Norwegian.

Cycling World Championships and the University of Bergen

k2nytt_2017_uke-16_sykkel-vmFrom 16 to 24 September the UCI Road World Championships are being held in Bergen. This will have implications for access to and from places of work and study for staff and students at the University of Bergen.

UiB encourages all staff and students to familiarize themselves with how to get to and from their places of work and study during this period. A general recommendation is to get to and from UiB by using public transport, walking or cycling – and to allow plenty of time!

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Election notice and invitation to propose candidates

There will be elected members (and alternates) to the Faculty Board at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in group A, B and C.

Deadline for proposals of members (group A, B and C): Friday 28 April 2017 within 03:00 p.m.

Proposals must be received before the deadline by the Electoral secretary, Gjert Bakkevold, Armauer Hansen House 4th floor, room 416.

More information can be found here.

The election will take place from Monday 15 May (09:00 a.m.) to Monday 22 May 2017 (12:00 a.m.).

Employees must ensure that they are registered in the electoral roll.

Poster at the UoB’s conference on cooperation with China

UoB has had a longstanding research collaboration with China, and was a pioneer among Norwegian universities with such an initiative. UoB is now strengthening its cooperation with institutions and organizations in China, and hereby invites business partners, government employees, students and other stakeholders to an open conference on the university’s cooperation with China, and to participate with posters in a poster session.

Time: Thursday 4 May at. 09–16.
Location: University Aula.

Deadline for registration: Thursday 20 April at. 12 pm.
More information and registration form can be found here.

Deadline for registration of poster: 10 April.
Deadline to submit poster: 20 April.
Registration and poster should be sent to Åshild Nylund.

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Introduction to Sequencing Workshop

As part of the Norwegian Consortium for Sequencing and Personalized Medicine (NorSeq) the Genomics Core Facility in Bergen is happy to announce an introduction workshop where the NorSeq consortium presents an overview about the established high throughput sequencing services the consortium offers.

The workshop (12:30–16:00) will be given at three sites:

  • Trondheim: 24 April
  • Bergen: 26 April
  • Oslo: 28 April

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Predator journals and conferences scams

k2nytt_uke-14_rovtidsskrifter_bealls-listHave you ever received invitations to write reviews, or edit a special issue for journals that you have never heard of before? Or have you ever been invited to chair a session at a new conference within your field, because you are such an expert? Even sometimes in area that are not at all your expertise?

Well, most of us have and some of us can receive a dozen of those in a week. For the young scientist in early career, it can be easy to be fooled by those invitations the first time they received them. It is of course flattering for any scientist to be invited for a talk or a session. Like it happened to us this week.

Be aware of those so called “predatory conferences”: You are invited to chair and speak, but you still have to pay a high fee. Apparently, most of those conferences still take place, but none of the key speakers advertise are there, since they never agreed in the first place. You end up in a conference with a couple of people that have been fooled like you for a high price.

Similarly, “predatory journals” can scam you into writing an article for them, which they will eventually publish without any peer-review and no edition (you do it yourself), and you have to pay for all publication costs. It’s a lose-lose situation, since in addition you will never get any citations for that!

So be aware, don’t fall for those scams, and in case of doubt, ask around.

If you want to read more about this, here are two recent articles:

One is about predatory conferences and why you should not answer to them. The other is about predatory journals, which had no problems employing Dr. “Fraud” as their new editor!

Stephanie Le Hellard

The technicians at K2

bakke0x2c_per_0x2830x29The technicians at K2, and the skills and knowledge they represent, are a great resource for the department. In total, there are 46 technicians employed on basic funding at K2. In addition, there all the technicians who are externally salaried at the department. Technicians employed on basic funding are allocated across the research groups after a certain formula based on group size, research production and citation index. The research group leader is responsible for the disposition of the technicians associated with the group. This means that everyone in the group should have equal access to assistance from the technicians. It is particularly important that young researchers are included when the technical resources are allocated. It should not be the case that the technicians are reserved for the established professors in the groups. Finally, it is important that the technicians’ skills and wishes are taken into account in the allocation of resources.

Besides, I will remind you that K2 has set aside funds for competence building among technicians. It can be applied for funding at any time. Support from the department assumes that the research group contributes with the same amount as it is applied for. Last year, not all the deposited funds were spent.


Martens Scientific Seminar and the Martens lecture 4 May

In collaboration with the Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (Norment, CoE) and K.G. Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Dr. E. Martens Research Group for Biological Psychiatry invites you to the Martens Scientific Seminar and the Martens lecture 2017.

Time: Thursday 4 May 2017, 12:00–16:00
Location: Bikuben conference centre, Haukeland University Hospital

The main topic is “How translational research has disclosed many old secrets of psychotic disorders”.

The Martens Lecture 2017 will be held by Professor Danielle Posthuma, Centre for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, VU University Amsterdam: “The role of big data, new statistical tools and functional studies in deciphering the genetics of schizophrenia”.

Please see program for more details.

Sign up here.

New skills for a new era

Hordaland County Council invites partners in business, education and the public sector to the conference Ny kompetanse for ei ny tid – Kan europeisk samarbeid bidra til å utvikle framtidsretta kompetanse i Hordaland? (New skills for a new era – can European cooperation help to develop future-oriented expertise in Hordaland?).

Time: 19 April 2017 at 10:00–15:30.

Location: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bryggen in Bergen.

Program (only in Norwegian).

Deadline for registration: Wednesday 12 April.

Free internet courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics

The September 2017 introductory course on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (7.5 ECTS credits) given by Uppsala University is now open for application.

The course, which is free of charge for EU/EAA-citizens, is suited for researchers, post docs, teachers and students who are interested to learn how complex chemical and biomedical processes can be investigated even down to their finest chemical details using informatics, and how this can be used for the development of novel drugs.

Further information and registration form are available here.

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Nils Normann’s travel grant to Øyvind Bruserud

k2nytt_2017_uke-13_oyvind-bruserud_portrettAt the Norwegian Society for Endocrinology’s winter conference, Øyvind Bruserud received the Nils Normann’s travel grant. Bruserud is a PhD student affiliated to the endocrine research group at K2, led by Eystein Husebye. The grant will fund a stay abroad this spring at the University of Oxford. Here, Bruserud will investigate immunological mechanisms in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1. K2 congratulate!