Interested in a small side-job as Editorial Assistant in Clinical Dysmorphology?

Hi all

I started a year ago as senior consultant in Medical Genetics at the Department of Medical Genetics in Bergen after approx. 10 years as a Senior Consultant at the Department of Genomic Medicine in Manchester. My specific field of interest is genomic syndromology and I have also worked previously in similar positions at the major pediatric hospitals of Rome, Italy and Athens, Greece.

I was just appointed Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Dysmorphology, a task I gladly take on since dysmorphology is the part of genetics that is closest to my heart. The journal was started in the early 90s by i.a. Michael Baraitser and I am now taking over as editor-in-chief from Dame Dian Donnai, see

The editor can appoint an Editorial Assistant who gets some money for the job from the journal. I, and others with me, thought this might be an educational side-job for someone who is neat and structured in their work, and who is interested in learning more about how a clinical-genetic journal works. The job is administrative, but you have access to all the manuscripts and can read what you want. The tasks are greatly facilitated by using Editorial Manager, a user-friendly computer program, and the workload is estimated at 2-3 hours per week.

The journal comes out with four issues a year, and the job is paid ($ 1,750 per calendar year).

Do contact me if you are interested or if you have more questions at

You can find me at the 6th Floor in Laboratoriebygget, Room 649

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