Monthly Archives: October 2015

Guest lecture Monday October 5th

Date: Monday 5 October 2015 Venue : Auditorium 4, BB-building, Jonas Liesvei 91
Time: 09.00 – 09.30
Presenter: Professor G. Balakrish Nair, Director Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, India ( )
Topic: “The inside story of the impoverished gut”

Time: 09.35 – 10.10
Presenter: Professor Christoph Tang, University of Oxford
( )
Topic: “Meningococcal immune evasion”

You are all welcome!

Call for proposals: The Pasteur Endowment

PasteurDecember 27 this year the Pasteur Endowment will award grants to Norwegian scientists who intend to study topics like infectious agents, chemistry or the fermentation industry.
Grants are preferably given to young, active and promising researchers below doctoral level. Emphasis is placed on documentation of preliminary results and evaluations of their efforts. Priority is on specific operational and equipment needs, rather than travel, accommodation, general financial support and publication expenses. Continue reading

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

“Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha enhances rheumatoid synovial fibroblast signaling and promotes arthritis in mice”.
Stanford SM, Svensson MN, Sacchetti C, Pilo CA, Wu DJ, Kiosses WB, Hellvard A, Bergum B, Aleman Muench GR, Elly C, Liu YC, den Hertog J, Elson A, Sap J, Mydel P, Boyle DL, Corr M, Firestein GS, Bottini N.
Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015 Sep 28.

Antibodies to ß adrenergic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Loebel M, Grabowski P, Heidecke H, Bauer S, Hanitsch LG, Wittke K, Meisel C, Reinke P, Volk HD, Fluge Ø, Mella O, Scheibenbogen C.
Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Sep 20. pii: S0889-1591(15)30020-9.

Cis-eQTL analysis and functional validation of candidate susceptibility genes for high-grade serous ovarian cancer.
Lawrenson K, Li Q, Kar S, Seo JH, Tyrer J, Spindler TJ, Lee J, Chen Y, Karst A, Drapkin R, Aben KK, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova N; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Baker H, Bandera EV, Bean Y, Beckmann MW, Berchuck A, Bisogna M, Bjorge L, Bogdanova N, Brinton LA, Brooks-Wilson A, Bruinsma F, Butzow R, Campbell IG, Carty K, Chang-Claude J, Chenevix-Trench G, Chen A, Chen Z, Cook LS, Cramer DW, Cunningham JM, Cybulski C, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Dennis J, Dicks E, Doherty JA, Dörk T, du Bois A, Dürst M, Eccles D, Easton DT, Edwards RP, Eilber U, Ekici AB, Fasching PA, Fridley BL, Gao YT, Gentry-Maharaj A, Giles GG, Glasspool R, Goode EL, Goodman MT, Grownwald J, Harrington P, Harter P, Hasmad HN, Hein A, Heitz F, Hildebrandt MA, Hillemanns P, Hogdall E, Hogdall C, Hosono S, Iversen ES, Jakubowska A, James P, Jensen A, Ji BT, Karlan BY, Kruger Kjaer S, Kelemen LE, Kellar M, Kelley JL, Kiemeney LA, Krakstad C, Kupryjanczyk J, Lambrechts D, Lambrechts S, Le ND, Lee AW, Lele S, Leminen A, Lester J, Levine DA, Liang D, Lissowska J, Lu K, Lubinski J, Lundvall L, Massuger LF, Matsuo K, McGuire V, McLaughlin JR, Nevanlinna H, McNeish I, Menon U, Modugno F, Moysich KB, Narod SA, Nedergaard L, Ness RB, Azmi MA, Odunsi K, Olson SH, Orlow I, Orsulic S, Weber RP, Pearce CL, Pejovic T, Pelttari LM, Permuth-Wey J, Phelan CM, Pike MC, Poole EM, Ramus SJ, Risch HA, Rosen B, Rossing MA, Rothstein JH, Rudolph A, Runnebaum IB, Rzepecka IK, Salvesen HB, Schildkraut JM, Schwaab I, Sellers TA, Shu XO, Shvetsov YB, Siddiqui N, Sieh W, Song H, Southey MC, Sucheston L, Tangen IL, Teo SH, Terry KL, Thompson PJ, Timorek A, Tsai YY, Tworoger SS, van Altena AM, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, Vergote I, Vierkant RA, Wang-Gohrke S, Walsh C, Wentzensen N, Whittemore AS, Wicklund KG, Wilkens LR, Woo YL, Wu X, Wu AH, Yang H, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Monteiro A, Pharoah PD, Gayther SA, Freedman ML.
Nat Commun. 2015 Sep 22;6:8234.

The IRF5-TNPO3 association with systemic lupus erythematosus has two components that other autoimmune disorders variably share.
Kottyan LC, Zoller EE, Bene J, Lu X, Kelly JA, Rupert AM, Lessard CJ, Vaughn SE, Marion M, Weirauch MT, Namjou B, Adler A, Rasmussen A, Glenn S, Montgomery CG, Hirschfield GM, Xie G, Coltescu C, Amos C, Li H, Ice JA, Nath SK, Mariette X, Bowman S; UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry, Rischmueller M, Lester S, Brun JG, Gøransson LG, Harboe E, Omdal R, Cunninghame-Graham DS, Vyse T, Miceli-Richard C, Brennan MT, Lessard JA, Wahren-Herlenius M, Kvarnström M, Illei GG, Witte T, Jonsson R, Eriksson P, Nordmark G, Ng WF; UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry, Anaya JM, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Merrill JT, James JA, Guthridge JM, Scofield RH, Alarcon-Riquelme M, Bae SC, Boackle SA, Criswell LA, Gilkeson G, Kamen DL, Jacob CO, Kimberly R, Brown E, Edberg J, Alarcón GS, Reveille JD, Vilá LM, Petri M, Ramsey-Goldman R, Freedman BI, Niewold T, Stevens AM, Tsao BP, Ying J, Mayes MD, Gorlova OY, Wakeland W, Radstake T, Martin E, Martin J, Siminovitch K, Moser Sivils KL, Gaffney PM, Langefeld CD, Harley JB, Kaufman KM.
Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Jan 15;24(2):582-96.