Author Archives: lmo032

Correction of discovered error in the flexitime form

An error has been discovered in the excel sheet regarding compensatory time off (avspasering) in April, which causes the time to be added instead of deducted.

 This is easily corrected by doing the following:

Go to line 168 in the form, highlight cell 168 E.  In the formula box you will see that it says:  =SUMMER(E137:E167)-H168.
The minus sign should be +, so replace the text with the following: =SUMMER(E137:E167)+H168

Prizes of the Year 2014

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry will this year also award the Publication of the Year, the Research Group of the Year, the PhD-work of the Year, and Prize for Outstanding Research Communication.  Suggestions must be sent to Irene Hjelmaas by no later than 20.04.2015. Then the suggestions will be evaluated by the K2 leadership before they are submitted to the faculty by 24.04.
For more information (in Norwegian)


We wish to invite everyone to the next K1/K2 seminar, the 14th of April!

 Title: “Blame obesity on your genes? New genetic “excuse” found in too
lazy fat cells.”
 Held by Dr. Melina Claussnitzer.
Instructor in Medicine and Visiting Professor at MIT Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Boston, USA.
When: Tuesday 14th of April, 14:15 – 15:00.
Where: Stort Auditorium, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken
Chair: Simon Dankel
Everyone is welcome!
Click here for abstract



Announcement INTPART – International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education and the Norwegian Research Council have announced available funds aimed at increase international exchange and international experience for researchers and students at all levels of their careers.  The newly established program has been given the name INTPART, and will stimulate to long-term collaboration between researchers and students from strong academic environments in the prioritized countries Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, China, Russia, South-Africa and USA.  For more information


Public defence Week 16

mette-lokeland_trykkMette Løkeland will have her public defence on Friday April 17, 2015
Trial lecture: Friday april 17, 2015, kl.09.15
Topic: ”The Impact of Medical Methods on Abortion Service Provision”
Place: Kvinneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 72
Public defence: Friday April  17, 2015, kl.11.15
Place: Kvinneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 72
Title of dissertation: “Implementation of Medical Abortion in Norway 1998-2013”
1st opponent  Professor emeritus Allan Templeton, University of Aberdeen
2nd opponent Professor Kristina Gemzell Danielsson, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

press release

Public defence Week 13

Ingeborg BrønstadIngeborg Brønstad will have her public defence on Thursday March 26, 2015
Trial lecture: Thursday March 26, 2015, kl.09.15
Topic: ”Hva trenger vi å vite for å forstå hvordan HLA-molekyler bidrar til utvikling av autoimmune sykdommer”
Place: Auditorium 2, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies Vei 91
Public defence: Thursday March 26, 2015, kl.11.15
Place: Auditorium 2, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies Vei 91
Title of dissertation: ”Genetics of autoimmune Addison’s disease and congenital adrenal hyperplasia”
1st opponent Professor Anne Spurkland, Universitetet i Oslo
2nd opponent Førsteamanuensis Jørn Sagen, Universitetet i Bergen

press release

Public defence Week13

Tangvik Randi 04Randi Julie Tangvik will have her public defence on Wednesday March 25, 2015
Trial lecture: Wednesday March 25, 2015, kl.10.15
Topic: ”Implementering av ernæringsstrategier i norsk helsevesen ”
Place: Stort auditorium, 3. et. Sentralblokken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Public defence: Wednesday March 25, 2015, kl.12.15
Place: Stort auditorium, 3. et. Sentralblokken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: ”Nutritional risk in a university hospital: Challenges and    consequences in clinical practice”
1st opponent Professor Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen, Aalborg Universitet
2nd opponent Ph.d. Lene Thoresen, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim

 Press release


  1. DIA 27th Annual Euro meeting

Development, Innovation, Access and Patient Safety. Issues across the entire drug development value chain. 13-15 April 2015, Paris, France.

 2 Driving forces behind research and innovation. The Focus on Business Seminar 2015: From curiosity to success. Oslo, 21 April

 3 BIO-NANO match-making seminar for new joint Call on industry-relevant research in autumn 2015 (NANO2021 and BIONÆR). Oslo, 21 April

 4 Hvordan bli professor i Norge? Information and discussion about the path to professorship.

Oslo, 27 April

 New5. 10th NRI-Conference: Nordic Cooperation for Future Health and Challanges. Bergen, 4-5 May.

 6. Preannouncement: European IPR Helpdesk seminar “From Invention to Innovation” – Strategies for the Successful Exploitation. 12 – 13 May 2015, Bergen. More info comes here.

 New7. Webinar: Impact and Innovation in H2020 – a Guide for Proposers. 27 May 10.30-11.45. The registration will open 3 weeks in advance of the webinar.

 8. 2nd EATRIS conference: Building Bridges in Translational Medicine.

Amsterdam, 27-28 May 2015

 9 Conference EnGendering excellence. Gender is a cross-cutting issue in Horizon 2020. Distinguished international researchers will present why sex/gender analysis is crucial for the quality of their research. RCN, Oslo, 4-5 June 2015

 10. EuroNanoForum 2015: the largest European conference on nanotechnologies in the industrial environment offers excellent opportunities to find research and business contacts.

