Daily Archives: Friday January 25th, 2019

New email routine at K2

Being on top of ones inbox in a continuously busy workweek is turning into a challenging task. Regretfully, sometimes emails are lost or forgotten.

Pål and myself have therefore decided upon changing the current routines. From now on all enquiries to the K2 Head of department shall be sent to post@k2.uib.no, in order to ensure a best possible case process. This email will be read by head of department or his acting head of department, who together will be better equipped to reply and expedite the email.

This change is effectuated as of from now.

Wishing you a nice weekend,

Eystein Husebye,
Acting head of department

(Nowegian) Pedagogisk kompetansehevingstilbud for fakultetets vitenskapelig ansatte – våren 2019

Enhet for læring har ulike tilbud til de vitenskapelig ansatte denne våren:

Innføring i medisinsk- og helsefaglig didaktikk (MEDDID601) er et 5-studiepoengs kurs særlig rettet mot vitenskapelig ansatte i små stillingsprosenter, men også åpent for andre ansatte. Kurset inngår som del av pedagogisk basiskompetanse. Mer info finnes her:



Vi har ledige plasser i vårsemesteret med oppstart 20. februar!

Påmelding omgående via lenke på emnesiden.

I tillegg tilbyr Enhet for læring denne våren en seminarrekke med Pedagogisk påfyll. Her det ingen påmelding. Se program under:

  • Medical Education as a Research Field – History, Methods and “Hot Topics” v/Charlotte Ringsted, Centre for Health Sciences Education, Aarhus University
    Tid: 7/2, kl. 09:30-10:30
    Sted: Fakultetsstyrerommet, AHH, 4. Etg.
  • Lær å lage gode OSCE-oppgaver! v/Eirik Søfteland (K1)
    Tid: 5/3, kl. kl 14.30-15:30
    Sted: Fakultetsstyrerommet, AHH, 4. Etg.
  • Flervalgsoppgaver/MCQ: hvordan lage gode spørsmål? v/Hans Flaatten (K1 og Enhet for læring)
    Tid: 9/4, kl. 15.15-16:00
    Sted: Fakultetsstyrerommet, AHH, 4. Etg.
  • Hva er egentlig refleksjon og hvordan kan vi undervise slik at studenter lærer å reflektere? v/ Edvin Schei (IGS og Enhet for læring)
    Tid: 09/5, kl. kl 14.30-15:30
    Sted: Fakultetsstyrerommet, AHH, 4. Etg.
  • Dokumentasjon av undervisningskompetanse ved hjelp av pedagogiske mapper – hva, hvordan og hvorfor
    Tid: 5/6, kl 14.30-15:30
    Sted: Undervisningsrom D301, Sentralblokken, 3. Etg.

Følg med på Enhet for læring sine nettsider for evt. endringer i programmet.

Vi håper mange benytter seg av tilbudet. Vel møtt!

Opening Symposium 6th of February for Hyperion Imaging System

CCBIO and the Bergen Flow Cytometry Core Facility are happy to introduce the newly installed and operative Hyperion Imaging System to our research community in an opening symposium February 6th which will focus on:

  • The research possibilities offered by the Hyperion Imaging System
  • Groundbreaking research in a high level keynote lecture
  • The practical procedures regarding access to the facility and use of the machinery
  • Delicious tapas

This is next generation immunohistochemistry: explore tissue biology with 30 antibodies simultaneously! 

Time: Wednesday February 6th at 13:00
Place: Auditorium 2, BB-building
Who: Everybody; researchers and technicians, PhD fellows and postdocs, guests, students and administrative staff.
Registration (free): https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=6031041
Chairperson: Sonia Gavasso

13.00 Introduction
13.15 The Core Facility Concept & Procedures for Access
13.30 The Hyperion Imaging System: Leigh-Anne McDuffus, Fluidigm Corporation
14.15 Keynote lecture: Dr. Dario Bressan, University of Cambridge
15.15 Mingling session with tapas

More information on the opening symposium is available here.

More information on the Helios Imaging System.

To make sure we order enough tapas, we prefer if you register as soon as possible and within January 31st.

BFS Starting Grant

Bergen Research Foundation (BFS) has announced a new round of BFS Starting Grantwith final deadline 15 March. Since there are restrictions in the number of candidates each department can nominate, we kindly ask interested applicants to send a two-page sketch describing the candidate, the project and the research environment in addition to the candidate’s CV (BFS asks for a maximum 3-page CV listing the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is 20 February. You can send the sketch and CV to amra.grudic@uib.no with Eystein Husebye and Julie Stavnes on copy.

Please note that this fellowship provides an opportunity to recruit external candidates something the foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

K.G. Jebsen centre – 2019 announcement

The foundation Kristian Gerhard Jebsen calls for proposals for funding new K.G. Jebsen centres in the field of Medicine. In this round, they aim to support two additional centres expected to start early 2020.

For more information, please consult the call text and templates on their webpage. The Foundation’s program of translational medicine was evaluated in 2018. You can download the evaluation report here.

The final call deadline is 6 May 2019. The department asks interested applicants to send a short sketch including the centre’s research focus and partners by 8 March.

You can send the sketch to amra.grudic@uib.no with Eystein Husebye and Julie Stavnes on copy.

Call for Applications: CUHK Faculty and PhD Student Mobility Schemes for 2019–20

We are pleased to share with you that the applications for the Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme and Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence to promote the development of academic and research partnerships between our institutions are now open for 2019-20.

Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme – For Faculty Members
Your academics can undertake research visits at CUHK under the support of this scheme.

  • Who: Full-time academic staff from any discipline
  • When: One week between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020
  • Support: Hotel/on-campus accommodation will be provided for up to seven nights
  • Application: The programme guidelines and application form are available here
  • Deadline: 10 April 2019, Wednesday

Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence – For PhD Students
The programme supports PhD students to undertake short-term research attachments at CUHK.

  • Who: Full-time PhD students from any discipline
  • When: One to six months between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020
  • Support: On-campus accommodation on a shared room basis will be provided
  • Application: The programme guidelines and application form are available here.
  • Deadline: 3 April 2019, Wednesday.

CUHK looks forward to receiving your faculty members and PhD students with a view to strengthening our existing links and collaboration. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Olivia Kwok.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 5 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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