Daily Archives: Friday March 22nd, 2019

Thank you

Dear everyone

Thank you for your support and cooperation during the 6 months stint as Acting head of Department. I have to admit that it has been somewhat demanding to allocate the necessary time to the job, as other commitments have taken their time too. Head of Administration Julie and her team have done a great job of helping me with the work- thank you so much! The others in the leader team, Silke, Emmet and Jone have also helped by pulling extra weight.

Then there is always potential for improvement. The announcement and hiring processes takes a long time. There are many steps in such a process and there are formal requirements and regulations to be followed. In some cases, the delays have been due to me, in other cases it is the sum of all the steps that cause delays. That said, be confident that we are working to improve ourselves.

The dedicated e-mail address to the head of department (instituttleder@k2.uib.no) and the department administration (post@k2.uib.no) will be prolonged under Pål’s leadership. My experience is that it improves communication and secures that all questions are answered in reasonable time.

Thank you all again, and welcome back Pål!

Deputy Head of Department

(Norwegian) Innføring av Leganto, system for digitale litteraturlister

Til emneansvarlige ved UiB. UiB har anskaffet et system for digitale litteraturlister, Leganto. Slike systemer kommer nå for hele sektoren, og målet er økt kvalitet, tilgjengelighet og mer effektive arbeidsprosesser.

Les mer om systemet i denne nyhetssaken på ansattsidene. Systemet erstatter dagens løsning for:

  • Opplasting av litteraturlister i Mitt UiB
  • Innmelding av referanser til Litteraturkiosken
  • Innmelding av referanser til Akademika

I vår skal systemet implementeres på hele UiB. Fristen for å lage og levere litteraturlister i Leganto er 2. mai 2019, slik at de kan behandles/klargjøres av biblioteket før endelig publisering for studentene i Mitt UiB innen den sentrale fristen 1. juni.

Arbeidsstue i biblioteket på BBB 3.april klokken 12:00 til 14:00

Påmelding til workshop i bruk av Leganto her.

Mer info her.

Family Blix’ fond to support medical research

The aim of the fund is to support medical research especially in the field of cardiovascular disease and cancer, including diagnostics. Support is in particular aimed towards research projects that combine basic and clinical research, with slight priority given to applications from early stage researchers. Please send the application to the fund board with lawyer Erik Keiserud, Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA, postboks 471 Sentrum, 0105 Oslo. Deadline for application is 25 June 2019. You need to use a designated form that you will receive when you send an inquiry to: goe@hjort.no.

If you have any questions please contact Erik Keiserud either via e-mail ek@hjort.no or phone 22 47 18 00.

(Norwegian) Kurs innen vurdering i medisinsk utdanning

Vedlagt ligger informasjon om ulike internasjonale kurs innen vurdering i medisinsk utdanning i 2019. Gjennom UiBs deltakelse i Nasjonal delprøve i medisin kan våre ansatte søke støtte til å delta på disse kursene. Det er primært faglig ansatte som lager eksamensoppgaver til medisinstudiet som er målgruppen, men teknisk-administrative som jobber tett med eksamen kan også søke.

Søknader sendes til Martha.Dahle@uib.no innen 1. mai og 1. september. Øvrig info finnes i vedlegget og på UiOs nettsider.


We have now posted the final scientific programs of CCBIO’s two international symposia in May 2019 at the Solstrand SPA hotel, on the event websites. Also note that registration deadline is extended to April 24th, as we can still make room for some more participants. If you have not registered yet: Please do not wait till the last minute as the list is rapidly filling.

-The 7th CCBIO Annual Symposium, May 13th-14th REGISTRATION

-The CCBIO 2nd Satellite Symposium, on Deep Tissue Profiling, May 12th REGISTRATION

7th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 13th-14th

The 2018 symposium was a success with more than 200 participants and we expect the 2019 symposium to be at least as good. We have secured a range of international and national speakers and some of the highlights will be the talks by Bob LöwenbergWilliam Foulkes,  Jonathan IrishMarta Bertolaso, and many other distinguished speakers. The last day will end on a high note with a lecture by Omid Farokhzad. This keynote address is part of the distinguished Volterra lectures series organized by our partner Digital Life Norway (DLN).

We will have two extended poster sessions where younger researchers can present their work (poster abstract deadline now April 17th), and ample time for interaction between the participants. The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/260 Euro per person. For the program, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Symposium website with final program.

Practical information

Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling May 12th

The Satellite Symposium on Deep Tissue Profiling is initiated with lunch at 12.00 before the scientific program starts at 13.00.

The satellite symposium will consist of talks focusing on the opportunities inherent to new technology, in particular the Hyperion Imaging System, both in terms of technology and in use of this technology for research purposes. Speakers include e.g. Jonathan IrishKurt SchalperTeijo Pellinen and other distinguished experts.

The subsidized registration fee is 500 for the meeting incl. lunch and 1500 if you want to attend dinner and stay overnight at Solstrand. We have a total of 70 rooms available.

Registration, within April 24th 2019.

Satellite Symposium website with final program.

Practical information: See the info sheet for the CCBIO Symposium

Guest lecture: Human B cell responses to influenza virus vaccination: Issues of specificity, affinity and memory.

We are delighted to invite you to a guest lecture by Dr. Ali Ellebedy from Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, USA.

When: Wednesday 27th March at 1200

Where: Laboratory Building, 5th floor seminar room

Title: Human B cell responses to influenza virus vaccination: Issues of specificity, affinity and memory.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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