Riga, 10-12 June 2015

 11. 4th World Congress of Clinical Safety (4WCCS). Clinical Management and Governance for Healthcare Risk and Crisis. Vienna, Austria. 28 – 30 September 2015




New and simpler e-mail address for all employees

In order to simplify and adapt UiB’s e-mail system to new and improved services, abbreviation to unit/department/area will be removed from the e-mail addresses.  All new e-mail addresses will end with  All employees in the central administration have already obtained, and on March 12 all other employees at UiB will also obtain the new e-mail address.  NB! The old e-mail address ( will still work!  Persons with similar names will be contacted by the IT-department either via e-mail or via phone.
Here you can read more about the Project (in Norwegian)

Public defence Week 11

Lisa Drange HoleLisa Drange Hole will have her public defence on Friday March 13, 2015
Trial lecture: Friday March 13, 2015, kl.09.15
Topic: ”Terapeutiske muligheter for å redusere toksiske effekter av medikamenter på hjertet ”
Place: Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies Vei 91
Public defence: Friday March 13, 2015, kl.11.15
Place: Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies Vei 91
Title of dissertation: ”Cardiotoxicity of Doxorubicin. A study of Methods and protective interventions in Rat Models”
1st opponent Professor Odd Brsrs, Universitetet i Oslo
2nd opponent Professor Ellen Aasum, Universitetet i Tromsø

 Press relase


Public defence Week 11

Liv Cecilie Vestrheim ThomsenLiv Cecilie Vestrheim Thomsen will have her public defence on Friday March 13, 2015
Trial lecture: Friday March 13, 2015, kl.09.15
Topic: ”The immune system’s response; a common denominator in preecampsia and cardiovascular disease”
Place: Kvinneklinikken auditorium, Jonas Lies Vei 72
Public defence: Friday March 13, 2015, kl.11.15
Place: Kvinneklinikken auditorium Jonas Lies Vei 72
Title of dissertation: ”Preeclampsia: Specific genetic risk factors and shared predisition with cardiovascular disease”
1st opponent Professor Stefan Hansson, Lunds Universitet, Sverige
2nd opponent Professor Kristian Hveem, NTNU, Trondheim

 press relase


  1. 1. European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing, Brussels 9-10 March 2015
  2. Nye metoder for prediksjon av negative helseeffekter som følge av miljøgifter. Litteraturhuset i Oslo, i regi av programmet Miljøpåvirkning og helse. 17 March 2015
  3. The 9th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research. How can research inform the post-2015 agenda for women’s and children’s health and rights? 17-18 March 2015, Oslo.
  4. DIA 27th Annual Euro MeetingDevelopment, Innovation, Access and Patient Safety. Issues across the entire drug development value chain. 13-15 April 2015, Paris, France.

NY! 5. Driving forces behind research and innovation. The Focus on Business Seminar 2015: From curiosity to success. Oslo, 21 April

NY! Lenke 6. BIO-NANO match-making seminar for new joint Call on industry-relevant research in autumn 2015 (NANO2021 and BIONÆR). Oslo, 21 April

NY! 7. Hvordan bli professor i Norge? Information and discussion about the path to professorship. Oslo, 27 April

  1. 2nd EATRIS conference: Building Bridges in Translational Medicine. Amsterdam 27-28 May 2015

Report from the Strategy Seminar

Eystein 2The Strategy Seminar last week was informative and useful. Vice Dean for Research at Karolinska Institutet (KI) Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren gave an engaging talk about KI’s research strategy. Their starting point was to acknowledge that KI did not excel in medical research to the degree that KI thought themselves. Systematic bibliographic analyses of publication activity revealed that they had a strong position in Europe, but several universities with which they liked to be compared to, did better. KI defined as its goal to become as good as University of Oxford with regards to “impact” of publications. To reach this goal they decided to publish fewer, but better articles – in other words, more articles that bring significant new knowledge to the field and therefore reach the most prestigious journals. KI viewed their PhD-programs’ demand for 3-4 articles as an obstacle – “it is better to publish one high-impact article than 3-4 articles of lesser importance”. KI has now removed the demand for a minimum number of articles in PhD-theses. Furthermore, KI wishes to recruit active research leaders and now work very actively with recruitment of such persons. A “starting package” often is in the order of 10 million per year for 3-5 years. Such a package is often composed of both university- and external funding, but it should be noted that KI is in charge of the strategy and the evaluation of candidates. At the same time KI has a keen eye also on the groups who perform badly, and take action. Sometimes such groups merged with stronger groups, other times they are dismantled.

 ViceRector Anne Lise Fimreite talked about UiB’s strategy process. UiB aims to build up strong research clusters. One of these is called Health, and will focus on research related to health services (Samhandlingsreformen). The strategy document will soon be out on hearing, which gives you a chance to submit your views.

