Call for Applications for CAS Research Grant

The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) invites researchers to pursue excellent, fundamental, curiosity-driven research in Oslo during the 2025/2026 academic year. Assemble your international dream team of prominent researchers and apply for a research stay at CAS.

Application deadline: 18 October 2023.

Each year, we host three research groups which stay at CAS, situated at the stately premises of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo, for one academic year. Each project receives a grant of roughly NOK 3.2 million.

There are no laboratory facilities at CAS. However, projects involving laboratory work, field work and data collection are welcome to apply to develop the theoretical aspects of their research. Laboratory work, field work and data collection must take place either before the stay at CAS or at another suitable place during the stay.

Only faculty members who hold permanent, full-time, tenured academic positions at CAS’ partner institutions(UiB is partner) in Norway are eligible to apply.


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