Author Archives: jla088

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 15 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

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”The Invisible”

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasTo follow-up the literary references: the title is from a play by Ludvig Holberg. This was also the title winning the Holberg high-school competition some years ago, a project dealing with fraud.

At the last meeting in the committee of extended research management, research fraud was pointed at as one focus area. We should strive to be attentive to this ethical aspect when planning, conducting and presenting our research.

Forging results we all acknowledge as fraud, but there are several more subtle areas where our ethical consciousness might be stretched to benefit ourselves. What about the tendency of selective citation of references; those supporting our own hypothesis are preferred to those disagreeing. Selective publishing is another; it is somehow more convenient to publish positive (meaning: statistical significant) results than those without differences. And what if the interesting (and significant) results from the former study of the newest promising biomarker could not be validated in the following study? We do however have a moral responsibility to publicly present our conducted research, both for the sake of those providing research funding and participating patients contributing with biologic samples/clinical data, as well as to not introduce new treatment algorithms prematurely. “The Invisible” (meaning unpublished) studies may in effect be one form of fraud.

And do we follow the Vancouver treaty? Holding the title as research group leader or head of clinical department, is that equivalent to actually plan, conduct, analyse and write every paper from the group/department? Or should some of these stated as authors in reality be the Invisible?

I would like to remind you all of the OSCE exam 8th of November; those not already having stated who will contribute: please do so to Ketil Grong (he is in need of more qualified helpers).

The Day of the Institute (K2) will be hosted the 29th of November. We do hope our new Head of Institute will be formally appointed at that time, and will actively contribute by presenting the upcoming visions for our Department of Clinical Science.


HSE corner: Fire protection training in the autumn of 2017

All staff at UiB shall have completed fire protection training, both theory and practice, which is enacted in the Fire Act and the HSE Regulations.

A course runs over two hours – divided into one hour theory and one hour practical fire extinguishing.

There is a total enrolment from the department, and interested should contact Marius Alvheim in the expedition.

Read more about the fire protection training here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Best regards,

Registering final holidays

The deadline for registering final holidays was 1 October. However, there are still many who have not done this.

Anyone with remaining holidays must register in requested holidays as soon as possible and no later than 20 October!

If you do not register application for holidays, the employer can decide when the holidays should be taken, pursuant to section 6 of the Holidays Act.

If you have any questions regarding holidays and registration, please see the pagablog.

Or contact HR consultant Kristine Kleppan Blikra.

Seminar on open access to scientific articles | 26 October

The government’s goal is that by 2024 all Norwegian scientific articles financed by public funds shall be openly available:

  • Scientific articles should be made available. Researchers should publish in open journals where they are professionally sound.
  • All scientific articles must be deposited in the scientific archive, and this will be a prerequisite for the articles to count in the performance-based funding.

In light of this, and in connection with the International Open Access Week, the University Library invites to a seminar on open access to research.

Time: Thursday 26 October at. 10-12.
Location: Dragefjellet School, Faculty of Law, Auditorium 4.

The event is free and open to all, and will be streamed.

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Horizon2020 kick-off event for MED researchers

Horizon2020 is about to embark on the last three years of it’s existence with a bigger budget than ever. On that occasion, the Division of Research Management at UiB and the Research Council of Norway arrange a kick-off meeting where you will have the possibility to:

  • find relevant calls for your research area,
  • get advice on how to succeed with your application,
  • listen to experience from Professor Cecilie Svanes from the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care with being a partner on EU projects, and
  • listen to Professor Emmet McCormack from the Department of Clinical Science talk about his personal experience with evaluating EU proposals.

Time: 31 October at. 13:45–15:15.
Venue: Scandic Ørnen Hotel, Bergen.


Scientific Writing Seminar | 13–14 December

CCBIO have received funding from NFR and SIU for an INTPART program, where students’ education and exchange is promoted through collaboration between CCBIO and the Boston based Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School. Elisabeth Wik is coordinating the program. Several CCBIO-INTPART seminars and courses will take place the coming years, and CCBIO is happy to be inviting you to the first seminar in this series on 13–14 December – a two-day seminar in scientific writing – with valuable input in the program for both students, postdocs and professors.

The seminar is open (requires registration), free of charge, and includes lunch both days.

Time: 13–14 December.
Venue: Birkhaugsalen, Sentralblokken, 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital.



Deadline for registration: 30 November.

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Research funding from Vita hjertego’

Here is a reminder of the Vita hjertego’ grant 1 kr til Hjertesaken, which for 2018 announces up to NOK 600,000 distributed on one or more research projects and other activities related to preventive cardiac health.

Information. (Link in Norwegian.)

Deadline for application: 30 October.

Here, you can see who has previously received grants.

Questions can be directed to

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 19 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

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