 Finally the Pharmaceutical Industry informed of their interest in increased interaction with academic institutions; they wish to establish a pilot center for such collaboration in Bergen. It will be exciting to learn more about this in the near future.

 Finally there was a workshop and discussion on the department’s organization. I expected both criticism and creative suggestions for changes, but it appeared that most people were satisfied with today’s organization. The discussion was rather tame, but one conclusion emerged – if K2 is to improve we have to collaborate better; everyone must contribute to do the work.

 Eystein Husebye

 Head of Department


We wish to invite everyone to the K1/K2 seminar series!

 Next seminar:
Title: “Genetic alterations causing resistance to chemotherapy in breast
 Held by Stian Knappskog.
Section of Oncology, K2, UiB / Mohn Kreftforskningslab., HUS
When: Wednesday 4th of March, 14:15 – 15:00.
Where: Stort Auditorium, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken
Chair: Pål Njølstad

  Continue reading

New PhD-Coordinator at Department of Clinical Science

Present PhD-Coordinator Kristian Jensen will start a new job on 01.05.2015.  Higher Executive Officer Irene Lavik Hjelmaas will then take over all PhD-related tasks.  Kristian will also be absent between 27.02.2015 – 06.04.2015, so during this period Irene may also be contacted regarding PhD-related inquiries.  Irene may be reached at phone 55 58 88 46 or e-mail  Irene Hjelmaas

Public defence Week 10

Carla FernandesCarla Patrica Duarte Fernandes will have her public defence on Thursday March 5, 2015
Trial lecture: Thursday March 5 2015, kl.09.15
Topic: ”Genomics neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatry – what studies of cognition can tell us about psychosis risk”
Place: Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defence: Thursday March 5 2015, kl.11.15
Place: Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: ”A Genetic  study of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.  A cognitive endophenotype approach”
1st opponent Professor Gary Donohoe, National  University of Ireland
2nd opponent Ph.d. Robert Lyle, Universitetet i Oslo

Press relase




Public defence Week 10

Sivakumaran, DhanasekaranDhanasekaran Sivakumaran will have his public defence on Thursday March 5, 2015
Trial lecture: Thursday March 5, 2015,kl. 09:15
Topic: ”Tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis infection: dignostic strategies in high- and low endemic settings”
Place: Audtorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag
Public defence: Thursday March 5, 2015 kl. 11.15
Place: Audtorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag
Title of dissertation: ”Biomarkersof mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and disease in children in Southern India”
1st  Opponent: MD, Ph.D. Søren Tetens Hoff, Statens Serum Institute, København, Danmark
2nd. Opponent :Ph.D Ulf R. Dahle Folkehelseinstituttet

 Press relase


Public defence Week 10

Jan Anker JahnsenJan Anker Jahnsen will have his public defence on Friday March 6, 2015
Trial lecture: Thursday March 5, 2015, 15.15
Topic: ”Topogy and pharmacological importance of ionotropic glutamate channels (NMDA and AMPA receptors)”
Place: Auditorium 1, Bygg for Biologiske basalfag
Public defence: Friday March 6, 2015, 10.15
Place: Audtorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag
Title of dissertation: ”Predicted signal peptides, and the role of the N-terminal tail, at the monoamine G-protein coupled receptors 5-HT 2C and a 2c”
1st  Opponent: Proffesor Dan Larhammar, Uppsala Universitet, Sverige
2nd. Opponent : Professor emeritus Ole Jacob Broch, Bergen

 Press relase


Verify publications in CRIStin

This is a reminder to all scientific employees that they verify that publications from 2014 are registered in CRIStin.  The institute’s deadline for registering publications is 27.02.2015.  The scientific employee is responsible for adding publications that are missing, but the administration may assist if you encounter any problems (send an e-mail to Kristian Jensen) Click here for information on how to add publications (in Norwegian)


The strategy seminar

Eystein HusebyeNext week K2’s research group leaders and the heads of the teaching sections will meet for a strategy seminar.  A main topic will be the organization of the institute.  Quite a lot works well at the 2-year old K2, and I want to highlight the administrative services as a good example.  Less successful is the dividing of the organizational structure into teaching sections and research groups.  We wish to discuss the organizational structure as a whole with the aim of achieving a more operational and efficient institute structure which involves the research group leaders to a larger extent than before.

 Another main issue is collaboration with other institutions.  I wish for a tighter and more dynamic collaboration with the hospital sections attached to K2.  This collaboration is currently probably working best at the smaller and professionalized departments such as the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Children’s Clinic, Medical Genetics and Rheumatology.  However, a large potential for improvement exists regarding the collaboration with very large departments such as, for instance, the Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Heart Disease.  If all leaders at the hospital and the institutes were represented in each other’s leader groups, then this could perhaps promote this collaboration.  Here we can learn from the exciting solutions they have in Trondheim, where hospital and university leadership collaborate very closely.

 Nothing has been decided in advance.  Thus, I hope for a creative and constructive seminar.

 Eystein Husebye
Head of Department